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The Exhilarating Rhode Island

The Exhilarating Rhode Island. By: Taylor Cook and Serena H ernandez. Founded/Reason. Founded in 1636 For religious freedom. Founded by Roger Williams & Anne Hutchison. Important people. The important people are A nne Hutchinson Roger Williams

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The Exhilarating Rhode Island

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Exhilarating Rhode Island By: Taylor Cook and Serena Hernandez

  2. Founded/Reason • Founded in 1636 • For religious freedom • Founded by Roger Williams & Anne Hutchison

  3. Important people • The important people are Anne Hutchinson Roger Williams • They founded the colony for freedom of religion

  4. Natural Recourses • Whaling, fishing, dairy, livestock, lumbering, ship building, importing and exporting rum

  5. Interesting Facts • The name came from the Dutch name “ Roodt Eylandt” • This means “red clay” witch lines the shores

  6. Geography/ Climate • There were mountains/hills, trees, rivers, poor rocky soil • Long cold winters, short mild summers

  7. Any Questions? • Why did the colonist want religious freedom? • Why did people fallow Roger Williams to this colony? • How did Rhode Island’s religious freedom effect other colonies? Explain why. • How was Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams important?

  8. Bibliography • Website:http://www.sonofthesouth.net/revolutionary-war/colonies/rhode-island.htm • http://www.epa.gov/greatlakes/image/viz_iss1.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shipbuilding • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Gypsum_hills.jpg • http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/1800/1825/williams_6.htm • http://www.landofthebrave.info/anne-hutchinson.htm

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