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太阳高分辨率观测的重要意义 The importance of high-resolution solar observations. 方 成 南京大学天文系 Department of Astronomy Nanjing University. 2010.8.11. Contents. Space observations in abroad Ground-based observations in abroad The importance of high-resolution solar observations
太阳高分辨率观测的重要意义The importance of high-resolution solar observations 方 成 南京大学天文系 Department of Astronomy Nanjing University 2010.8.11
Contents • Space observations in abroad • Ground-based observations in abroad • The importance of high-resolution solar observations • Existent and future telescopes in China • Future prospect of solar physics study in China 2010.8.11
Solar activities: Flares and CMEs TRACE观测的耀斑 SOHO观测的日冕物质抛射 2010.8.11
Space observations in abroad • Hinode (2006.9.22) • SDO (2010.2.11--) • STEREO (2006.10.25) • SOHO (1995.12--) • TRACE (1998.4 --) • RHESSI (2002.2 --) • Solar Orbiter(2017 ?) • Solar Sentinels (2018 ?) 2010.8.11
Main scientific objects ofHinode(日出) • 元磁流管的连续高分辨率观测 • 磁流浮现、黑子形成及日震观测 • 探测 MHD 波 • 光球色球的磁重联 • 纳耀斑(Pico-flares)及元磁场的跟踪 (Parker concept) • 热环和冷环的磁特性 2010.8.11
Three high-performance telescopes • EUV 成像分光计(EIS) 诊断日冕热特性和动力学 • 50cm太阳光学望远镜(SOT) 光球磁场和速度场 的高分辨率观测 • X射线 望远镜(XRT) 日冕X射线、EUV 高分辨率成像 2010.8.11
SOT 2010.8.11
Some observations Fine structure of magnetic field 2010.8.11
Activities in the photosphere and the chromosphere Prominence Small scale activities 2010.8.11
Fine structures in and around sunspots 黑子与米粒活动 2010.8.11
SDO(Solar Dynamical Observatory)2010.2.11 发射,预期寿命5年 Main scientific objects • 3维日冕动力学结构 • 高精度向量磁场和速度场 • 高能粒子辐射和源区 • 各种波的研究 • 太阳辐射测量 2010.8.11
Payloads on SDO 2010.8.11
AIA wavelength bands Channel †† Ion(s) Region of Atmosphere* Char. log(T) C IV 1550 Å He II 304 Å Visible - Continuum Photosphere 3.7 1600Å? Fe IX/X 171 Å 1700Å - Continuum Temperature minimum, photosphere 3.7 304Å 12.7 He II Chromosphere, transition region, 4.7 Fe XX/XXIII 133 Å 1600Å - C IV+cont. Transition region + upper photosphere 5.0 GT 171Å 4.7 Fe IX Quiet corona, upper transition region 5.8 Fe XII 195 Å Fe XVIII 94 Å 193Å 6.0 Fe XII, XXIV Corona and hot flare plasma 6.1, 7.3 Science Telescope 211Å 7.0 Fe XIV Active-region corona 6.3 Fe XIV 211 Å Fe XVI 335 Å AIA Telescope Assembly = Science Telescope + GT + CEB 335Å 16.5 Fe XVI Active-region corona 6.4 94Å 0.9 Fe XVIII Flaring regions 6.8 131Å 4.4 Fe XX, XXIII Flaring regions 7.0, 7.2 *Absorption allows imaging of chromospheric material within the corona; ††FWHM, in Å AIA 观测的 波长范围 视场:41’– 46’, 4K х 4K CCD, 正入射多层膜,分辨率: 1.2” 2010.8.11
Varieties of solar activities SDO新观测结果 分辨率: 1.0” Mar. 30, 2010 filament eruption Solar active regions in different temratures 2010.8.11
Solar Orbiter (2017 ?)ESA, 1300公斤,0.23 AU • 实地测量带电粒子、中性粒子、磁场和尘埃粒子等 • 遥感测量高分辨全日面和局部太阳紫外和可见光像、测量局部磁场。包括日冕仪、极紫外成像望远镜、极紫外分光计、X射线成像望远镜、磁象仪、辐射计等 2010.8.11
Solar Orbiter太阳大气观测仪器 • Solar Orbiter CoronagraphDepartment of the Navy Naval Research Laboratory R. Howard USA • Extreme Ultraviolet ImagersRoyal Observatory of Belgium Dr. JM. DefiseB, F, D, UK, Extreme Ultra-Violet Imager EUV Naval Research LaboratoryDr. J. Newmark USA • Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometer Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Prof. R. Harrison, UK, D, I, N, USA, F, CZ Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment SPICEGSFC Dr. J.M. DavilaUSA, UK • RadiometersRoyal Meteorological Institute of Belgium Dr. Ir. S. DewitteB Solar Irradiance Monitor 3D World Radiation Center H. Roth CH, D • Space Weather Imaging Sentinel Southwest Research Institute Dr. D.M. Hassler USA • Visible Imager and MagnetographMax Planck Institute for Solar System Research Dr. J. Woch D, E, F, USA, S, CH, NL , Dual-Height Vector Magnetograph and DopplergraphMarshall Space Flight Center Dr. J. Davis USA • X-ray Imaging Spectrometer Institute of Astronomy Dr. G. Hurford CH, CZ, IR, F, UK, GR, A, D, USA, Japan 2010.8.11
Solar SentinelsNASA, 2018 ?, 3-5 years Scientific objects: • 了解高能粒子的加速和传输; • 了解CME和行星际激波的初发和演化。 共6个卫星:4个在0.25AU,1个在地球附近,1个在地球后方 2010.8.11
Ground-based observations in abroad • 瑞典1米真空太阳望远镜 • 大熊湖1.6米太阳望远镜 • VTT(德国),1米太阳塔 • THEMIS(法-意),90cm口径 • 德国GREGOR 1.5米望远镜 • 美国国立天文台4米太阳望远镜(ATST) • 欧州太阳望远镜(EST) 2010.8.11
瑞典1米真空太阳望远镜 (SST) • 2002.5 First light • 自适应光学 • 很少而高质量的镜面 • ~0.1角秒的太阳像 • 分光偏振计(2006.4) • 双Fabry-perot滤光器系统及成像偏振计,70”×70”, 0.07”/pixel, 520-862nm. 2010.8.11
BBSO1.6m telescope • ATST之前世界最大太阳望远镜 • Off–axis 望远镜 • BBSO 视宁度 R0>7cm,这是自适应光学所必需的 • 2009 first light 2010.8.11
采用自适应光学目前AO-96,新建:AO-349 2010.8.11
BBSO 2010.8.11
Other big telescopes VTT, 70cm, Tenerife NSO, 1m, Sunspot THEMIS, 90cm 还有一些新的射电望远镜 2010.8.11
德国GREGOR telescope (1.5m)(地平式,自适应光学) At Teide Observatory, Tenerife 2010.8.11
GREGOR scientific objects and instruments Scientific Objects: • 磁通量的浮现、演化和消失 • 黑子的能量平衡 • 色球精细结构和加热 Main instruments: • Fabry-Perot 分光计 • 偏振光谱仪 • 红外光谱仪 (计划) 2010.8.11
AdvancedTechnologySolarTelescope - ATSTEuropean Solar Telescope - EST • 口径4米 • 观测波长0.3-35µm • 分辨率∽0.03’’ @ 5,000 Å • 视场3-5角分 • 偏振测量精度5×10-4 • ATST:建在夏威夷 • EST:建在La Palma ATST - First light in 2015 EST - First light In 2020 2010.8.11
Advantages and disadvantages of ground-based observations • Advantages: • 高的时间分辨率 (0.01 sec) • 高的光谱分辨率 (≧ 200,000) • 高的空间分辨率 (0.1” – 70km @ 5000Å) • 易维修和更新 • 低成本 • Disadvantages: • 受大气和天气的影响 • 只能白天观测 2010.8.11
Why we need high-resolution(spatial and temporal) observations 光球中光子平均自由程和压力标高 0.1’’ = 70 km 磁对流与大气动力学耦合 磁流管是磁大气的基本构件 磁流管与冕环的关系 很小尺度下的物理过程 (5 – 20 km) 2010.8.11
Resolution of the telescopes SoHO-resolution image of sunspot TRACE-resolution image of sunspot Swedish Solar Telescope image of sunspot 2010.8.11
Why we need high-resolution observations? • 研究元磁流管,纳耀斑 • 研究耀斑和CME • 研究暗条形成和结构 • 研究黑子的形成及能量平衡(精细结构、本影点) • 研究色球精细结构和加热(针状物、微耀斑等) • 研究光球宁静区 • 研究高能粒子辐射和源区 • 研究各种波的形成和传播 2010.8.11
Tostudy magnetic elements, nano-flares:corona heating, the origin of MF etc. Hinode CaII 3968A 图像,从针状物检测色球Alfven波,足可引发太阳风 (Pontieu et al. 2007) 沿切线1的空间-时间图 Monte-Carlo 模拟结果 沿切线2的空间-时间图 2010.8.11
To study flares and CMEs:WLFs, current sheets, magnetic reconnection etc. White-light flare at 1.56 μXu et al. (2004) Lin et al. (2005) 2010.8.11
Approach of flare Hαtwo-ribbons Ji et al. (2004, 2006) 时间分辨率40幅/秒 两个耀斑双带核块在脉冲相 时先靠近,后再分离 2010.8.11
To study the formation and the structures of filaments 暗条足点? Aulanier et al. 1998 SST观测到的暗条 2010.8.11
To study the formation and the structures of filaments From Hinode 2010.8.11
To study the formation and the energy balance of sunspots Hinode 2010.8.11
To study the formation and the energy balance of sunspots Hinode (Camag 2006.11.13) 2010.8.11
SST Blue Continuuum Resolution ≈ 80km Jess et al., ApJL, 2008 2010.8.11
To study the fine structures and the heating of the chromosphere(Including spicula、microflares etc.) SST:6563A, 8662A, Slit-jaw images 研究运动的纤维结构 (Langangen et al., 2007) SST: (a) G-band像, (b) 3968Å 像, (c) 6302Å 磁图 , (d) 6768AÅ 速度场 (Berger et al.m 2004) 2010.8.11
To study small scale activities Various Ca jets 在 Ca II H 像中发现许多 jets (Shibata et al. 2007, Science 318, 1591) 宽 度~ 100 - 300 km 长度~ 500 - 2000 km 速度 ~ 5 – 20 km/s 寿命 ~ 100 – 200 sec 2006 Dec 17 CaII H broad band filter images 2010.8.11
Ellerman Bombs andMicroflares EB at H α (1.3Å) and 1600Å (Qiu et al., 2000) Locations for two MFs (No.1-2) on the 2D images at the Hαcenter at 08:12 UT The contour levels of the longitudinal magnetic field are - 800, -300, -50, -5, 4, 40, 200, 500 G. The green and purple lines correspond negative and positive polarity, respectively. 2010.8.11
To study the quiet regions of the photosphere(对流、米粒、米粒间等) 2006.11.2 Hinode G band (4305埃) CaI 2010.8.11
To study the quiet regions of the photosphere(SST) 2010.8.11
To study the emission and the origin of high energy particles 黑点为起点,颜色由深到浅代表UV点的运动 Fletcher et al. 2004 2010.8.11
To study the emission and the origin of high energy particles (Temmer et al. 2007) HXR 点源运动,从红到紫 Trace 1700A bright points 2010.8.11
To study the formation and propagation of waves Hinode/EIS 195 Å 振幅:1 km/s 周期:296 s 局地磁场:39±8G Doorrsselaer et al. 2007 : 冕环的震荡 2010.8.11
To study the formation and propagation of waves 由Hinode/SOT资料求色球强度起伏谱,表明 5-40mHz 波动能量不能够解释色球加热 (Carlsson et al. 2007) 2010.8.11
Existent telescopes 南京大学太阳塔 太阳磁场望远镜 全日面磁场望远镜 多通道近红外光谱仪 (PMO) 精细结构望远镜 (PMO, YAO) 全日面Hα监视仪 (YAO) Stokes 光谱仪 (YAO) 快速太阳射电频谱仪 2010.8.11
怀柔全日 面磁图 2010.8.11
Some observation data 国台射电频谱仪 斑马纹结构 南京大学二维成像光谱 高光谱分辨率的二维耀斑光谱资料 紫台10830埃二维耀斑光谱资料 2010.8.11