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Chocolate Power: Understanding Systems of Government Simulation

Explore different government systems - Unitary, Confederate, & Federal using chocolate analogy to understand power distribution. Learn advantages & disadvantages of each. Engage in group activity to illustrate systems creatively.

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Chocolate Power: Understanding Systems of Government Simulation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Warm-Up 1/27 • What major event is going to take place tonight? Why is it so important?

  2. Systems of Government

  3. Simulation • Each of you has a bag containing 1 cookie, 1 Hershey kiss, and multiple chocolate chips. DO NOT EAT THE CONTENTS OF YOUR BAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Chocolate = Power • Open your bag and take out the cookie. The cookie represents the government. • Take the Hershey Kiss out of your bag and place it in the center of your cookie. • Where is the power located? • Therefore, who has the power? • Remove the Hershey Kiss. • This system of government is called…..

  5. …Unitary government • Places all of the power in the national government’s hands. • Examples of unitary governments include: Great Britain, Israel, and Japan. • What are some advantages of this system? • What are some disadvantages of this system?

  6. Chocolate = Power • Place your chocolate chips on your cookie. • Where are they located? • Where is the power located? • Therefore, who has the power? • Take the chocolate chips off your cookie. • This system of government is called…

  7. …Confederation • Only handles matters assigned to it by the states. States hold political power of government and work together to accomplish common goals, but each state maintains its own power. There may or may not be a national government. • Examples of confederate governments include: the Confederate States of America (1861-1865) and the European Union. • What are some advantages of this system? • What are some disadvantages of this system?

  8. Chocolate = Power • Place your Hershey kiss back on your cookie. • Now place your chocolate chips onto your cookie. • Where is the power located? • Therefore, who has the power? • This system of government is called…

  9. …Federal • Divide power between the national and several local (state) governments. Some powers belong to the national (central) government while other powers belong to the local (state) governments. • Examples of federal government include: the United States, Germany, and India. • What are some advantages of this system? • What are some disadvantages of this system?

  10. Going beyond the cookie • Is it Unitary, Confederate, or Federal??? Cupcakes Birthday/Sheet Cake Layer/wedding cake

  11. Application • In your groups, you will draw a picture of the three systems of government that you have learned about today. • The three pictures you choose should all be related. • For example: • Cheese pizza, Pepperoni Pizza, and Supreme Pizza. These are all pizzas. • Hershey Bar, Nestle Crunch Bar, and Snickers Bar. These are all candy bars.

  12. Closure 1/27 • Which system of government would you rather be the leader of? • Which system of government would you rather be a citizen of? • Explain

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