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Blood pH & Buffers

Blood pH & Buffers. http://www.techmanage.net/images/BF2TeeterTotter.png. CO 2 is transported in blood as HCO 3 - (bicarbonate ion). KIDNEYS and LUNGS work together to maintain pH of blood ~ 7.4

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Blood pH & Buffers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Blood pH & Buffers http://www.techmanage.net/images/BF2TeeterTotter.png

  2. CO2 is transported in blood as HCO3- (bicarbonate ion) KIDNEYS and LUNGS work together to maintain pH of blood ~ 7.4 If pH rises ABOVE normal range = ALKALOSIS If pH falls BELOW normal range = ACIDOSIS

  3. [CARBONIC ACID] controlled by LUNGS BREATHING FASTER/DEEPLY REMOVES MORE CO2 decreasing H2CO3 and HCO3- in blood and raising blood pH (less H+) [HCO3-] is controlled by rate of EXCRETION by KIDNEYS

  4. EMPHYSEMAWHAT WILLORGANS DO? H+ + HCO3 -↔ H2CO3 ↔ H2O + CO2bicarbonate carbonic acid Decreased respiration raises CO2 in blood

  5. EMPHYSEMAWHAT WILLORGANS DO? H+ + HCO3 -↔ H2CO3 ↔ H2O + CO2bicarbonate carbonic acid → Respiratory therapyto increase breathing& remove CO2 Kidneys excretebicarbonate Decreased respiration raises CO2 in blood Pushes equilbrium to leftMore CO2 = more H+ in blood= RESPIRATORY ACIDOSIS

  6. ASTHMAWHAT WILLORGANS DO? H+ + HCO3 -↔ H2CO3 ↔ H2O + CO2bicarbonate carbonic acid → Respiratory therapyto increase breathing& remove CO2 Kidneys excretebicarbonate Decreased respiration raises CO2 in blood Pushes equilbrium to leftMore CO2 = more H+ in blood= RESPIRATORY ACIDOSIS

  7. REPEATED VOMITING WHAT WILL DUE TO ILLNESS ORGANS DO? H+ + HCO3 -↔ H2CO3 ↔ H2O + CO2bicarbonate carbonic acid → Respiration slowsto increase CO2Kidneys excreteLESS bicarbonate pH INcreases (less H+) = METABOLIC ALKALOSIS Pushes equilbrium to right

  8. ANXIETY/WHAT WILLHYPERVENTILATION ORGANS DO? H+ + HCO3 -↔ H2CO3 ↔ H2O + CO2bicarbonate carbonic acid → Fainting/breathing in paper bag decreases breathing & increases CO2 Kidneys excrete LESSbicarbonate Increase in breathingcauses rise in pH (less H+) Pushes equilbrium to rightless CO2 = less H+ in blood= RESPIRATORY ALKALOSIS

  9. HEAVY EXERCISE/ WHAT WILLSEVERE BURNSORGANS DO? H+ + HCO3 -↔ H2CO3 ↔ H2O + CO2bicarbonate carbonic acid → Increase breathingto remove CO2 Kidneys excrete MORE bicarbonate Products of metabolism increase lactic acid in blooddecreases pH (more H+) Pushes equilbrium to left= METABOLIC ACIDOSIS

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