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Mu2e Working Group Meeting

Mu2e Working Group Meeting. March 17, 2010 1:00– 2:30 PM Snake Pit. Agenda. Revisit Purpose of PM Working Group Meetings [Dean Hoffer ] Overview of Mu2E Project and Current Status of Project Development [Ron Ray] Status of Solenoids [Mike Lamm ] WBS considerations [Dean Hoffer ]

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Mu2e Working Group Meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mu2e Working Group Meeting March 17, 2010 1:00– 2:30 PM Snake Pit

  2. Agenda • Revisit Purpose of PM Working Group Meetings [Dean Hoffer] • Overview of Mu2E Project and Current Status of Project Development [Ron Ray] • Status of Solenoids [Mike Lamm] • WBS considerations [Dean Hoffer] • Project Organization Formation and Collaboration Support Discussion [Dean Hoffer / Ron Ray] • Overview of Preparations for Critical Decision Process [Dean Hoffer] • Project Timeline [Dean and All] • Discuss Next Meeting [Dean Hoffer] 17-Mar-2010 Mu2e WGM

  3. Fermilab’s Project Management System Lifecycle 17-Mar-2010 Mu2e WGM

  4. Purpose of Working Group Meetings • Mentor Project Teams in Project Management Processes and DOE Requirements • Guide projects through CD-0,1, 2 and 3 process • Ensure projects are ready for Director’s and DOE Reviews • Facilitate open communication to address problems • Meetings include project office personnel, Control Account Managers, Directorate that oversee the project, the DOE Federal Project Director, DOE OHEP Program Manager, OPMO, ES&H, Procurement and other support personnel 17-Mar-2010 Mu2e WGM

  5. Typical DOE Acquisition Management System for Line Item Projects • Figure 1 from DOE O 413.3A Pre-conceptual Planning Conceptual Design Preliminary Design Final Design Construction 17-Mar-2010 Mu2e WGM

  6. DOE O 413.3AActions Authorized by Critical Decision Approvals 17-Mar-2010 Mu2e WGM

  7. 17-Mar-2010 Mu2e WGM

  8. Matrix Links • Critical Decision Matrix http://www.fnal.gov/directorate/OPMO/DOE/o413/CD_Actions_Authorized.pdf • Decision/Approval Matrix http://www.fnal.gov/directorate/OPMO/DOE/o413/project_decision_matrix.pdf 17-Mar-2010 Mu2e WGM

  9. OPMO Website and Procedures • OPMO Main Webpage: http://www.fnal.gov/directorate/OPMO/OPMOhome.htm • OPMO Procedures: http://www.fnal.gov/directorate/OPMO/PolProc/home.htm • FRA Earned Value Management System Description • 12.PM-001 Project WBS, OBS, RAM • 12.PM-002 Control Accounts, Work Packages, Planning Packages • 12.PM-003 Work Authorization • 12.PM-004 Project Scheduling • 12.PM-005 Cost Estimating • 12.PM-006 Monthly Status and Reporting • 12.PM-007 Change Control • 12.PM-008 EVMS Surveillance & Maintenance 17-Mar-2010 Mu2e WGM

  10. Ron Ray’s Project Overview Presentation • Mike Lamm’s Solenoids Presentation 17-Mar-2010 Mu2e WGM

  11. First steps in developing the WBS • Need to define the project scope based on what needs to be delivered to perform the experiment to meet the mission need • Develop Deliverable based Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) • Generate Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary, which defines what is being delivered 17-Mar-2010 Mu2e WGM

  12. WBS Development • Factors in Developing Appropriate Level • If multiple Institutions are performing portions of the same work (i.e. assembly factories) • Level appropriate to manage / analyze progress and evaluating cost variances • Color of Money (R&D/OPC, PED, Line Item) also ARRA – (conceptual, preliminary, and final design) 17-Mar-2010 Mu2e WGM

  13. WBS Example 17-Mar-2010 Mu2e WGM

  14. Project Organization Formation and Collaboration Support • Project • Responsible to deliver a defined scope of work that will allow the collaboration to conduct an experiment to meet the science stated in the approved Mission Need • Staff the project to deliver the project scope within budget and on schedule • Collaboration • Develop the criteria/ requirements /specification of the equipment that the project is to design, build and install for the collaboration to perform the experiment to meet the Mission Need • Supplier of resources to help staff the project organization 17-Mar-2010 Mu2e WGM

  15. Project Scientist or Director Deputy Project Scientist or Director Project Manager Deputy Project Manager Subproject Technical Managers (i.e. Level 2) Subproject Technical Leads (i.e. Level 3) Project Controls (Schedule and EVMS) Project Budget Manager/ Specialist Senior/ Specialist Project Engineers (Mechanical, Electrical/Electronics, Civil) System Integration Engineer Project Chemist Project Procurement Administrator/Specialist Project ES&H Project Administration Control Account Mangers (CAMs) Project Integration Manager Project Risk Manager Project Configuration Manager Project Quality Manager NEPA Coordinator Project Webmaster Project Database Manager Project Staffing (Potential Positions/Responsibilities) 17-Mar-2010 Mu2e WGM

  16. Steps Toward CD-1 • Create and Maintain Key Assumption Document. • This document help define what is and is not in the scope of the project • NOvA example has the following sections- Cost, Schedule, Technical and Programmatic • Develop realistic Cost and Schedule Range. 17-Mar-2010 Mu2e WGM

  17. Critical Path to get through CD-1 • Complete Conceptual Design and documenting it in the Conceptual Design Report (CDR) • Developing a Resource Loaded Schedule (RSL) and Cost Estimate (includes BOEs and risk driven cost and schedule contingency) • Developing Required Project Management Documents (i.e. PEP, PMP, CDR, TDR, Acquisition strategy, Preliminary Hazard Analysis, Configuration Management Plan, Value Management Plan, Risk Management Plan, etc.) 17-Mar-2010 Mu2e WGM

  18. CD-1 Documents • Preliminary Project Execution Plan (PEP) • Acquisition Strategy • Conceptual Design Report (CDR) • Baseline Range and Resource Loaded Schedule • Configuration Management Plan • Preliminary PMP • Preliminary Hazard Analysis Report • Assumptions Document • Preliminary Risk Management Plan and Risk Assessment • QA Program • Value Management Documentation 17-Mar-2010 Mu2e WGM

  19. Factors in developing CD timeline • Director’s Reviews (Design 2-3 months, PM 4-6 weeks) before DOE Review • DOE Independent Project Reviews – IPRs (Lehman Reviews – 1 month + before EIR) • External Independent Review – EIR (for projects less than $400M to $100M prior to CD-2) 2-3 months before ESAAB • ESAAB (month + before CD Approval) 17-Mar-2010 Mu2e WGM

  20. 17-Mar-2010 Mu2e WGM

  21. Next Meeting • 3rd Wednesday each month from 1:00 – 2:30 PM • Next Meeting 21-Apr 17-Mar-2010 Mu2e WGM

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