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THE UNTAMED CONTINENT. Australia A= 7,741,220 km2 (6th) Italy A= 301,318km2 (71st). ACT - Canberra. Bush Fires. Space Exploration. Victoria - Melbourne. Geelong. Tasmania - Hobart. New South Wales - Sydney. Queensland - Brisbane. The Great Barrier Reef. Northern Territory - Darwin.

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Presentation Transcript


  2. Australia A= 7,741,220 km2 (6th) Italy A= 301,318km2 (71st)

  3. ACT - Canberra

  4. Bush Fires Space Exploration

  5. Victoria - Melbourne

  6. Geelong

  7. Tasmania - Hobart

  8. New South Wales - Sydney

  9. Queensland - Brisbane

  10. The Great Barrier Reef

  11. Northern Territory - Darwin

  12. South Australia - Adelaide

  13. Western Australia - Perth

  14. Aussie Sports

  15. Aussie Rules

  16. Netball

  17. Soccer

  18. Cricket

  19. Surfing

  20. Bells Beach Rip Curl Pro

  21. Koalas

  22. Kangaroos

  23. Platypus

  24. Echidna

  25. Crocodile

  26. Emu

  27. Australia’s Beaches

  28. Australia’s Forests

  29. The Australian People England, Ireland, Scotland, Italy, Spain, Holland, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Eastern Europe China, Japan, Sri Lanka, India, Phillipines, The Americas, Sudan, Greece, The Middle East- Israel, Lebanon, Native Aboriginals

  30. Aboriginal Australians

  31. Australian Food

  32. Australian Slang G’Day mate- bellazio Bloke- un uomo Struth- Oh Dio! Bloody- molto Munt- vomitare Bogan- Chillax- vai tra Crook- si sente male Off his face- umbriaco Bludger- una persona pigra Pig’s arse/ As if- non è vero Mate- un amico No worries- non ti preoccupare Tin arse- che culo Tongue Twister- How much wood would a wodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

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