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Environmental Science and Technology Parks (ESTPs) in Taiwan. Park Plans. Four Parks The total aera of four ESTPs is 123 hectares, with $18.8 million budget. Period: 2002~2011. Kaohsiung. Hualian. Taoyuan. Tainan. 基隆市. 台北市. 桃園縣. 台北縣. 新竹市. 新竹縣. 宜蘭縣. 苗栗縣. 台中縣. 台中市. 彰化縣. 南投縣.
Environmental Science and Technology Parks (ESTPs) in Taiwan
Park Plans • Four Parks • The total aera of four ESTPs is 123 hectares, with $18.8 million budget. • Period: 2002~2011 Kaohsiung Hualian Taoyuan Tainan
基隆市 台北市 桃園縣 台北縣 新竹市 新竹縣 宜蘭縣 苗栗縣 台中縣 台中市 彰化縣 南投縣 花蓮縣 雲林縣 嘉義縣 台南縣 台東縣 台南市 高雄縣 高雄市 屏東縣 Four Parks ※ Site: Taoyuan High-Tech Industrial Park ※ Area: 31ha ※ Since: 2007/ 08 ※ Park Including: 10 factories ※ green building certification Taoyuan ※ Site: Fenglin Integrated Industrial Park ※ Area: 22 ha ※ Since: 2008/ 10 ※ Park Including: 15 factories ※ green building certification Hualian Tainan Kaohsiung ※ Site: Ta-Hsin-Ying Industrial Park ※ Area:30ha ※ Since: 2008/05 ※ Park Including: 11 factories ※ 9 green building indexes ※ Site: Benjhou Industrial Park ※ Area: 40 ha ※ Since: 2006/06 ※ Park Including: 31 factories ※ 9 green building indexes
Green Industries in Focus • Industries related to cleaner production technologyProviding equipment or technologies which make manufacturing processes, products and services cleaner and greener. • Industries that recover waste resourcesMaking equipment of waste separation and product purification, and/or providing materials recovered or converted from industrial by-products or wastes. • Industries that recover and convert resources into new productsRecovering industrial by-products or wastes and turning into products with other functions and uses. • Industries involved in emerging and strategic environmental technologiesUshering in advanced environmental technology, cultivating high-level environmental talent, and/or developing state-of-the-art “green” environmental technology based on chemistry, biology or physics expertise • Industries in production of equipment and system of renewable energyProviding equipment or system of bio-mass, fuel cell, wind or photo-voltaic energy, and technologies that improve thermal efficiency or energy consumption • Industries that deal with solutions for key aspects of environmental protectionProviding technologies that help to solve and prevent potential environmental problems for industry and society, such as soil and groundwater re-mediation etc.
Three subsidy plans in the ESTP Project • Real Estate Subsidy Qualified company who leases or buys real estate in the ESTP is eligible for a subsidy up to 50 % of the leasing cost up until 2011. • Production Subsidy Qualified company is entitled for a production subsidy up to 10 % of the total capital investment, with a maximum of $25 million NTD; the manufacturer whose output is more than 80 % of its production capacity will be given a maximum subsidy of $5 million NTD until 2011. • Research Subsidy Research grant submitted by a company or organization in the ESTP is eligible for a subsidy up to 50% of its research budget. Maximum amount for novel research is five millions NTD for lab-scale research and ten millions NTD for pilot-scale research.
Kaohsiung Park • Covering 40 hectares, this park serves as a hub for metal, iron and petrochemical industries in southern Taiwan. • Priority industries include renewable energy, key components for the environmental industry and resource recirculation technology. • There are 31 companies working in this park now.
Kaohsiung Park R&D area The management and research buildings GREEN PAVILION
Taoyuan Park • This ESTP is located within the Tangwei section in south-western part of the Taoyuan Science-based Industrial Park and occupies 31 hectares. • Priority industries include electric and electronic devices, machinery and metal production. • There are 10 companies working in this park now.
Taoyuan Park The management and research buildings
Tainan Park • Located in the Da-Hsin Industrial Park and occupies 30 hectares. • Priority industries include metal, plastic, textile, food, electric and electronic industries. • There are 11 companies working in this park now.
Tainan Park The management and research buildings
Hualian Park • Covering 22 hectares • Priority industries include biotechnology and building material industries. • There are 15 companies working in this park now.
Hualian Park The management and research buildings R&D Area
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