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Creation and Evolution:

Creation and Evolution:. Two opposing belief systems. Evolution. Contrary to popular opinion, evolution is not based on science, but atheism and humanism. Not only is the authenticity of the Bible, but the credibility of Jesus Christ is at stake.

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Creation and Evolution:

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  1. Creation and Evolution: Two opposing belief systems

  2. Evolution Contrary to popular opinion, evolution is not based on science, but atheism and humanism. Not only is the authenticity of the Bible, but the credibility of Jesus Christ is at stake. Jesus warned us about following human traditions Mark 7:13. He quoted Genesis 25 times.

  3. Evolution is inconsistent with natural lawsand processes e.g. - gravity - thermodynamics - gas laws - genetics They could not have evolved. If one step in a process is removed it does not work. e.g. Photosynthesis. God’s six day creation and Noah’s Flood best fits the evidence.

  4. Science cannot prove or disprove either creation or evolution. The reasons for these disparities are: Atheists and evolutionists start with these assumptions: God does not exist the Bible is untrue/not His word. Scientists do not generally take into account the difference in conditions before and after the Flood.

  5. Man’s pride, rebellion and desire for power and knowledge caused The Fall . Evolution is a belief system based on atheism: denial of God’s existence and His word in the Bible.

  6. The Age Issue The old earth/billions of years theory was deliberately invented by French atheists and humanists in the mid 1700’s. The 3 Darwins, Erasmus, Malthus & Huxley were anti-Bible, anti-Christian. They knew if they could get people to believe in an old earth and evolution they would doubt God’s word. In the 1850’s there was even controversy about how many million years old the earth is: 1 or 25.

  7. These calculations are based on the age spans mentioned in Genesis and the genealogies in Matthew 1 andLuke 3 and the concept of a generation being on average 50 years. What is the age of the earth according to the Bible?

  8. BIBLICAL TIMELINE Creation Flood Abraham Exodus King David Exile Birth Christ I-------- -----I---------- ---I-------- -----I------ -------I--------- ----I---------- ---I-------- -----I----------- ---I------- BC 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 AD According to some Jewish sources the dates are as follows:Creation 3761 B.C.The Flood 2300 B.C.The Tower of Babel 1996 B.C.Abraham 1950 B.C.The Exodus 1290 B.C.King David 1000 B.C. The Exile 600-700 B.C.Destruction of the Temple 70 A.D.

  9. Fallacies: • There is scientific evidence to prove the age • of the earth. Incorrect. • The Geological Column: • - the assumption that the sequence of rock strata • represents historical periods showing the earth • to be millions of years old. • The column has actually been constructed • from rock layers from many different places in • the world. • It assumes the Flood was only local rather • than universal.

  10. Rock Strata The sequence of rock layers have been used to construct what is known as the Geological Column. This has been put together from rock strata all around the world. There is no evidence that this is continuous.

  11. The Geological Column

  12. Radio-metric Dating e.g. Carbon 14 DatingC 14 is a radioactive isotope of carbon with a half life of 5,730 years . Therefore it cannot be used to date very old fossils. Carbon dating is based on several assumptions: 1. The earth is billions of years old. 2. The Flood did not occur. 3. The water canopy did not exist. 4. The amount of carbon 14 in the atmosphere has reached equilibrium 5. The rate of decay of carbon is constant. 6. There is no daughter material present. 7. There is no contamination. Even Dr Libby who invented the method admitted it is unreliable.

  13. FossilizationThis process does not take millions of years! There are 3 requirements for fossilization to take place: Rapid burial No oxygen Remains undisturbed Fossils can be formed instantly. Wood can become fossilized in 40-60 years.

  14. Archaeopteryx (half bird,half reptile) and Piltdown Man (half man half ape) were hoaxes! Mixing Links: have never been found! There are no in-between species.

  15. Micro-evolution does occur. This is change within a species. Man has breed different varieties of dog through artificial selection.

  16. Darwin’s finches are variations within a species. These may arise through natural selection, which favours one type of beak over another- thus adaptations arise for eating different types of food, insects or seeds.

  17. The Ape to Man timeline is pure speculation No complete intermediate fossils between ape and man have been found, only odd bones of one or the other. Homo erectus and ‘Lucy’ are constructions.

  18. Man was created in God’s image. (Genesis 1:26) Our existence is not merely an accident, but we are beautifully designed for a purpose : to know God.

  19. We were created before the beginning of the earth ‘God embroidered (Hebrew) me in my mothers womb.. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.’ (Psalm 139:13-15) ‘I was appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began’ (Proverbs 8:23)

  20. Pre-Flood: there was a water canopy around the earth The water canopy cut out harmful radiation and the pressure, temperature, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels were much higher. There was no rain before the Flood.

  21. Post- Flood: conditions were much less favourable to life. God gave Noah the sign of the rainbow: that there would never be another world wide flood.

  22. Pre- and Post- Flood :Human Lifespan The dramatic fall from an average of 950 years to 100 and then 70 years through bible history can be attributed to: a gradual deterioration in conditions post-Flood . Pre-Flood: the water canopy around the earth gave protection from harmful radiation. Higher temperature, pressure, oxygen levels and better diet. The human immune and digestive system were perfect.

  23. Theistic evolution God causes or creates through the evolution process is a contradiction of terms, since evolution depends on chance not a creator. The Gap theory It argues that there are millions of years between the creation of the earth and Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve were created at the beginning not the end. also contradicts the Bible. Jesus said inMatthew 19:4 ‘God made them male and female in the beginning.’ 2 Peter 3:8 - ‘with the Lord one day is as a thousand years .’ has been misinterpreted.

  24. Conclusion: believers in an old earth and evolution Deny God’s word –The Bible as truth. Deny that God is omniscient (all knowing) and omnipotent (all powerful). Say that God is a liar. Say that Adam and Eve were not created at the beginning. Say that God does not always have a witness or save a remnant. Deny of the power of the cross. Deny that death is the result of human sin.

  25. Time is God’s fourth dimension. God created it and works outside it. Everything is supernatural! References and for further information See www.creationworldview.orgwww.answersingenesis.org www.finalfrontier.org.uk

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