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Welcome to the AIAA DE Section!

Welcome to the AIAA DE Section!. March Lunch Lecture The X-24A Lifting Body Program Miles Miller. 2011-2012 AIAA DE Section Council Members. Education: Taylor Donaldson Honors & Awards: Eric Rohrbaugh Career Enhancement: Tim McCardell Communication: -Vacant- Webmaster: Daniel Sutton

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Welcome to the AIAA DE Section!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to the AIAA DE Section! March Lunch Lecture The X-24A Lifting Body Program Miles Miller

  2. 2011-2012 AIAA DE Section Council Members Education: Taylor Donaldson Honors & Awards: Eric Rohrbaugh Career Enhancement: Tim McCardell Communication: -Vacant- Webmaster: Daniel Sutton Newsletter: Dave Rosenberg Programs: Entire Council Young Professional: Jeremiah Shiflet Technical: Robert Bonifant STEM K-12: Breanne Wooten Membership: Dave Rosenberg Public Policy: Tim Dominick RAC Representation: Eric Spero/Dave Rosenberg Chair: Eric Spero Vice-Chair: Tim Dominick Treasurer: Erika Conly Secretary: Bernadette Goncz

  3. Recent Activities • February Lunch Lecture: “Experiences in Afghanistan” • E-Week • Congressional Visits Day (CVD) • 14 Congressional Offices | 4 States | 2 Section Members • 1 by Senator Chris Coons (DE)

  4. E-Week, IGED, and Lunch Lecture Photos

  5. CVD Pictures

  6. Upcoming Activities

  7. 2011-2012 Lunch Lecture Series • April– BGen. Bernard Skoch (tent.): Cybersecurity • If you’re interested in presenting or have a specific topic you’d like to see presented, please contact: • Tim McCardell (x1560)

  8. Composite Materials with ASME

  9. Distinguished Lecture Dinner

  10. Communication

  11. AIAA DE Section Social Networking First 10 members to “Like” us on Facebook = Free Pizza at the next Lunch and Learn!

  12. DE Section Web Site – What’s The Link? https://info.aiaa.org/Regions/NE/Del/default.aspx AIAA DE Section web site has becometheplace for communication with the DE Section

  13. Welcome to the AIAA DE Section! • Membership Information • Dave Rosenberg or • Tim Dominick (x1069)

  14. Welcome to the AIAA DE Section! March Lunch Lecture The X-24A Lifting Body Program Miles Miller

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