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ENVISAT Ice Sheet Validation. Anita C. Brenner 1 H. Jay Zwally 2. 1 Raytheon, ITSS 2 NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center. ENVISAT Ice Sheet Data Validation. Range validity flags Greenland and Antarctic Coverage and flag analysis
ENVISAT Ice Sheet Validation Anita C. Brenner1 H. Jay Zwally2 1Raytheon, ITSS 2NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
ENVISAT Ice Sheet Data Validation • Range validity flags • Greenland and Antarctic Coverage and flag analysis • Geodetic correction comparison between ESA values on data and corrections calculated by NASA/GSFC algorithms • Retracking correction comparison between ice 2 and NASA/GSFC V4 models • Profile comparisons between ENVISAT and ERS-2 • Waveform comparions between ENVISAT and ERS-2 • Crossing Arc statistics for like and cross mission with ENVISAT and ERS-2 ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
Data Used • ENVISAT • 14 days of ENVISAT data covering October 4-17, 2002 from February 2003 release • Orbits as released on the data • ERS-2 • 14 days of coincident ERS-2 WAP products • DGME-04 orbits ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
Range Validity Flags • Ice 1 ranges marked valid for only a subset of ice sheet passes • No ice 2 ranges marked as valid over Greenland; only a subset of Antarctic passes are marked as having valid ice 2 ranges • Ocean ranges marked valid for ascending passes only ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
Valid sea ice ranges Valid Ice 1 ranges Valid ocean ranges Valid Ice 2 ranges ENVISAT measurements with range validity flags ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
Greenland Coverage ENVISAT Oct 4-17, 2002 320 Hz ERS-2 Oct, 2002 80 Hz 40 Hz ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
Greenland data • Majority of ENVISAT data in high resolution mode – smooth transition between modes allows for continuous coverage • ERS-2 data all in ice mode – spottier coverage along rougher areas • A large block of ascending ERS-2 passes were missing over Greenland – ocean portion of these passes exist ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
ENVISAT data over Greenland Fault and retracker flag idiosyncrasies – ice 2 range invalid all data WF Fault flag set Fault flag set, but NASA retracker successful Bad data determined by NASA retracker ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
ENVISAT Greenland data flagging inconsistencies • Over half of the data has the waveform fault flag set • Between 80 and 100 % of data with the waveform fault flag set for each pass was successfully retracked with NASA V4 algorithms • All ice 2 ranges were marked invalid – a large percentage of these looked good ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
Wf fault set and ice 1 Range marked as invalid Ice 2 range marked valid No flags checked Successfully Retracked with NASA algorithm Wf fault flag check and Edited by NASA retracker Antarctic ENVISAT Coverage and Flag Idiosyncrasies ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
ENVISAT Antarctic Data Flagging Inconsistencies • Large subset of passes had both the waveform fault flag set and ice 1 ranges marked invalid • Another subset of passes had ice 2 ranges marked invalid • The subsets mentioned above are mutually exclusive • NASA V4 retracker algorithm successfully processed most of the Antarctic Data no matter how the flags were set • Many of the ice1 and ice2 ranges flagged invalid were reasonable ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
Ice Sheet Geodetic Corrections • Ionosphere model correction missing on all ENVISAT data – used iri2001 model • Solid tide values agreed with those used by NASA/GSFC • Ocean tide values agreed well with NASA GOT99 model – some disagreements near coasts ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
Ice Sheet Geodetic Corrections (cont) • Dry troposphere correction agreed well over the oceans – up to 20 cm disagreement over land – GSFC model uses surface elevation from measurement – may be cause of disagreement • Wet troposphere correction agreed to within 1 cm ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
meters Comparison of Troposphere Delay corrections ESA vs NASA/GSFC Major difference is in Dry troposphere Correction over land meters meters meters meters ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
Comparison of Troposphere Delay corrections ESA vs NASA/GSFC Major difference is in Dry troposphere Correction over land ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
Comparison of Troposphere Delay corrections ESA vs NASA/GSFC ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
Profile Comparisons • Ice 2 range agrees well with NASA V4 retracked range over most portions of the ice sheet • ENVISAT/ERS-2 coincident profiles show same major features • ERS-2 elevations are noisier than ENVISAT elevations ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
Greenland elevation profile NASA V4 retracking correction – ice 2 100 meters -100 ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
ENVISAT and ERS-2 coincidentElevation profiles over Greenland ERS-2 ENVISAT ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
Greenland profile Blowup ERS-2 ENVISAT using ice 2 range ENVISAT using NASA retracking ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
Differences between Ice 2 and NASA V4 Retracking Ice 2 retracking NASA V4 retracking ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
Returns for Profile on Previous Slide ENVISAT – high resolution ERS-2 returns –coarse-ice mode ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
Retracking Algorithm results • Over majority of ice sheets the NASA V4 and ice 2 retrackers agree well • Ice 2 retracker sometimes picks locations before first ramp in the noise area • Ice 2 retracker sometimes misses first peak even when it is significant and picks a location farther down the return ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
Crossing Arc Analysis ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
400 800 Sd=0.79m Mn=0.05m N=4515 Sd=0.40 Mn=0.00 N-4524 400 200 ESA cor/ ICE 1 retracker ESA cor/NASA retracker -4 -4 -4 -4 -2 -2 0 0 2 2 4 4 -4 -2 -2 -2 0 0 0 2 2 2 4 4 4 800 400 500 Sd=.74m Mn=0.03m N=4505 Sd=0.39m Mn=0.00m N=4515 Sd=0.47m Mn=0.01m N=4244 300 400 200 100 NASA cor/ice 2 retracker NASA cor/NASA retracker NASA Cor/ ICE 1 retracker ENVISAT Antarctic Crossing Arc Statistics – different retrackers and geodetic corrections – iri 2001 ionosphere model used for all ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
ENVISAT Crossing Arc Precision over Antarctica centimeters Iri 2001 Ionosphere Model for all ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
Like Mission Crossing Arc Statistics Over Antarctica centimeters Greenland ODR orbits for ERS-2 Original orbits for ENVISAT ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
Antarctica Greenland Cross-Mission Crossover Statistics ERS-2-ENVISAT over Antarctica 150 100 50 0 Mean Sd -50 -100 -150 NASA retracker and Geodetic corrections ENVISAT – orig orbits ERS-2 – ODR orbits ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting
Crossing Arc Analysis Summary • Lowest statistics achieved with ice 1 range using NASA geodetic corrections • NASA geodetic corrections reduced standard deviation of crossover residuals by 4 cm • ENVISAT precision similar to that of Geosat/Seasat since in fine mode • ENVISAT/ERS-2 crossovers show ENVISAT higher by a mean of 1.18m over Greenland and 1.34 m over Antarctica ENVISAT RA-2/MWR CCVT Sixth Plenary Meeting