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1-Month Unit: Day 11. Agenda: Do Now: Read & Respond Cornell Notes: Elegy Glossary: Elegy Guided practice: Identify and analyze the poems Independent practice: Write your own elegy! . Do Now. Directions : Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow. Forever
Agenda: • Do Now: Read & Respond • Cornell Notes: Elegy • Glossary: Elegy • Guided practice: Identify and analyze the poems • Independent practice: Write your own elegy!
Do Now Directions: Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow. Forever by Makel Really, there is no secret to it. Live your life like you live your day, each one, one after the other, dodging bullets. Empty the chamber so you are not tempted to fire back. He is gone— to be remembered. Forever. RIP. We Love You. 1. The poem is ________________ stanzas long. 2. What is the poem about? 3. Who do you think the poem is written for? 4. When the poet says, “Empty the chamber so you are not tempted to fire back” what ?does he mean? 5. What is the mood of this poem?
Thoughts to start the day…Name that poetic device! Read the lines of poetry and decide which poetic device is being used! • Personification • Metaphor Which poetic device is used? 1. The click clack of her heels. 2. Life is like a river. 3. Life lives longer later. 4. The water screamed for me to drink it! 5. He is a lion. • Symbolism Alliteration Imagery • Rhyme Scheme Onomatopoeia • Simile
Today’s Objectives • SW • identify and define the elements of an elegy. • analyze an elegy for its structure and use of poetic devices. • create original elegies.
Notes: Rhyme Scheme Questions&KeyWords Details What are different ways that poems can be structured? A poem form is a type of poem with a specific layout or about a specific topic. What is a poem form? An elegy is specific poem form written in remembrancefor a person or a group of people who have passed away. What is an elegy? There are 3 pieces of an elegy. 1. Pain: which is where the speaker expresses griefand sorrow. 2. Praise: which is where the speaker admires and honors the dead. 3. Relief: which is where the speaker finds peace of mind with the death. What is the structure of an elegy?
Questions&KeyWords Details Let’s look back to our poem from our “Do Now”… Forever by Makel M. Really, there is no secret to it.Live your life like you liveyour day, each one,one after the other,dodging bullets. Empty the chamberso you are not tempted to fireback. He is gone— to be remembered. Forever. RIP. We Love You. Is this an elegy? Identify the 3 pieces of the elegy and mark where each part is. Is this an elegy? How do we know?
Let's ADD to our glossary! Elegy Definition: ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Examples:
Analysis Time! Directions: Together we will read the poems and analyze them for their form and poetic devices. 1. How do you know this is an elegy? 2. Does the elegy include the three parts: pain, praise, and relief? Put a star next each of the places in the poem where these parts are shown. 3. The poet uses both a simile and personification in his poem. Underline these two lines. 4. What mood does the poet create in this poem? 5. What image does the poet create in the poem? DL by Markel You shined like the sun on a sunny day There is no one who could fill your place. You keep the streets alive, Even when it was dead outside. You were a man that held his pride. I remember the days we were straight trappin. And when we went in the house, We went straight to snackin. The night I heard that thing clappin, The same night the sky spoke to me and told me what happened. I didn’t know what the hell happened. We will always remember you for everything you did. Now all I got to say is Rest in Peace kid…
Fallen Star (4 Huey P. Newton) by Tupac They could never understandwhat u set out 2 doinstead they chose 2ridicule u when u got weakthey loved the sightof your dimmingand flickering starlight How could they understand what was so intricate2 be loved by so many, so intimate they wanted 2 c your lifeless corpsethis way u could not alter the courseof ignorance that they have set 2 make my people forgetwhat they have done for much 2 long2 just forget and carry on I had loved u forever because of who u rand now I mourn our fallen star
Fallen Star (4 Huey P. Newton) by Tupac 1. How do you know this is an elegy? 2. What is the rhyme scheme of this poem? 3. How is the “fallen star” used as a symbol? What does it represent? 4. What is the mood of the poem?
On your own! Rest In Peace by Reggie C. Rest in peace to my opportunity of seeing my son’s 1st step Rest in peace to my opportunity of seeing my son’s 1st word Rest in peace… Rest in peace to my chance of seeing 2011 summer time Rest in peace to my chance of taking pictures with my son at a young age, For him to see when he gets older Rest in peace… Rest in peace to my opportunity of being with my son his first time at Chuckey Cheese Rest in peace to my opportunity of my son really getting to know me Rest in peace. • Directions:Read the 2 poems and then answer the questions that follow. 1. How does the poet use the elegy form here? What is this elegy about? 2. What is the mood of this poem? 3. What image does the poet create in the poem?
RIP L.I.P. by Adrian Boom BoomBoom Boom!!! The sound of my friend Getting killed made me Think twice of my life Style I was living. Thinking back when we used To play football in deep snow And can barely run It made me drop my head As my eyes watered and Tears fell softly on my cheeks Like raindrops. The pain speaks to me and is Unbearable When looking down at the person You used to play “tag” with in a Casket. Man It Hurts. 1. How do you know this is an elegy? 2. What is the mood of this poem? 3. The poet uses onomatopoeia, simile, and personification. Underline where he uses this. 4. How does this poem make you feel?
You’re turn to write! • Directions: Use this graphic organizer to brainstorm before you write. No complete sentences, ideas only! • YOU, the poet…organizing your elegy in a brainstorm! • The person (or group of people) I am writing about is:__________ Things I remember the person saying: Symbols (objects, places, colors, sights…) that remind me of this person and/or represent this person: What I learned from this person: What this person looked like:
Now Create your own elegy! • You can pull ideas from your brainstorm or you can simply write without using your brainstorm. • Your elegy must be at least 10 lines long (you can choose the number of stanzas!) • Your elegy should include the 3 pieces of an elegy: pain, praise, and relief • Try and use at least 2 different poetic devices in your elegy • Your poem for today is an elegy. • Your poem must be at least 10 lines long • Your poem must include at least 2 poetic devices. • You can always include other poetic devices!! SHARE OUT!! After 10 minutes, we will...
Wrap it up! 1. What is an elegy? 2. What is the structure of an elegy? 3. Why do poets write elegies?