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Classification of human, fly and worm PTPs by phylogenetic analysis. (R1). hCD45 (PTPRC). 0.1. 508. (R4). hPTPalpha (PTPRA). 1000. 517. hPTPepsilon (PTPRE). (R9) DPTP69D. ceClr-1. 966. dmPTP69D. hPTPlamda (PTPRU). 1000. (R2B). hPTPkappa (PTPRK). 240. 817. 105. hPTPmu (PTPRM).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Classification of human, fly and worm PTPs by phylogenetic analysis (R1) hCD45 (PTPRC) 0.1 508 (R4) hPTPalpha (PTPRA) 1000 517 hPTPepsilon (PTPRE) (R9) DPTP69D ceClr-1 966 dmPTP69D hPTPlamda (PTPRU) 1000 (R2B) hPTPkappa (PTPRK) 240 817 105 hPTPmu (PTPRM) 676 948 hPTPrho (PTPRT) cePTP3 1000 dmLAR 989 (R2A) DLAR hPTPsigma (PTPRS) 1000 327 hPTPdelta (PTPRD) 595 hLAR (PTPRF) 94 ceK04D7.4 dmPTP99A 1000 582 (R5) DPTP99A hPTPgamma (PTPRG) 1000 hPTPzeta (PTPRZ1) 69 hSAP1 (PTPRH) 563 hPTPOST (Predicted) hDEP1 (PTPRJ) 730 929 hPTPbeta (PTPRB) 333 (R3) DPTP10D cePTP10D 728 dmPTP10D 1000 621 dmPTP4E hGLEPP1 (PTPRO) 399 hPTPS31 (PTPRQ) dmDPTP52F dmPTP-ER 995 hHePTP (PTPN7) (R7) DPTP-ER 1000 hPCPTP1 (PTPRR) 972 hSTEP (PTPN5) cePTP2 981 (NT2) CSW dmCSW 1000 hSHP1 (PTPN6) 740 351 hSHP2 (PTPN11) (NT7) hPTPBAS (PTPN13) 686 (NT8) hPTPTyp (PTPN20) dmPEZ 966 (NT6) DPEZ hPTPD1 (PTPN21) 1000 hPTPD2 (PTPN14) 139 966 (NT9) DHDPTP hHDPTP (PTPN23) 13 dmCG9311 89 dmCG7180 317 ceIDA-1 1000 59 dmIA2 (R8) DIA2 999 hIA2 (PTPRN) 1000 hIA2beta (PTPRN2) dmPTPMEG 1000 (NT5) DPTPMEG cePTP1 54 837 hMEG1 (PTPN4) 925 hPTPH1 (PTPN3) (NT3) DMEG2 hMEG2 (PTPN9) 1000 dmCG32697 560 dmPTP61F 1000 (NT1) DPTP61F hPTP1B (PTPN1) 1000 hTCPTP D1 (PTPN2) dmCG14714 142 hBDP1 (PTPN18) 995 (NT4) hLyPTP (PTPN22) 1000 hPEST (PTPN12) http://ptp.cshl.edu & http://science.novonordisk.com/ptp Andersen et al Methods 2004

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