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Support for developing employability skills. Project Overview. Learning Areas. Levels. S 4. Objectives. Description. Keywords. Software. Internet explorer. N/A. Authors. Vicki Rodger Angus Council EDS ,Gus Robb Websters’ High.

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  1. Support for developing employability skills Project Overview Learning Areas Levels S 4 Objectives Description Keywords Software Internet explorer N/A Authors Vicki Rodger Angus Council EDS ,Gus Robb Websters’ High To share ideas across Angus Schools for On2feet Project Angus Council’s Onfeet project involves identifying and supporting young people who are at risk of leaving school and having no positive destination .each secondary school has a ’Mentor’ to work with the young people concerned to develop confidence ,self esteem and employability skills . The model used is specific to the school and usually involves coaching , groupwork and activities outwith school . The blog is designed to enable the mentors to share practice. It is intended to develop this idea to give pup[ils the opportunitity to have their own blogto record their own profile for the project Documents http://on2feet.edublogs.org/

  2. . Gus Robb is the On2Feet Mentor at Websters High, Kirriemuir Vicki Rodgers is an ICT staff Tutor in Angus Council Educational Development Service

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