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Unit I The First Civilizations and Empires Prehistory (BCE) – 500 (CE)

Unit I The First Civilizations and Empires Prehistory (BCE) – 500 (CE). Location of the Garden of Eden.

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Unit I The First Civilizations and Empires Prehistory (BCE) – 500 (CE)

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  1. Unit IThe First Civilizations and EmpiresPrehistory (BCE) – 500 (CE)

  2. Location of the Garden of Eden To the school of theology, the Garden of Eden is a supernatural place on dry land that is protected by a two edged sword so that no one can enter it ever again.  To modern science, the Garden of Eden is about 140 meters below the current sea level just beyond the Persian Gulf.  The bible says, “Now a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden; and from there it divided and became four rivers. The name of the first is Pishon; it flows around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold.[...] The name of the second river is Gihon; it flows around the whole land of Cush. The name of the third river is Tigris; it flows east of Assyria And the fourth river is the Euphrates.” The Tigris and Euphrates make up two of those rivers, and they both flow into the Persian Gulf.  The other two disappeared with the end of the last ice age.  Sea level before the end of the last ice age was 140 meters below where it is now.  It was not until we had public satellite imagery that could view the topology of the land under water.  Now we can see the topology of the sea floor on Google maps (when you use satellite view).  You can clearly see the ancient riverbeds on the seabed floor.  The Garden of Eden is somewhere around 21.506230, 61.867675

  3. Map

  4. This is where our analysis led…

  5. Unit I The First Civilizations Pre-History to 500 CE • The First Humans: Prehistory – 3500 (BCE) • Western Asia and Egypt: 3500 – 500 (BCE) • India and China: 3000 (BCE) – 500 (CE) • Ancient Greece: 1900 (BCE) – 133 (BC) • Rome and the Rise of Christianity: 600 (BCE) – 500 (CE)

  6. Louis and Mary Leaky

  7. The 1974 - Lucy….Ethiopia • http://www.youtube.comwatch?v=SPit_Mca8dM

  8. Vocabulary for Chapter 1 • Anthropology • Artifacts • Bronze • Copper • Hominids • Mesoamericans • Paleolithic Age • Neolithic • Nomads • Prehistory • Systematic Agriculture

  9. Ancient Civilizations – Map 1 • Locate, Color, Create a Key: • Locations: Europe, Asia, North America, Africa, Australia, Euphrates River, South America, Australia, Indus River, Nile River, Yellow River (Huang He),Tigris River • Civilizations: Egyptian, Sumerian (Mesopotamia), Shang, Indus Valley, Early American Civilizations (Mesoamerican) • Where did these civilizations flourish? What is it about the geography of the land that supports the formation and stabilization of a civilization?

  10. Civilization – what is it? • What contribution did the following make to advance civilization? (Big Idea: Cause and Effect) • The Paleolithic Age • Review important technological developments (pages 4 – 11) • The Neolithic Age • Review how agriculture began to affect society (pages 14-19)

  11. Civilization Review • Where did people come from? Why did they populate the areas they did? What are some of the theories? • What are the six criteria for civilizations? • How did technology improve the lives of the people in these civilizations? (Account for the six needs) • Paleolithic to Neolithic – similarities/differences?

  12. Civilization Notes

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