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Challenges to Civil Rights Movement

Challenges to Civil Rights Movement. By 1965, groups and leaders begin to drift Focus becomes the North where a different type of segregation exists “White flight” led to decline of many US cities, this coupled with harsh treatment by police, will lead to race riots

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Challenges to Civil Rights Movement

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Challenges to Civil Rights Movement By 1965, groups and leaders begin to drift Focus becomes the North where a different type of segregation exists “White flight” led to decline of many US cities, this coupled with harsh treatment by police, will lead to race riots Summer of ‘64, NYC sees first race riot Summer of ‘65, Watts section of LA has deadliest, between 1965-1967 over 100 US cities see riots Trend of violence confuses some

  2. More militant groups emerge by mid 60s • Malcolm X and The Nation of Islam • Hard line stance scared many Americans • After pilgrimage to Mecca, he changed his stance on race issues • This causes a split in the Nation of Islam and results in his death

  3. CORE(McKissick) and SNCC(Carmichael) break away from MLK and adopt “Black Power”

  4. 1966 Black Panthers emerge in Oakland

  5. 1968 sees the movement lose momentum due to MLK and RFK assassinations

  6. The End of the Movement • Kerner Commission looks into causes of riots • Positive steps: • Elimination of de jure segregation (Brown v. BOE) • Huge increase in black voter registration • Civil Rights laws(‘64, ‘68, 24th Amendment, Voting Rights Act) • New jobs and increased schooling • Still needs work • Vietnam War will cause War on Poverty to fall apart • White flight, racism, poverty, unemployment remain as problems

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