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Topic 7: remote sensing of cloud particles and properties; validation etc.

Topic 7: remote sensing of cloud particles and properties; validation etc. CALIPSO horizontally-oriented ice crystals in cirrus Noel & Chepfer , JGR , 2010. “Oriented crystals are conspicuously absent in warm ice clouds directly above Antarctica”.

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Topic 7: remote sensing of cloud particles and properties; validation etc.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Topic 7: remote sensing of cloud particles and properties; validation etc.

  2. CALIPSO horizontally-oriented ice crystals in cirrus Noel & Chepfer, JGR, 2010 “Oriented crystals are conspicuously absent in warm ice clouds directly above Antarctica” “Oriented crystal appear rarely in the CALIOP data set: ∼6% of optically thin ice cloud layers contain oriented crystals; within those layers less than 10% of crystals are oriented (generally 1–5%)”

  3. CALIPSO / CloudSat validation in the Arctic with RALI aircraft, Delanoe et al., JAMC, 2013 Combined radar-lidar gives closer IWC content to in-situ measurements (relative to cloud particle imager) DARDAR (combined satellite) & RALI retrievals generally similar

  4. CALIPSO validation in mid-latitude clouds using in-situ (LNG) lidar – Mioche et al., JGR,2010 In-situ obs. CIRRUS CIRRUS

  5. CALIPSO optical properties: validation in the tropics with airborne lidar – Hvlaka et al., JGR, 2012 Airborne lidar CALIPSO coincident ice cloud measurements of lidar ratio, extinction coefficient, and optical depth “The [CALIPSO] horizontally-oriented ice distribution results in more frequent high [extinction] values compared to randomly-oriented ice conditions.”

  6. Cirrus fall velocity estimates using ‘Match’ method with ground-base lidar, Dionisi et al., AMT, 2013 Case study of a trajectory overpassing Haute Provence & Rome lidars. Fall speed of SVC 1.4 – 1.9 cm/s Haute-Provence Rome

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