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Human Body Systems: Digestion, Respiration & Circulation

Explore the workings of the human digestive, respiratory, and circulatory systems for nutrient absorption, gas exchange, and overall homeostasis. Learn the structures, functions, and processes of each system, including key organs and their roles in maintaining health.

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Human Body Systems: Digestion, Respiration & Circulation

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  1. Warm Up • Tear off the back page of your notes packet. • Begin cutting out the pieces  we will use these later on in notes!

  2. Maintaining Homeostasis: Nutrient Absorption

  3. How many different systems do you see? 3 1. Digestive 2. Respiratory 3. Circulatory

  4. Match each system with its function and complete the following table:

  5. C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + 36 ATP glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide + water + energy 1. Where does the glucose come from? Food 2. Where does the oxygen come from? Breathing 3. What are the final products of cellular respiration? CO2, H2O, ATP 4. In which organelle does this take place in our cells? Mitochondria

  6. Digestive systems of kingdom Animalia Tear off the back page of the packet to cut and paste descriptions, pictures and examples

  7. Human Digestive System • Purpose: converts food into simpler molecules that can be used by the cells of the body; absorbs food and eliminates waste Parts of the System: • mouth • pharynx • esophagus • stomach • small intestine • large intestine • rectum/colon • accessory organs include the salivary glands, liver, gall bladder, pancreas

  8. How the Digestive System Works: • Digestion begins in the mouth • chemical digestion– salivary glands produce amylase which begins to break down sugars and starches • mechanicaldigestion – teeth grind and break down food into smaller pieces • Esophagus – moves food from mouth to stomach using peristalsis. (smooth muscle contractions)

  9. stomach– food is combined with acids and enzymes (chemical digestion); the stomach muscles squeeze and contract (mechanical digestion) • chyme– partially digested food • cardiac sphincter – ring of muscle at top of stomach to keep food inside • pyloric sphincter – ring of muscle at bottom of stomach to keep foodpushed into small intestine from re-entering stomach

  10. small intestine – absorption of food molecules takes place here • inner surface of small intestine heavily folded and lined with small finger-like projections called villi • this creates a large surface area for nutrient absorption

  11. large intestine – absorbs water and compacts waste • rectum/anus – releases wastes outside the body • Smooth muscle lining the digestive organs moves food through in a one-way direction (peristalsis) Click on picture

  12. Accessory organs of the digestive system: • pancreas • Produces insulin to regulate blood sugar levels • Produces enzymes that break down carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids • liver • Produces bile, aids in the digestion of fats • Bile is stored in a pouch under the liver, the gall bladder

  13. Time to practice: Complete Digestion of Ham Sandwich WS

  14. Respiratory systems of Kingdom Animalia Simple Complex

  15. Human respiratory system Purpose: • Provides O2 to the blood for cellular respiration in the cells and removes CO2 from the body • Exchange of gases occurs through the walls of the lungs Structures: • Nasal Cavity (Nose) • warms, filters, moistens air as it passes over mucous membrane • Pharynx (Throat) • Located where the passages from the nose and mouth come together

  16. Epiglottis • Flap of elastic tissue that forms a lid over the opening of the trachea • Larynx (Voice Box) • Located between the pharynx and the trachea • Contains two ligaments—vocal cords—that produce sound (vibrate) when air moves through them • Trachea (Windpipe) • Tube through which air moves from the pharynx to the lungs (stiff cartilage)

  17. Bronchi • Two short tubes which direct air into right and left lungs • Bronchioles • Millions of smaller tubes that branch off each bronchi • Alveoli • Small sacs found at the end of the bronchioles that are surrounded by capillaries • site of gas exchange: oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange places in the capillaries

  18. Diaphragm • Sheet of muscle below the lungs that separate chest cavity (thorax) from the abdominal cavity • Contracts and relaxes to help inflate and deflate the lungs

  19. Respiratory Processes: • Breathing: • the movement of air into and out of the lungs • External Respiration • the exchange of O2 and CO2 between the blood in the capillaries of the alveoli and the air • occurs in the lungs

  20. Internal Respiration (Cellular Respiration): • the process by which cells get energy from the breakdown of glucose in the presence of oxygen • occurs in the mitochondriaof the cells

  21. Let’s Review: • After food is broken down/digested, what system do the molecules diffuse to? CIRCULATORY • After you take a breath, in to what system does the oxygen diffuse to? CIRCULATORY

  22. Time to practice: Complete Journey of Respiration Pathway WS

  23. Circulatory Systems of Kingdom Animalia:

  24. Human Circulatory System • Purpose: To transport oxygen and nutrients to all the cells in the body and to take carbon dioxide and wastes away from the cells of the body Structures: • heart: main organ that pumps blood • blood vessels: tubes through which blood travels

  25. blood: liquid including red and white blood cells and platelets • plasma: thick, yellowish liquid in which blood cells are suspended • red blood cells: carry O2 and remove CO2 (transported by the protein hemoglobin) • white blood cells: help fight disease • platelets: help form blood clots

  26. arteries: carry blood away from heart • veins: carry blood toward heart • capillaries: smallest blood vessels

  27. BIG IDEAS! • Where does the circulatory system take the molecules from your food and oxygen from your lungs? • What process do your cells use oxygen and molecules (glucose) for? • What do we get from this process?

  28. Time to practice: Complete the blood and heart worksheet

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