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Traveling light

Traveling light. well i was doubling over the load on my shoulders was a weight I carried with me everyday crossing miles of frustrations and rivers a raging picking up stones I found along the way I staggered and I stumbled down pathways of trouble

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Traveling light

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Traveling light well i was doubling over the load on my shoulders was a weight I carried with me everyday crossing miles of frustrations and rivers a raging picking up stones I found along the way I staggered and I stumbled down pathways of trouble I was hauling those souvenirs of misery and with each step taken my back was breaking till i found the one who took it all from me

  2. down by theriverside down by the riverside i laid my burdens down now i'm traveling light my spirit lifted high i found my freedom now and i'm traveling light through thedarkestalleys and loneliest valleys i was dragging those heavy chains of doubt and fear then with the one word spoken the lockswere broken now he's leading me to placeswhere there are no tears down by the riverside i laid my burdens down now i'm traveling light my spirit lifted high i found my freedom now and i'm traveling light

  3. Index Generalintroduction Classifywords Compounding (有两个或更多的词合成一个词) prefix Derivationintroduction (在词根上加上前、后缀构成另外一个词) suffix Conversion (将一种词性转化成另一种词性) Practice

  4. Classify:pathway freedom darkest place frustration lock everyday riverside loneliest 合成词(有两个或更多的词合成一个词): everydaypathwayriverside 派生词(在词根上加上前、后缀构成另外一个词): frustrationdarkestloneliestfreedom 转化词(将一种词性转化成另一种词性): lockplace

  5. 构词法 合成(Compounding) { 构词法: 派生法(Derivation) 【前缀/后缀】 转化法(Conversion) 【词性转换】

  6. 合成(Compounding) blackboardspaceship half-understand first-classman-madegood-looking sometimesbeforehand

  7. 派生词(derivation) • 加前缀: happy --- ___happy • 加后缀: develop --- develop_____ • 既加前缀又加后缀: employ ---___employ______ un ment un ment

  8. 派生法(Derivation)---词缀法 1. 前缀: Pre-reading, preview, prepay Pre- (前) Rewrite, reconsider, reuse Re- (重新)

  9. dis- (不) disagree, dislike, disappear in/im- (不) incorrectimpossible mis –(错误或失当) misunderstand, mislead super- (超级) supermarket,superman miniskirt,minibus mini-(微小)

  10. postwar, post-reading post–(之后) semicircle, semi-final fore-(前, 预先) foretell, forecast semi-(半, 部分) anti- (阻止, 抗) antiwar, anti-Japanesewar under- (在……下, 在……中) underground, under-develop

  11. 常见的后缀 1. 名词后缀 : -er -or -tion -ment -ity -ist -hood-ion work, educate, develop, visit, satisfy, teach, sail, ability, piano, art, child, brother, act, solute, conclude, move, possible

  12. teacher, worker visitor, sailor education, satisfaction development, movement 1.名词后缀: -er -or -tion -ment

  13. 名词后缀 : -ity -ist -hood -ion ability, possibility pianist, artist childhood, brotherhood action, solution, conclusion

  14. dangerous, humorous helpful, careful comfortable, responsible 2.形容词后缀: -ous -ful -able, -ible -ant, -ent -ary important, excellent military, voluntary

  15. 3. 副词性的词缀: -ly -wards quickly, softly, yearly backwards, forwards

  16. 转化法(Conversion) n. 味道 Ithas a good taste. { taste It taste very good. v. 尝起来 n. 记录 He broke the record. { record He lies to record something while reading a book. v. 记录

  17. 词根 adj. 残疾的 disable independent dependable depend n. 独立的 n. 不可能的 反义 disability incorrect impossible possible possibility 反义 n. correct correction 反义 graduation wrong 近义 WordsBuilding n. mistaken n. mistake graduate 误解 大学生 词根 词根 misunderstand undergraduate understand

  18. 词根 adj. 残疾的 n. 独立的 不可能的 反义 n. 反义 n. correct 反义 近义 Words Building n. n. 误解 词根 词根 大学生

  19. root adj 残疾的 dependable independent depend disable n 独立的 不可能的 n disability O incorrect impossible possible possibility O n correction 教育 表达 correct education expression S wrong 副标题 总是 subtitle subway always S 地铁 graduation mistaken underway sideways n n 地下通道 mistake graduate underground 误解 地下的 root root 大学生 misunderstand understand undergraduate

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