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Warm-Up. Is it better for a leader to be feared or loved? What type of leader are people most likely to listen to? Explain in 3-5 sentences. Review: Five Sources of Power. Power, Authority and Government. Power, Authority & Legitimacy. How does power relate to authority?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Warm-Up Is it better for a leader to be feared or loved? What type of leader are people most likely to listen to? Explain in 3-5 sentences.

  2. Review: Five Sources of Power

  3. Power, Authority and Government

  4. Power, Authority & Legitimacy How does power relate to authority? • Authority: People with authority have a legal right to give orders. People tend to listen to authority figures. • Legitimacy: when people accept a leader, they are more willing to follow them.

  5. How do leaders gain legitimacy? Theories that grant rulers legitimacy • “Divine Right Theory” : Monarchs had a god given right to rule • Social Contract Theory: people obey the ruler as long as the ruler protects the people’s rights.

  6. The Purpose of Government

  7. What is Government? • Definition of Government: Institutions and officials organized to establish and carry out public policy.

  8. Why is government necessary? • Political conflict is inevitable in a society, therefore government is necessary to regulate conflict by setting rules/laws, etc.

  9. 5. What is the Purpose of Government? • ORDER: Maintain public order through laws. • PROTECTION: Protect life and property (police, military, etc) • PUBLIC GOODS: Provide Services & Public Goods like schools, roads, parks, etc.

  10. Forms of Government

  11. 1. Direct Democracy • Definition: A democratic form of government in which citizens make public decisions directly, either in a popular assembly, or through a popular vote.

  12. 1. Examples of Direct Democracy • Athens, Greece in 5th century B.C. • current propositions/ referendums

  13. Propositions

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