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The Italian Water Market: a short overview

The Italian Water Market: a short overview. Commercial and Investment Office in Milan, Italy Jonathan Hadar Ph.0039 02 76015545 milano@israeltrade.gov.il Tel Aviv, December 2012. Numbers. 1 euro/ m3 average cost to final customer

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The Italian Water Market: a short overview

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  1. The Italian Water Market:a short overview Commercial and Investment Office in Milan, Italy Jonathan Hadar Ph.0039 02 76015545 milano@israeltrade.gov.il Tel Aviv, December 2012

  2. Numbers 1 euro/ m3 average cost to final customer Total number of water utilities: 114 (7 are totally private) 30 % Water losses in average (the higher in the Southern)

  3. Numbers N. of wastewater treatment plants per macro-region 158.000 km of Sewage network covering 85% of the population

  4. National spending 2010 in water sector: • water resources: 9.634 million Euro 0, 6% of the GDP • wastewater: 2.775 million Euro 0, 2% of the GDP • Total investments 2010: 40 billion Euro 60 billion Euro for the next 30 years: 44% for new sites and 56% for renovating existing plants and extraordinary maintenance operations 15, 8 billionto aqueducts 16,8 billion for phito-depuration and sewage systems

  5. Why Italy • High rate of water losses in the network of potable water  • Insufficient number of treatment plants (18 million people not served)  • In 2013 REFORM of WATER TARIFF that will make the investment in infrastructures happen  • SANCTIONS of 1 BILLION EURO coming from UE for not applying the Directive 1991/271/CE about the treatment of urban wastewater 

  6. Why North of Italy • UE Sanctionfor missing treatment plants. • It is the biggest industrialized areain Europe.The major water companies are based in the North. • Highest rate of project fullfilment.  • Main entrance doorto Italian and UE markets.

  7. Main Italian Water Utility Companies AceaSpAwww.aceaspa.it ƒOne of the most important Italian public utilities ƒ One of the most important Italian public utilities. An industrial Group which focuses on the consolidation and creation of value from its two main activities, energy and water with Integrated water service (aqueducts, sewerage and purification). Group HERA www.gruppohera.it (Emilia Romagna) Multi-Utility company leading in environmental, water and services. It manages the entire cycle, from collection through purification and returning water to the environment. (3 million of customers served, 254 million m3/year, 31.260 km potable network, 15.000 km of sewage network, 326 plant for purification, 848 wastewater treatment plants.

  8. Main Italian Water Utility Companies Group IRENwww.gruppoiren.it (Liguria and Emilia Romagna) Operates in the following sectors: electricity, gas, district heating, integrated water service (1.300.000 inhabitants served) and environment, and it also provides other public utility services (13.900 Km aqueduct network, 7.900 km sewage network, 813 wastewater treatment plants, 2,4 million customers) AmiacqueS.R.L. www.amiacque.it (Lombardia) ƒ Infrastructures and services for water entire cycle: water purification and supply, aqueduct and waste water treatment (water network 5.290 Km, sewerage network 3.166 Km, 311 water treatment plants, 50 waste water treatment plants, 193 million m3/year).

  9. Main Italian Water Utility Companies MetropolitanaMilanese www.metropolitanamilanese.it (Lombardia) ƒ Infrastructures and services for water entire cycle: water purification and supply, aqueduct and waste water treatment A2Awww.a2a.eu (Lombardia) ƒ Energy Multi-Utility which was born on January 1st, 2008 from the merger between Aem Milano and Asm Brescia and with the incorporation of Amsa. (277.000 customers, 4.600 km network, 69 Million m3 ) AcquedottoPugliesewww.aqp.it Multi-Utility and management of aqueducs

  10. Engineering and Production TermomeccanicaEcologia SMAT Torino Impregilo - FISIA Italimpianti Veolia Water Italy Degrémont’s Ercole Marelli Impianti Tecnologici SpA UniecoAmbiente IDRECO SpA

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