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Compromises and the national move towards Civil War

Compromises and the national move towards Civil War. The Shaky Union. 1) The South feared that the North would take control of CONGRESS and SOUTHERNERS began to proclaim states’ rights as a means of self-protection. 2) The North believed that the nation was a UNION and could not be divided.

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Compromises and the national move towards Civil War

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Compromises and the national move towards Civil War

  2. The Shaky Union 1) The South feared that the North would take control of CONGRESS and SOUTHERNERS began to proclaim states’ rights as a means of self-protection. 2) The North believed that the nation was a UNION and could not be divided. 3) While the Civil War did not begin as a war to abolish SLAVERY, issues surrounding slavery deeply divided the NATION.

  3. Issues that Divided the Nation 1) An important issue separating the country related to the power of the FEDERAL government. 2) Southerners felt that they had the power to declare any national law ILLEGAL (nullification). Northerners believed that the national government’s power was SUPREME over that of the states. 3) Southerners felt that the abolition of SLAVERY would destroy their region’s economy. Northerners believed that slavery should be abolished for MORAL reasons.

  4. Compromise of 1850 • Created in reaction to new lands gained from Mexican-American War • Missouri Compromise is inadequate now that U.S. geography has changed

  5. 1850 Compromise Agreement

  6. Fugitive Slave Laws (1850) • 1. No jury trials for blacks • 2. Slaves cannot testify against masters • 3. Federal commissioners handled all cases • $5 if slaves are freed by the ruling • $10 if ruling in favor of claimant (master)

  7. The Underground Railroad • “Escape” Route from South for runaway slaves

  8. Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) • Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe • Personalized Slavery • Sold 3 million copies • Banned in the South • “Book of Lies”

  9. Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) • Authorized the creation of Kansas and Nebraska • Abolished the Mason-Dixon Line (Missouri Compromise) • Supported Popular Sovereignty

  10. Compromises Attempting to Resolve Differences 1) Missouri Compromise (1820): Missouri entered the Union as a SLAVE state. Maine entered the Union as a FREE state. 2) Compromise of 1850: California entered the Union as a FREE state. Southwest territories would DECIDE about slavery (popular sovereignty). 3) Kansas-Nebraska Act: People in each state would decided the SLAVERY issue (popular sovereignty)

  11. Senator David Atchison *Leads 5,000 pro slavery Missourians into Kansas *Attempts to swing slavery vote *Kansas = slave state

  12. Bleeding Kansas (1856) • Pro-slavery Missourians (in Kansas) attack Lawrence, KS (anti-slavery city) • Lawrence is burned, 200 die in total

  13. John Brown "These men are all talk. What we need is action—action!"

  14. Brooks-Sumner Incident • Sen. Charles Sumner (MA) gives anti-slavery speech in the Senate • Insults Sen. Andrew Butler (SC) • Butler’s nephew, Rep. Preston Brooks (SC) felt his family was insulted • Beats Sumner unconscious with his cane

  15. Dred Scott Case (1857) • Upheld slavery • Dred Scott sues for his freedom • Roger B. Taney (Chief Justice) Rules: • Slaves cannot sue • Slaves are not citizens • Slaves are property • Consequence = Slavery cannot be stopped

  16. Final ruling in Dred Scott Case: Missouri Compromise declared unconstitutional (Congress could not ban slavery from any state) Chief Justice Taney

  17. Reaction • Harper’s Ferry, WV – John Brown leads 21 abolitionists on a raid • Raids a federal arsenal – hopes to arm southern slaves to lead rebellion • Hoped to establish a base to conduct raids from the Blue Ridge Mountains • Captured, executed for treason • Became a martyr for the cause

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