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Warm-up. Collect the entrance/exit ticket on the fundamental principles. Be in your seat and quiet by the time the bell rings Complete the matching activity by yourself and no notes!. Intro to Civics: Catch-up Day. Get out all of your paperwork that we have done in civics so far this year.
Warm-up • Collect the entrance/exit ticket on the fundamental principles. • Be in your seat and quiet by the time the bell rings • Complete the matching activity by yourself and no notes!
Intro to Civics: Catch-up Day • Get out all of your paperwork that we have done in civics so far this year
You are a student and a citizen of the classroom! You need to follow the PBIS rules …Respect Yourself … Respect Others … Respect Property
2 simple rules to follow in my classroom • Respect yourself as a student- be prepared and be ready to learn • Respect the learning environment of yourself and others
YOUR DUTIES: • Complete homework and project assignments by the due date • Study and prepare for tests and quizzes • Be prepared for class every day with your notebook, pencil and assignment • Be in your seat and working by the time the bell rings
YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES: • Respect yourself • Respect others and their property • Respect the learning environment of others • Do not talk or socialize when the teachers or others are speaking • Take care of all business before entering the classroom. This means the bathroom, locker, nurse or office needs. • I will not allow you out during instructional time unless we are having independent work time.
CLASSROOM ROUTINES HANDOUT • Be Prepared – Make sure to have your notebook, a writing utensil and any assignment due each day • Entering… remember- do not enter the classroom if an adult is not present. You need to wait outside. If you walk in by accident and notice that no one is there, just turn around and exit the room.
After Entering: • Sit in your assigned seat by the time the bell rings • Have your notebook out to begin the warm-up – see Promethean Board for directions • Listen for further instruction Warm-Up • Complete and review warm-up • Check (or turn in Homework when appropriate)
When you leave the room make sure you take a pass AND Sign the clipboard on the table
Tardy- • You are considered tardy if you enter the room after the bell has completed ringing. • You may also be considered tardy if you have to go back to your locker for supplies or homework.
Things to Remember… • Don’t bring your Ipods or phones to class. You risk having them taken away. • Do not pass notes in class. You risk having them read aloud in class. • Come to class with all materials including homework … NO EXCUSES
Where do you turn in assignments? In your class tray on the table Please place it on top of the folder
What if you are absent? • Get your Buddy Sheet from the board at the back of the room • Your responsibility is to get the notes and do the assignments for the day you missed • You can get this from a friend, from the class room notebook or from my website • You have an extra class per class block you missed to make up an assignment or test
CONSEQUENCES: • There will be consequences for disrupting the learning environment that include but not limited to- talking during instructional time, socializing and not working when required to do so, not being in your assigned seat when requested, inappropriate behavior to other students or a teacher in the classroom
1st offense- Verbal reminder from the teacher to correct behavior and/or a behavior ticket • 2nd offense- Student will receive a Lunch Bunch ticket to have lunch with me • 3rd offense- Lunch Bunch time with me and you will call your parents to explain • 4th offense- referral to the Team and possibly an intervention or parent conference • 5th offense- referral to the Dean
Notebook Setup • The first few pages in your notebook are for beginning of the year papers and procedures • Starting on the VERY FIRST PAGE number each notebook page as follows: i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii • All odd numbered pages should be on the right side and even numbered on the left side
iii Class letter iv blank i Meet me at… ii blank v Volcano letter vi Class proced-ures ½ sheet vii Letter about me viii Letter about me
Numbering unit pages • Beginning on your next right hand side page… • Start numbering your pages 1-50 • Odd numbered pages on the right side • Even numbered pages on the left side
1 Table of contents (copy from board) 2 blank 3 Lesson1- primary sources /roman numerals 4 Warm-up- washing-ton letter 5 What is civics notes 6 Flip book 7 Fun principles notes 8 study guide
Meet Me At Activity • On page “i“ of your notebook draw a clock and label it 12- 3-6- 9 • Select 4 friends in class to partner with when we do activities • Place each other’s names on the same time slot on your clock • If a friend you want is already booked you will have to find another time slot in common or another friend
Remainder of class… • Begin working on and/or complete your flip book • It is due at the end of the next class • Homework- study for the quiz