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Dyslexia. Reading gives me headaches. The words are always moving. When I am reading if feels like I skinned my knee, it stings…. I hate to read.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dyslexia Reading gives me headaches The words are always moving When I am reading if feels like I skinned my knee, it stings… I hate to read

  2. The British Dyslexia Association suggest that 4% of the population will be severely dyslexic (requiring support at school and beyond). A further 6% may have mild dyslexia. • Oak Grove College has approximately 35% students with dyslexia in SEN environment. • Current estimates are 1 in 10 children have Dyslexic tendencies which is about 2-3 children per average classin a Mainstream environment.

  3. A Dyslexic Student May Read Text As..

  4. OpenDyslexicOpenDyslexic AltaOpenDyslexic Mono Alternative fonts to increase readability.

  5. What is OpenDyslexic ? • OpenDyslexic was invented by Abelardo Gonzalez to increase readability for readers with dyslexia. • OpenDyslexic Alta was developed Abelardo and Rob Carpenter to include a rounded ‘a’ • OpenDyslexicMono designed to be used for text editors and working with source code • Typefaces includes regular, bold, italic, and bold-italic styles.

  6. How Does It Help ? Your brain can sometimes do funny things to letters. OpenDyslexic tries to help prevent some of these things from happening. • Letters have heavy weighted bottoms to add a kind of "gravity" to each letter. • You are able to figure out which part of the letter is down which aids in recognizing the correct letter. • It helps to keep your brain from rotating them around. • Consistently weighted bottoms help reinforce the line of text. • The unique shapes of each letter can help prevent confusion through flipping and swapping.

  7. OpenDyslexic Uses Unique Letter Shapesto help prevent confusion Gill Sans rn m MW dpqb l1IijJ

  8. OpenDyslexic Uses Unique Letter Shapesto help prevent confusion Gill Sans rn m MW dpqb l1IijJ Verdana rn m MW dpqb l1IijJ

  9. OpenDyslexic Uses Unique Letter Shapesto help prevent confusion Gill Sans rn m MW dpqb l1IijJ Verdana rn m MW dpqb l1IijJ Comic Sans rn m MW dpqb l1IijJ

  10. OpenDyslexic Uses Unique Letter Shapesto help prevent confusion Gill Sans rn m MW dpqb l1IijJ Verdana rn m MW dpqb l1IijJ Comic Sans rn m MW dpqb l1IijJ OpenDyslexicrn m MW dpqb l1IijJ

  11. OpenDyslexic also takes a different approach to italic styles. • It is recommended that italics be avoided in reading material for dyslexia. • OpenDyslexic’s italic style has been design to allow for its use for “emphasis “while maintaining readability.

  12. Initially these fonts look very different to what our eyes are used to reading. But as you continue to read text in this font, you realise that it is easier to read than other fonts and typefaces. This is due to the ‘weighted’ letters holding the text to the page.

  13. OpenDyslexic is Open Source • This means it is Free for all to use. • It is being updated continually and improved based on input from dyslexic users. It Can Be Downloaded Here http://opendyslexic.org/

  14. Other OpenDyslexic Productsalso Free Browser Extensions ! • Safari extension - includes off-white background, alternate paragraph shading. • Chrome Extension - includes off-white background and alternate paragraph shading. • Opera Extension Courtesy of Federico Panico

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