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WAOL Advisory Group

WAOL Advisory Group. Monday, January 7, 2013. Agenda:. 2013 Meeting Schedule: goo.gl/Y882i State Authorization “Core” technology discussion SBCTC job openings Blackboard Collaborate Check-in Tegrity Check-in ANGEL Check-in Canvas Update OCL Update

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WAOL Advisory Group

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WAOL Advisory Group Monday, January 7, 2013

  2. Agenda: • 2013 Meeting Schedule: goo.gl/Y882i • State Authorization • “Core” technology discussion • SBCTC job openings • Blackboard Collaborate Check-in • Tegrity Check-in • ANGEL Check-in • Canvas Update • OCL Update Next meeting – February 4– same time, same place (January 21 meeting on holiday)

  3. State Authorization • Remember: All colleges are required to provide information to ALL students on the complaint process in their home state. You can use a link to the SHEEO list, available here: • http://www.sheeo.org/stateauth/Complaint%20Process%20Links.pdf • More information on this wiki: http://stateregulations.wikispaces.com/

  4. What Is “Core” Technology? • WACTC Technology Committee has asked IC to work with other commissions to define “core.” • Once defined, the next step is to see if the learning management system and the library platform are core. • Questions— • How paid for? • Mandatory? • Benefit for students?

  5. Blackboard Collaborate • Collaborate (Wimba/Elluminate combo) • Here is the free app for Collaborate Mobile for V12: http://iTunes.com/apps/blackboardcollaboratemobile

  6. Tegrity Check-in • Current contract expires June 30, 2013. • Do we renew? Or do we go for an RFP? • Decision time: January 2013

  7. Tegrity Training • Scheduling a training at Everett CC soon • Desktop Training: http://pages.tegrity.com/desktoptrainingseries.html • Training Videos: http://www.youtube.com/tegritynw

  8. ANGEL Check-in • Get ANGEL help at: http://www.waol.org/help

  9. Canvas Update • MOU— • What is Tier 1 support for Canvas like? • More, less than ANGEL? • Different? Need different or more staff? • Training spots still available at http://goo.gl/z7gAM • Will start charging colleges if faculty don’t show for training class—as before

  10. OCL Update • According to Nicole Allen, Student PIRG, based on OCL faculty use OCL will save students $5.07 million by the end of this academic year What is your college doing?

  11. Take Aways:

  12. Next meeting February 4, 2012, 11:00 to noon on Blackboard Collaborate information on this web site: http://waol.org/faculty_and_staff/WAOLAdvisory.aspx Recordings on WAOL Blog: http://waol.org Please forward invitations to others on your campus who might be interested.

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