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TPL2 Inhibition Regulates pERK1/2 Signaling and ERK2 Activity

Explore the impact of TPL2 inhibition on TNF-induced pERK1/2 signaling and ERK2 function. Investigate the role of TPL2 in mediating GST-MEK phosphorylation and MEK activation. Assess effects on UVC-induced p53 expression and response to cis-platin treatment. Examine siTPL2 influence on UVC-induced PARP cleavage and ERK2 signaling modulation.

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TPL2 Inhibition Regulates pERK1/2 Signaling and ERK2 Activity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Figure S1

  2. DMSO TPL2 inh TNF 0’ 15’ 0’ 15’ 49 pERK1/2 49 ERK2 Figure S2

  3. IVK MT-ev + - MT-TPL2 - + GST-MEK + + MEK pSer217/221 MEK (GST) TPL2 Figure S3 82 82 64

  4. - - + - + UVC (8h): MG132: Figure S4 64 TPL2 + + - 49 p53 β-actin 49

  5. Α. TPL2: +/+ -/- UVC (hrs): 0 3 5 8 0 3 5 8 p53 β-actin 49 49 B. TPL2 +/+ TPL2 -/- cis-platin (hrs): 0 8 0 8 p53 49 49 ERK2 Figure S5

  6. Α. 48h 24h 48h 24h n.s. n.s. siLuc: siTPL2: UVC : + + + - - - - + - - - - + + + + - - + + + + - - B. siLuc siTPL2 siLuc: + - siTPL2: UVC (hrs): 48 48 - + siLuc siTPL2 20J/m2 UVC: - 48h - 48h C. PARP 82 PARP cleaved 49 ERK2 Figure S6

  7. Np Nu UVC (8h): - + - + pT199 NPM 37 UBF 82 Lamin B 82 Figure S7

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