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How the New Deal Affected America

How the New Deal Affected America. -FDR promotes and recognizes many women and Afr. Americans -the economic emergency helped replace the “old ways” with “new ways”. New Roles for Women and African americans. Group #1-Women (p.718, 701) Group #4-Movies & Sports

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How the New Deal Affected America

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How the New Deal Affected America

  2. -FDR promotes and recognizes many women and Afr. Americans -the economic emergency helped replace the “old ways” with “new ways” New Roles for Women and African americans

  3. Group #1-Women (p.718, 701)Group #4-Movies & Sports -Frances Perkins, Eleanor R., (p.720, 722) discrimination Group #2- African Americans (p.718)Group #5- Radio (p.721) -Black Cabinet, Marian McLeod -Orson Welles, fireside chats, Bethune, William Hastie, jazz discrimination, & Marian Anderson Group #3-the Arts (p. 719, 710, & 686) -John Steinback, Grapes of Wrath, Dorothea Lange

  4. -Eleanor Roosevelt -Frances Perkins -discrimination Women

  5. -William Hastie -Black Cabinet -Discrimination Marian Anderson -Democrats get the black vote African Americans

  6. -artists, authors interested in social issues -Dorothea Lange -John Steinbeck American culture

  7. -fireside chats -short stories -helped promote jazz -Orson B. Welles, H. G. Welles Radio

  8. -after stock market crash of 1929, movie revenue up 59% -80 million of America’s 127 million attended a movie each week -an escape from problems Movies

  9. -New Deal seems successful until downturn of 1937-38 -long-lasting federal programs like Social Security and the FDIC -roads, bridges, dams, hospitals, schools, etc. Did it work?

  10. -too much government involvement? -discrimination -not enough employment opportunities -nearly 5 million remained unemployed! Did it work?

  11. -FDR loses supports because of “court-packing” accusations -1937-38 economic downturn -1938: Fair Labor Standards Act -minimum wage -1938 mid-term elections New Deal Dies

  12. http://video.google.com/videosearch?hl=en&source=hp&fkt=852&fsdt=4946&q=war%20of%20the%20worlds%20radio%20broadcast&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wv#http://video.google.com/videosearch?hl=en&source=hp&fkt=852&fsdt=4946&q=war%20of%20the%20worlds%20radio%20broadcast&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wv# http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1209372/history_with_holly_the_great_depression/

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