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Brave New World – Ch. 7

Brave New World – Ch. 7. "The mesa was like a ship becalmed in a strait of lion- coloured dust," (Huxley, 107). How is this a simile?? . New Mexico. Pueblo? Visitors?. Analyze Lenina’s Comments. “Nice Looking Boy!”.

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Brave New World – Ch. 7

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Brave New World – Ch. 7 • "The mesa was like a ship becalmed in a strait of lion-coloured dust," (Huxley, 107).How is this a simile??

  2. New Mexico Pueblo? Visitors?

  3. Analyze Lenina’s Comments “Nice Looking Boy!” • “Cleanliness is next to Fordliness” hypnopaedia or her own comment? • “Civilization is sterilization” hypnopaedia or her own comment? • Hypnopaedia teaches MORALITY Pg. 109, 117, 128 PG. 37

  4. Consumption • “The more stitches, the less riches” • “I do love flying • Better to buy new than mend old Pg. 49

  5. SOMA • “A gramme is better than a damn” Pg. 116

  6. DECANTING • Birthing embryo from bottle Pg. 125

  7. Characters taken from Historical people Lenin – Tsar in Russia “Lie told often enough becomes the truth • Lenina Pg. 31 Bernard Marx Karl Marx – Father of Communism

  8. Chief in Malpais

  9. Snake Dance Rain & Crop Dance Pg. 117

  10. Director’s Secret

  11. Linda – his Beta Minus Girl? + = Pg. 118, 138 Director (AKA Tomakin) “ Sorry I left you, Linda” John – “My son?”)

  12. Linda - now • “No soma here…no side effects with soma • “Mescal here…nasty drink…hangover • “ I don’t mend clothes…. “The more stitches, the less riches” Pg. 125 Pg. 43

  13. Linda’s Sad Life • “No abortion centre here…oh, that lovely pink glass tower!!” World State’s Motto Community Stability Identity!!

  14. Brave New World – Chapter 8 • John has, you guessed it….flashbacks…. Pg. 126 Mom sleeps around…promiscuity Indian wives give her A good whipping!! We have monogamy Pg. 129

  15. John still recalls…. • Linda saying, “I am not your mother!”

  16. John’s reading improved • Now he’s reading “The Chemical and Bacteriological Conditioning of Embryo. Practical Instructions for Beta Embryo-Store Workers • Book of greatest effect, William Shakespeare, “The Tempest” • “Brave New World….that has such people in it” Pg. 131 Pg. 139

  17. Linda…. “Ending is mending”..oh, hypnopaedia!! • Boys made fun of John because his mother was a floosy and didn’t know how to mend his clothes, so he walked around in rags. • No rite of passage ritual for you! Pg. 136

  18. John’s flashbacks wouldn’t be complete without his mom’s mean boyfriend!!!! • Pope’ • Of course, he’s a drunk!! • I Kill you! Pg. 133

  19. Bernard’s invitation • John and Linda, come back to A Brave New World with Lenina and I???+ • Revenge against director

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