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Putting the World into World-Class Education: Innovations and Opportunities. Vivien Stewart Vice President, Education Asia Society. Global Context/Economic Trends. In 18 – 19 th century Agricultural Age In 19-20th century Industrial and Scientific Age
Putting the World into World-Class Education:Innovations and Opportunities Vivien Stewart Vice President, Education Asia Society
Global Context/Economic Trends • In 18 – 19th century Agricultural Age • In 19-20th century Industrial and Scientific Age • In 21st century Global and Digital Age We need to prepare students for the world of tomorrow, not the world of yesterday
Global Context/Economic Trends • 1945 – 1990: U.S. Dominant World Economy • Europe and Japan recovering from World War II • Russia, China, India, Africa – not market economies • 1990: End of Cold War • Market economies in China, Russia, India • World Trade Organization (1995) • Three billion people move from closed economies into global economy
The Next Economy is A Science and Knowledge Economy- need scientific and technological literacy A Resource-Challenged Economy- need critical thinking about sustainable economies A Globally Interdependent Economy- global competence is a core competence A Demographically Diverse Economy- requires cross-cultural leadership skills An Innovation-Driven Economy- requires students who can learn how to learn and adapt to rapid change
Global Trends: Economic Percentage of World GDP 2004 2025 2050 India India India China Other Other Japan Other China Japan China US US EU US EU Japan EU China, India, Japan are expected to be 50% of world GDP within 30 years -- up from 18% in 2006. Source: Keystone India
Global Context/Demographic Trends • Increasing diversity in our schools and workplaces • Increased populations from different parts of the world require a citizenry with increased understanding of other cultures • Hispanic population has grown 34% since 1995; projected to grow 73% in the next 20 years • Asian and Pacific Islander population has grown 41%; projected to grow 86%
Global Context/Technology Trends • “The World is Flat” Tom Friedman. • Wiring of world from 1998 on means that much work can be done anywhere. 24/7 global production teams. • 77.6% of Americans older than age 12 are on the Internet. Similar Internet usage is found in developed countries such as South Korea, Singapore. • In Japan 67%, in China 11% (143 million people) and in India, 3.5%. However, these percentages are all growing exponentially.
Global Context/Education Trends • Access to good jobs now requires new skills • Future careers in business, government, science, health care, law enforcement—all require greater international knowledge and skills • Minorities underrepresented in international careers—need to be exposed to international content before college
Global Context/National Security • New national and human security challenges • Terrorism, AIDS, Avian Flu, Environmental concerns all underscore need for global knowledge • US State and Defense Departments have issued strong calls for greater proficiency in critical languages (Arabic, Korean, Farsi etc)
In the 21st century students will be: • Selling to the world • Buying from the world • Working for international companies • Managing employees from other countries and cultures • Competing with people on the other side of the world for jobs and markets • Working with people all over the world in joint ventures and global work teams • Solving global problems such as AIDS, avian flu, environmental problems, and resolving conflicts ARE THEY READY?
Challenge: Students Lack Knowledge and Skills Needed In Global Age “To compete successfully in the global marketplace, both U.S.-based multinational corporations as well as small businesses increasingly need employees with knowledge of foreign languages and cultures to market products to customers around the globe and to work effectively with foreign employees and partners in other countries.” Committee for Economic Development
Innovations in Schools and States Every school an international school, Every graduate globally literate.
What is International/Global Competence? • Knowledge of other world regions, cultures, and global/international issues • Skills in communicating in languages other than English, working in global or cross-cultural environments, and using information from different sources around the world • Values of respect and concern for other cultures and peoples
Innovations in Schools • John Stanford International School • Public K-5 bilingual immersion school in Seattle • Students spend half day studying math, science, culture and literacy in either Japanese or Spanish; the other half of the day is spent learning reading, writing and social studies in English • Partnerships with local offices of multinational businesses • Offers ESL courses for children and after-school courses for their parents • Seattle now plans 10 internationally focused schools
Innovations in Schools • Walter Payton College Prep High School • Diverse school in Chicago • Every student takes 4 years of language (Chinese, Japanese, Latin, French and Spanish) • Partnerships with schools in China, France, North Africa, Japan, Switzerland, Chile, Italy and South Africa. (Videoconferences, homestays, sister schools)
Innovations in Schools • Diverse student body in suburb of Chicago • One-year international studies requirement for graduation • Area studies courses on the history, literature and art of Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East and global issues courses • Ongoing professional development through partnerships with local university area studies centers Evanston Township High School
Innovations in Schools International School of the Americas • Urban, public, magnet in San Antonio, TX • Emphasis on experiential learning: Model UN. Study trips to Zacatecas, Mexico and the Heifer Ranch • Science Partnerships with Japan • Partnerships with local teacher colleges and museums • Every student has internship with international focus
Innovations in Schools • Principles for Redesigning Schools • Integrate international content across curriculum • Offer world languages, including Asian languages • Use technology to open students horizons and connect schools to schools around the world • Partner with international businesses, museums, communities • Encourage Internationally oriented community service • Asia Society’s International Studies Schools Network: 13 schools serving low-income students in CA, CO, NY, NC, and TX. Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. • The mission of each ISSN school is to prepare students to be college ready and globally competent.
Innovations in States Arizona Connecticut Delaware Idaho Indiana Kansas Kentucky Massachusetts Maryland Michigan Nebraska New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma Pennsylvania Rhode Island Virginia Vermont Washington Wisconsin West Virginia • 24 states are part of the Asia Society States Network on International Education
Innovations in States • Developing Task Forces/Reports and Statewide “Summits” to assess the status of international education (19 states) • Adding international content to curriculum frameworks(11 states) • Introducing state legislation (12states) • Creating international secondary schools as models for replication (7 states) • Creating new educational partnerships with other countries (15 states) • Initiating early language programs and expanding world language requirements (6 states) • Creating new professional development institutes (17 states) • Appointed international education coordinators (7 states) • Adding international courses to virtual high schools (5 states)
Innovations in Languages Rapidly growing interest! • 2,400 schools want to offer AP Chinese
Innovations in Languages • 85% of Americans believe it is important for students to learn a second language and 70% believe it should begin in elementary school. • Chinese language programs in K-12 schools have increased from 200 in 2005 500 + programs in 39 states in 2007. • New APs in Mandarin, Japanese, Russian
Conclusion • The need for international education has never been greater. • There is grassroots movement in different parts of the country, as well as growing interest at the state and federal level. • Many opportunities exist for innovation at the local school district and state level. • Where are the points of leverage/opportunity in West Virginia?
Resources for Schools • Upcoming Asia Society Events: • National Chinese Language Conference • April 17-19, 2008 • Washington, DC • Putting the World into World-Class Education: Forum for International Education Policy and Practice • July 10 -12, 2008 • Washington, DC
Resources for Schools:InternationalEd.org • Featuring: • Latest news in International Education • Directory of State and National Initiatives • Education in Asia • Publications • Teacher Resources • Policy Resources