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Hydration and Empty Liquid Calories

Hydration and Empty Liquid Calories. v s. “GO” Beverages . How often do you drink one of the following? Sparking water -plain water 100% fruit juice - low-fat or fat-free milk Drinking water is important to your body because it .. -carries nutrients to cells

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Hydration and Empty Liquid Calories

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hydration and Empty Liquid Calories vs.

  2. “GO” Beverages • How often do you drink one of the following? • Sparking water -plain water • 100% fruit juice - low-fat or fat-free milk Drinking water is important to your body because it .. -carries nutrients to cells -flushes out toxins from the body -keeps body tissue moist Because of the sugar/calorie content in fruit juice you should drink no more than 8oz a day

  3. “WHOA” Sugar-Sweetened beverages • What other beverages do you drink that are sugar-sweetened? • Diet sodas do not provide any beneficial nutrients so that makes them “WHOA” beverages. In addition, they contain artificial sweeteners, which adolescents should consume only in limited amounts. • Sports drinks are ONLY beneficial in certain situations like a lengthy workout. In any other situation, the sugar, salt and potassium intake could do more harm than good.

  4. Mindless Calorie Consumption • What do you drink at fast food and sit-down restaurants? How many refills do you get? Studies have shown that most people, when drinking a sugar-sweetened beverage with a meal, don't try to compensate for the calories in the beverage by eating less of the solid foods.

  5. REMEMBER Consuming beverages that contain a lot of sugar can lead to excess caloric consumption and weight gain. If you remember this when you're choosing beverages, including at restaurants, you can do your body a favor by consuming fewer calories and less sugar.

  6. REMEMBER There is no such thing as a “bad” food/beverage. The idea is simply to consume “WHOA” foods less often and in smaller amounts. Water is the best beverage to drink because it’s calorie-free, inexpensive, it makes up about 60 % of our body, and readily available.

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