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Dyslexia. Manal Al subaie. Outline:. Definition of Dyslexia. Symptoms of Dyslexia. Characteristic Signs. Types of Dyslexia. Causes. Treatment. Famous People With Dyslexia. What is Dyslexia?.
Dyslexia Manal Al subaie
Outline: • Definition of Dyslexia. • Symptoms of Dyslexia. • Characteristic Signs. • Types of Dyslexia. • Causes. • Treatment. • Famous People With Dyslexia
What is Dyslexia? • We can define it as the difficulty to learn appropriate reading or writing skills although teaching methods and social activities are available. This problem influenced mostly the reading and writing abilities. It is a brain-based condition. People who suffered from this problem are called dyslexic or dyslectic
Symptoms of Dyslexia • Symptoms Related to Speech/Hearing: • Poor oral language. • Takes a while to learn how to talk. • Never follow directions. • Confusion with certain words like left/right, before/after, etc. • Difficulty in learning alphabets, rhymes or songs.
Symptoms Related To Reading and Spelling Abilities: • Can read a word in one page correctly, but in the very next page, he may fail to recognize it. • They may also say a word that has same letters, but in a different sequence. For e.g. who-how, saw-was, left-felt, etc. • Substitutes similar looking words, for e.g. house for horse, sunrise for surprise, rite for right, etc. • When reading aloud, ignores punctuation, reading is very slow and out of order.
Here are some examples show you how dyslexic see pictures and examples for handwriting:
Characteristic Signs: May seem to be bright, intelligent and articulate, but their reading, writing and speaking is under par based on their age group. May have good speaking abilities, but his/her performance in the written language exams will be very poor. Is usually termed as worst of the lot at school. This is because this condition affects the reading, sparing other intellectual abilities. Talented in other areas like art, drama, music, sports, mechanics, story-telling, sales, business, designing, building and engineering.
Types of Dyslexia: • Speech and Language Dyslexia • Difficulty producing speech sounds, difficulty understanding, difficulty using spoken. • Academic Learning Dyslexia • Reading and writing problems, arithmetic skills problems.
The exact cause of this learning disability is unknown. Studies however point towards genetics, that may have a hand in the development of this detrimental disorder. Children of people with dyslexia are more likely to suffer from this condition. However, till the exact cause remains unknown, the treatment will remain superficial.
Treatment: • A qualified psychologist or specialist in dyslexia can help in diagnosing this condition. As the cause is unknown, the cure remains elusive. However, change in teaching methods and extra care can help the child overcome their disability.
. These children need to be taught to learn in a special way. They can be given extra time in school during tests and other evaluation methods. Parents need to educate themselves on this subject so that they can give their child everything they need to succeed academically. Encourage the child to read, do not allow them to lose interest. Motivate them to try harder, but not force them.
At The end • We should Know that Dyslexia is not a disease. The dyslexic just different from others.