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I. Personality

chapter 2. I. Personality. chapter 2. Defining personality and traits. Personality Distinctive and relatively stable pattern of behaviors, thoughts, motives, and emotions that characterizes an individual [p40] Trait

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I. Personality

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  1. chapter 2 I. Personality

  2. chapter 2 Defining personality and traits • Personality Distinctive and relatively stable pattern of behaviors, thoughts, motives, and emotions that characterizes an individual [p40] • Trait A characteristic of an individual, describing a habitual way of behaving, thinking, and feeling [p40]

  3. Are you introverted or extraverted?

  4. chapter 2 Big Five [pp46-47] • Openness vs resistance • Conscientiousness vs impulsiveness • Extraversion vs introversion • Agreeableness vs antagonism • Neuroticism vs emotional stability

  5. II. The biological contribution

  6. chapter 2 Heredity and temperament Temperaments[p50] Physiological dispositions to respond to the environment in certain ways Present in infancy, assumed to be innate Relatively stable over time Includes Reactivity Soothability Positive and negative emotionality

  7. Genes [p49] • Made up of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) • Units of heredity that make up the chromosomes

  8. Identical twins develop from a single fertilized egg AKA: monozygotic twins Fraternal twins develop from two separate eggs that have each been fertilized by a sperm cell AKA: dizygotic twins Twins [p52]

  9. III. The learning contribution

  10. B.F. Skinner • Radical behaviorism • Personality is ones behavior • Change environment to change behavior

  11. chapter 2 Albert Bandura’s social cognitive perspective Reciprocal determinism Two-way interaction between aspects of the environment and aspects of the individual in the shaping of personality traits [p55]

  12. IV. The cultural contribution

  13. chapter 2 Culture, values, and traits Culture[p58] A program of shared rules that govern the behavior of members of a community or society A set of values, beliefs, and attitudes shared by most members of that community

  14. chapter 2 Culture, values, and traits Individualist cultures Cultures in which the self is regarded as autonomous, and individual goals and wishes are prized above duty and relations with others [p58] Collectivist cultures Cultures in which the self is regarded as embedded in relationships, and harmony with one’s group is prized above individual goals and wishes [p58]

  15. V. The humanist contribution

  16. chapter 2 Humanists—the inner experience [p63] • capacity for personal growth • freedom to choose • positive qualities

  17. chapter 2 Carl Rogers Unconditional positive regard A situation in which the acceptance and love one receives from significant others is unqualified [p63] Conditional positive regard A situation in which the acceptance and love one receives from significant others is contingent upon one’s behavior [p63]

  18. Carl Rogers [p63] • Self concept: an individual’s overall perceptions of their abilities, behaviors, and personality • The selfand the ideal self

  19. chapter 2 Evaluating humanist approaches [p64] Hard to operationally define many of the concepts Added balance to the study of personality Encouraged others to focus on “positive psychology” Fostered new appreciation for resilience

  20. VI. The psychodynamic contribution

  21. chapter 2 Psychodynamic theories [p40] Theories that explain behavior and personality in terms of unconscious dynamics within the individual, with a focus on: • Early life experiences • Stages of psychological development • Fantasies • Symbolic meanings

  22. Sigmund Freud

  23. chapter 2 The structure of personality [p40] Id: operates according to the pleasure principle Primitive, unconscious part of personality Ego: operates according to the reality principle Mediates between id and superego Superego: moral ideals, conscience

  24. chapter 2 Defense mechanisms Methods used by the ego to to prevent unconscious anxiety or threatening thoughts from entering consciousness [p41]

  25. chapter 2 Defense mechanisms [p41] • Repression • Rationalization • Displacement • Sublimation • Projection • Reaction formation • Denial • Regression

  26. chapter 2 Repression The basic defense mechanism that banishes anxiety-arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories from consciousness [p41]

  27. chapter 2 Rationalization The defense mechanism that offers self-justifying explanations in place of the real, more threatening, unconscious reasons for one’s actions [not in textbook]

  28. chapter 2 Displacement A defense mechanism that shifts sexual or aggressive impulses toward a more acceptable or less threatening object or person [p41]

  29. chapter 2 Sublimation Occurs when the ego replaces an unacceptable impulse with a socially acceptable one [p41]

  30. chapter 2 Projection A defense mechanism by which people disguise their own threatening impulses by attributing them to others [p41]

  31. chapter 2 Reaction Formation A defense mechanism by which the ego unconsciously switches unacceptable impulses into their opposites [not in textbook]

  32. chapter 2 Denial Occurs when the ego refuses to acknowledge anxiety-producing realities [p41]

  33. chapter 2 Regression A defense mechanism in which an individual faced with anxiety retreats to a more infantile stage of development [p41]

  34. Identifying defense mechanisms in everyday life

  35. Freud’s 5 stages of psychosexual development [pp41-42] Oral Anal Phallic Latency Genital Fixation occurs when stages aren’t resolved successfully chapter 2 Personality development

  36. chapter 2 Evaluating psychodynamic theories [p44-45] Three scientific failings • Violating the principle of falsifiability • Drawing universal principles from the experiences of a few atypical patients • Basing theories of personality development on retrospective accounts and the fallible memories of patients

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