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LESSON PLAN. Subject : Social Studies Class : IV Topic : Social Welfare Organizations / NGOs Duration : 40 MINUTES PER PERIOD Period : 3 PERIODS PER WEEK Presented By: Ghulam Mustafa Khan DA SKBZ COLLEGE – Phase VI 22 nd July, 2011. MOTIVATION-NGO.
LESSON PLAN Subject :Social Studies Class : IV Topic :Social Welfare Organizations / NGOs Duration : 40 MINUTES PER PERIOD Period: 3 PERIODS PER WEEK Presented By: Ghulam Mustafa Khan DA SKBZ COLLEGE – Phase VI 22nd July, 2011
MOTIVATION-NGO • Conceptualizing NGO human needs and social institutions. • Need for physical and mental well being. • Need to know. • Need for justice. • Need for economic security. • Need for self realization, and relationship. L E S S O N P L A N
OBJECTIVES • To enhance students knowledge and understanding about the lesson. • To generate an in-depth discussion about the lesson to help the students better participate in the class on the following topics: • Social Welfare organizations: • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's) L E S S O N P L A N
AREA OF THE LEARNING Students will be able : To understand the importance of Social Welfare Organization provide basics services for the people. To understand the importance of Non-Government Organizations (N.G.O’s) mainly work to help the poors. To know the names of the N.G.O’s in Pakistan. To understand the importance of The Edhi Foundation as N.G.O L E S S O N P L A N
METHODOLOGY • Lecture demonstration method will be used through demonstration of different Social Welfare Organization in Pakistan. • Activity based method will be introduced for individual and group activity. • Animated videos, photographs of S.W.O & N.G.O’s will be shown to the students. L E S S O N P L A N
INTRODUCTION TO THE TOPIC INCLUDING ITS SYNOPSIS (SUMMARY) • The Government of our Country works to provide its citizens with basic Services to the people. These are commonly known as "NGO's" Non-Governmental Organization". • The main work of NGO's is to help the poor. NGO's also provide free education & healthcare L E S S O N P L A N N
SHORT QUESTIONS (KNOWN TO UNKNOWN) Q # 1.Define Social Welfare Organization? Q # 2. What do you stand by N.G.O? Q # 3. Name different N.G.O’s in Pakistan? Q # 4. What is different between S.W.O and N.G.O After asking short question regarding previous topic teacher will link it with a new topic and announce the topic in class. L E S S O N P L A N N
Outline L E S S O N P L A N N The meaning of NGOs: Nongovernmental organizations NGO characteristics Different types of NGOs History of NGOs Reasons for the current growth of NGOs NGO and globalization Challenges and responses
Meaning of NGO L E S S O N P L A N N Formal: institutionalized Private: nongovernmental Self-governing Exhibition of altruistic value and ideologically driven Nonprofit distributing Development oriented
Different Types of NGOs By Location L E S S O N P L A N N I. Northern NGOs or international NGOs - western industrialized countries - national, multinational, fully multinational II. Southern NGOs or local, indigenous NGOs • low income, aid recipient countries • less developed areas
Different Types of NGOs By Purpose L E S S O N P L A N Demand-Side NGOs • Advocacy/lobbying work • Advance beliefs and ideologies • Seek to influence public policy • the Interaction and Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response (SCHR) Supply-Side NGOs • Welfare oriented NGOs • Provide services directly to local community • Rely on volunteers and staff • CARE, Plan International, MSF
History of NGO III. Disengagement: 1941-1944 • Humanitarian and emergency for war victims • Growing hostility • Inhibited NGO participation IV. Formalization 1945-late 1960s • recognition by international agencies • No real cooperation L E S S O N P L A N I. Emergence: 1775-1918 • National issues: slave trade, peace movement, labour rights • Humanitarian relief for war victims and refugees II. Engagement: 1920 to 1940 • raising awareness of international issues • Interacting with governments
History NGO Contd… VI: 1980s: Limited contribution of NGOs • Reagan and Thatcher era • Market as the engine of growth • Dominance of institutional donors • Donor-led development • Development of NGO cooperation with official aid system L E S S O N P L A N V: Late 1960s-1970s: Quite Growth • Gov as recipient of international aid • Gov as the engine of development • Prevalence of TNCs • Mutual mistrust • NGO presence was tolerated
History of NGO Contd… VIII: 2000-current: Self-examination • critical path of NGOs • Welfare providers for official aid system or advocacy organizations • Fundamental values and roles of NGOs in development L E S S O N P L A N VII: 1990s: Favored Child • alternative model of development (people-centered model) • NGOs as the preferred mechanism of development • Failure of past efforts • Evidence of NGO growth • Gained access to policymakers
NGO-Growth Factors L E S S O N P L A N Fiscal crisis: budget cut, slow economy, economic recession The End of Cold War The Third Wave of Democratic Opening An increasing use of public bilateral and multilateral resources Privatization Change in ideology: The New Policy Agenda Growing demand
Globalization Challenges L E S S O N P L A N N 3 aspects of globalization • Social globalization • Economic globalization • Political globalization
NGO Challenges L E S S O N P L A N 1.New Waves of Complex Emergencies. 2. New Form of Global Poverty 3. Declining capacity of national governments 4. Weak and outmoded global institutions 5. New pressure for accountability and efficiency 6. New pressures to respond globally 7. Recreating purpose and mystique
Internal Response Needed L E S S O N P L A N Reexamine our values • Create a new vision and mission • Design new relief and development programs • Transform organizational culture • Increases accountability • Build global networks for services, fundraising, and advocacy • Restore meaning in organizational work
Variables in Managing Change L E S S O N P L A N • Stakeholder review • Staff morale and issues • Partnership choices • Program review problems/possibilities • Financial/base/options for change • Donors’ roles and relationships • A learning organization
Coverage of the Lesson According to its Synopsis: • The concept of social Welfare organizations is very broad in a term that it directly relates to the people and work & help for the poor people. Besides the Government, the Non-Governmental organizations (NGO's) work all over the country some of the important NGO's of Pakistan are: • Ansar Burney Welfare Trust. (ABT) • Behbud Association. • Edhi Foundation. • Pakistan Red Crescent Society. (PRCS) • SOS Children Village • The Citizen Foundation (TCF) L E S S O N P L A N
Sample Unit : SWO / NGOAccording to Bloom’s Taxonomy • Remembering:How many ways can NGO work? Describe one of the NGO from your list, draw a diagram and label the parts. Collect “NGO” pictures from magazines- make a poster with info. • Understanding: How do you get from school to NGO office? Explain the method of NGO and draw a map. Write a play about a form of modern NGO. Explain how you felt the first time you visited the NGO. • Applying: Explain why some NGO are large and others small. Write a story about the functions of both. Read a story about “The Social Service” and make up a play about it. Survey 10 other children to see what NGO they visited. Display on a chart or graph • Analyzing: Make a jigsaw puzzle of children visiting and helping NGO. What problems are there with modern NGO and their functions write a report. Use a Venn Diagram to compare NGO (1) Health, (2) Education, (3) legal Aid. • Evaluation: What changes would you recommend to NGO rules to prevent any accident? Debate whether we should be able to form a NGO. • Creating: Establish the NGO. Draw it after careful planning. What sort of thinks or problems will there be in twenty years time? Discuss, write about it and report to the class. Write a song about S.W.O / NGO for your country. L E S S O N P L A N
Ansar Burney Welfare Trust (ABT) • Ansar Burney is a practicing founder of the Ansar Burney Trust. • As a vocal and prominent student leader in the 1970s, Ansar Burney was a known voice for justice, freedom of speech and for human and civil rights during martial law in Pakistan. L E S S O N P L A N • The Ansar Burney Trust headed by Mr. Ansar Burney is a network of human rights organizations working for the deliverance of justice, better treatment of human beings and for the rights and freedoms of civil liberties. Our work is to raise awareness, provide free legal advice and services and humanitarian assistance where needed.
BEHBUD ASSOCIATION • "Behbud", means 'advancement'. It is a name which stands for support and strength for women. It was conceived and founded by Mrs. AkhtarRiazuddin, with the help of a small group of volunteers in 1967. Operating out of a member's home in a congested area of Rawalpindi, Behbud has grown into a national institution in the last 40 years. L E S S O N P L A N
EDHI FOUNDATION • "I had accepted at the outset that charity was distorted and completely unrelated to its original concept. Reverting to the ideal was like diverting an ocean of wild waters. Another major obstacle in the promotion of welfare was exposed...the disgust of man towards mankind. There was only one expression, one reaction from everyone...cringing." Abdul Sitar Edhi L E S S O N P L A N • Edhi foundation is the most trusted name in Pakistan when it comes to relief work within distressed areas in Pakistan and the rest of the world. • Edhi's founder is Abdul SattarEdhi who established the first clinic in 1951.
EDHI FOUNDATION • Edhi foundation is a NON Profit organization that has been in the business of providing social services like medical care, emergency services, air ambulances, burial services, mental habitats, old homes, child welfare services, abused women safe houses and training facilities for the disadvantaged. L E S S O N P L A N • Edhi Foundation's activities include a 24 hours emergency service across the country through 250 Edhi centers which provide free shrouding and burial of unclaimed dead bodies, shelter for the destitute, orphans and handicapped persons, free hospitals and dispensaries, rehabilitation of drug addicts, free wheel chairs, crutches and other services for the handicapped, family planning counseling and maternity services, national and international relief efforts for the victims.
PAKISTAN RED CRESCENT SOCIETY (PRCS) • Pakistan Red Crescent Society was founded on December 20, 1947 by the order ‘The Pakistan Red Cross Order’ courtesy Quaid-e- Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Governor General of Pakistan and Founder President of the Society. L E S S O N P L A N • The most important, however, remains PRCS’s endeavour to strengthen the humanitarian and social values by promoting the ideals of tolerance, non-violence, sympathy, love and respect for others in the society. Ranging from inter-personal contacts to organizing seminars, public gatherings, declamation contests and various sporting events like promotional walks and galas, PRCS is ceaselessly trying to make Pakistan a better place to live.
SOS CHILDREN VILLAGE • SOS Children's Villages of Pakistan is a private social welfare organization providing orphans and abandoned children a home, good nurturing and a fair chance in life. a new and permanent home. The children remain in SOS care until they are able to lead independent lives. L E S S O N P L A N • The primary need of children deprived of their natural parents is to be placed in a situation which is as close as possible to a normal home. SOS Children's Villages meet this need and provide them with security and loving care.
THE CITIZEN FOUNDATION TCF is a professionally managed, non-profit organization set up in 1995 by a group of citizens concerned with the dismal state of education in Pakistan. As of 2011, TCF has established 730 purpose-built school units nationwide with an enrollment of 102,000 students. L E S S O N P L A N • TCF encourages female enrollment and strives to maintain a 50% female ratio in most of its campuses. TCF has a full female faculty of 5,400 members. TCF also has a dedicated Teacher Training Center in Karachi and Mansehra for the ongoing training of its faculty and provides logistical support to all its teachers. About 8,000 jobs have been created in communities in which TCF operates.
ASSIGNMENT Students will make an assignment on Social Welfare Organization and write about what work they do and how they help people. (The assignment will be presented in the Class as a group of 5 students) L E S S O N P L A N
EVALUATION • Past paper questions will be solved as home assignment. • Cross Word will be given as class assignment and marks will be included in monthly test. • Students will be marked on their presentation on Social Welfare Organization One N.G.O in class aided by word document • Students will be awarded the Certificate of Honor in the assembly. L E S S O N P L A N
ANALYSIS (Project Based Learning) Project based learning is: • A student cantered , • An instructional model. • Project-based approaches : • Engage students in deeper content area knowledge. • Develop 21st century skills such as • Collaboration, • Problem-solving, and • Critical Thinking. L E S S O N P L A N
Summary of the lesson: • The government of our Country works for its citizens with the basic services. Social Welfare organizations also provide services to people i.e. "Free Education" and "Healthcare", legal Support. Keeping in view of the world, there are many NGO's who have been working for the noble cause of serving the Humanity. • Among the NGO's the well known were Princes Diana & Mother Teresa. L E S S O N P L A N
CLASS PARTICIPATION AWARD • Given to • IMRAN AHMED - Class IV • For sharing his good ideas and • Information with others • By • Class Incharge • DA SKBZ College Phase VI • 25th July 2011 L E S S O N P L A N