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Sales Training. WORK ETHIC. It’s all about our customers. Prepare a Winning Presentation.
Sales Training WORK ETHIC It’s all about our customers.
Prepare a Winning Presentation Be certain that you have created a presentation and subsequent sales material based on the availability of time that you have with your potential customer in order to succeed. During your initial dealings with your customers It’s all about our customers.
Meet with the Account After you have gathered background information on the company by researching on the internet, you then need to schedule a time to visit the account in person rather than call them on the phone. Nothing replaces face-to-face contact. Key meeting preparation tips: • Be on time • Introduce yourself, title and company overview. • Observe you over surroundings for small talk. • Confirm agreed amount of time for meeting. • Keep yourself on track in terms of time. It’s all about our customers.
Learn their Goals & Challenges It is very important to learn what you account’s goals and objectives are. This will help you qualify your account, and also plan for the future. Knowing if your customer will be opening another location or closing a location will give you insight on how to manage the account in the future. Also, finding out the challenges they face will give you the opportunity to solve their problems, gaining you respect and loyalty. It’s all about our customers.
Be a Good Listener Always listen. It’s the most important thing a great consultant can do. And we’re talking about active listening, not passive listening. You’re focused on the customers talking, and are ready to respond and repeat what they said. The goal is to make sure that both parties understand what is being said. As you listen, you’ll need to document everything the account tells you. All the information you obtain will help you qualify and/or close. It’s all about our customers.
Conduct a site walk-through While you’re at the location, make sure to walk throughout the facility, and get a feeling for the business, the products they are using, and what areas might need additional attention. As well as areas of opportunity – whether that be paper or plastic products, chemicals or janitorial supplies. Look at how much of these products thy have currently at their location. This will give you an idea of how much product they use, which will help you qualify the account. It’s all about our customers.
Request a Budget Perhaps the most important qualifying question to be asked when interviewing a client is the “budget question.” Along with asking for the sale, it is the hardest question to get sales people to ask. Determining a budget during the meeting can be the difference between closing a sale and hours of wasted time for you and your client. However difficult, it is necessary. The budget will tell you if the account is a qualified business. It’s all about our customers.
Qualify the Account You are always going to be qualifying. A qualified account has goals, might or might not have a plan, definitely has challenges to overcome, and a defined timeline and budget. Make sure that their goals and budget qualify them to be a customer. The sooner you can identify an account that isn’t a right for you, the better you are off, and the faster you can move onto the next account. Spend the majority of your time, and attention with qualified accounts. It’s all about our customers.
Make Recommendations After you finish walking throughout the facility and receive a budget, you can then begin recommending the best products and services, which will help your account accomplish their challenges, while staying within their budget. Also, make sure that you have enough product knowledge so that you can effectively match the correct products that All Florida Paper stocks with your accounts needs. This will determine how much their trust in you grows or dwindles in the future. It’s all about our customers.
Offer Cost Effective Solutions You as the consultant have to provide cost effective solutions to your account. If you don’t, they will leave you in a heartbeat for another distributor that will serve them. This step really fuses with the previous step “Making Recommendation,” in that you need to have enough product knowledge so that you are able to seamlessly provide the products to your customer that best fit the results they are looking for, while staying within their budget. It’s all about our customers.
Finalize long-term plan After you recommend the right cost effective products that your account needs, sit down with them and finalize a long term plan, taking into consideration their budget, goals and challenges for the business. Discuss with them whether they are going to buy a certain amount of products every week for 6 months, 12 months, or longer. You want to be able to have a plan so the customer doesn’t have to submit a new order every week, which will hurt you. It’s all about our customers.
Provide Ongoing Assessments Just because you submit the first order doesn’t mean that your job is done. You as the sales consultant are an ambassador to all your accounts on behalf of All Florida Paper. Make weekly visits to the account, and see if anything has changed, if they need anything different, or even just to check up on them. They way you present yourself, directly reflects how the account perceives the company as a whole. You must practice this with every customer. It’s all about our customers.
Always Express Appreciation Express your appreciation to your customer for allowing All Florida Paper to be their supplier. The only reason why everyone at All Florida Paper has a job, from the Janitor to the CEO, is because your customer buys from us, and we appreciate that. Make sure they never forget that you’re always there for them. Some things you can do for them: • Send a birthday note • Congratulate them on an accomplishment • Just be there for them It’s all about our customers.
REVIEW SECTION: • What are steps in effective account management? • Describe each step, and their importance. It’s all about our customers.
#1 The Relater • The Relator style prefers to first get to know you as a person. If they are comfortable with you at that point, then they will be more inclined to do business with you. • What should you ? • Tell them some things about your personal life, your hobbies, talk sports, travel, etc. Ask them about their family, hobbies, sports teams, etc. It’s all about our customers.
#2 The Socializer • The Socializer style is an extrovert by heart, who loves to laugh, entertain people, tell jokes and be in the spotlight. • What should you ? • If you have a joke (not crude or politically incorrect), then tell it. If not, be a good audience if your prospect or customers tells you a joke. • Be high energy. It’s all about our customers.
#3 The Thinker • The Thinker style is not interested in you family, your hobbies, and definitely doesn’t want a joke. They are interested in facts, details and specifications regarding your products and services. • What should you ? • Give them information on specifications, dilution ratios, MSDS and anything else which speaks to their desire for specific about the product(s). It’s all about our customers.
#4 The Director • The Director style is preoccupied with the most effective use of his/her time. For the director, time is money. They don’t want you “wasting their time.” • What should you ? • Cut to the chase and get to the point. Collapse your presentation into the essentials. • Example: “Mr. Beck, I know that your time is very valuable and limited, so let me get to the point. I’m James Smith with All Florida Paper, and we specialize in products that focus on saving your business time, labor and money.” It’s all about our customers.
Four Types of Customer Buying Styles • Again, the degree to which you are successful in identifying which buying style you are interacting with, and how well you can adjust your presentation style to accommodate the prospect’s of customer’s style, has a direct relationship to how much you will increase the probability of closing the sale. • In short, you must learn to be a good actor or actress. • Here are the 4 steps you need to follow in order to maximize these buying styles when with either a prospect or customer: • Learn and understand the four customer buying styles, and what they are. • Identify your own style. • Make an educated guess as to your prospect’s or customer’s buying style. • Give them the styles that’s most inline with theirs. It’s all about our customers.
Four Types of Customer Buying Styles • Knowing when and how to make these adjustments is not a science. It is based on you exercising keen observations of their tone of voice, body language and the content that each prospect or customer displays, then making a judgement call as to how to adjust your style to achieve to achieve maximum compatibility. • For example, if a prospect or customer “speaks with their hands,” and wants to talk about family and sports, then don’t dive into talking about products. Instead, you should use hand gestures, a faster verbal pace, and chat about sports and family. • If the prospect or customer speaks slowly and immediately begins the conversation in a focus tone regarding the product’s chemical composition, packaging sizes, dilution ratios, etc., then you should respond in the same serious, focused tone, and provide them with the specific facts. It’s all about our customers.
REVIEW SECTION: • List each of the four types of communication styles. • What should your response be for each style? • Explain why it’s important to understand these four styles to enhance your sales success? • List the four steps you need to follow in order to use the communication styles to your advantage? It’s all about our customers.
Four Main Objectives • For a Sales Consultant • Acquire new accounts. • Maintain your existing accounts. • Penetrate your existing accounts with additional products. • Reactivate dormant accounts. It’s all about our customers.
Accounts in Jeopardy • WARNING SIGNS • The customer is not as friendly to you as they used to be. • The customer starts buying less from you. • The customer constantly challenges you on price. • The customer doesn’t make time for you to see them. • You see products you sell to the customer, but they’re from other suppliers. It’s all about our customers.
Accounts in Jeopardy • Proactive Solutions • Set customer expectations early on in the relationship. • Become the expert on the products they need. • Build the trust through relationships. • Verbally, and in other ways, THANK the customer for their business. • Show the customer that you don’t take them for granted. • Build customer relationships online (i.e. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). • Periodically ask the customer “how am I doing, and what can I do better to service your business?” In the event that you do lose a customer account, conduct an exit interview (if possible) to find out specifically why you lost their account. It’s all about our customers.
REVIEW SECTION: • What are the 4 main objectives of a sales consultant? • Explain why each of the “Pieces of the Sales Puzzle” is important for sales success? • What are 5 “Warning Signs” that you are about to lose a customer account? • What are 7 proactive solutions you can do to prevent the loss of a customer account. It’s all about our customers.
Time and Territory Plan • Time Management Techniques • Before you start your car EVERY Monday morning, you must have an effective time and territory management plan completed for the entire week, which must be done over the weekend. • You MUST know: • Where are you going? • Why are you going? • Who you will be seeing when you get there? • What you will do when you get there? • What are your objectives for the visit? It’s all about our customers.
Time and Territory Plan • Schedule Your Prospecting • This may seem fundamental, but prospecting needs to become a habit. • Creating a habit begins with a conscious effort to perform a behavior. In our extremely busy days, weeks and months, that conscious effort usually needs to be scheduled. • This means creating preplanned time to attack your prospective client base, in the same way you would schedule meetings, a time to go jogging or even your lunch hour. • Scheduling a time to prospect for new customers will ensure you hit the necessary number of calls to be successful. It’s all about our customers.
Time and Territory Plan • Schedule Your Prospecting • Because cold calls, in person calls and emails to new prospects are not the most enjoyable responsibilities we have as salespeople, they have a tendency to get pushed by the wayside. • This planning will sustain your sales pipeline and prevent droughts. It’s all about our customers.
Time and Territory Plan • Schedule Administrative Time • The least favorite part of being in sales is performing non-revenue generating activities, such as: handling customer issues, processing sales paperwork, etc. • Scheduling a specific time each day to handle these issues will save you time and relieve a lot of stress. It’s all about our customers.
Time and Territory Plan • Schedule Administrative Time • If a customer needs your help, don’t just drop what you’re doing to address it. We all want to take great care of our customers. However, wasting too much time and energy trying to switch back and forth from task to task will leave you drained. • Whether it’s a customer requesting help or processing sales paperwork, schedule one hour per day (i.e. 5pm – 6pm), to handle any issues that accumulate throughout the day as a sales consultant. That way, you will be able to focus on cold calling or running appointments without any opportunity for distractions. It’s all about our customers.
Time and Territory Plan • Keep Email in Check • NO, this does not mean check your phone every time your phone vibrates! • Checking email only a few key times per day has numerous benefits. Find several select times to process email, whether it’s first thing in the morning, once again during lunch, or during scheduled administrative time. • This allows you to remain focused on the task at hand. You may want to avoid your email in the morning and, instead, dedicate time each morning to sales. Whenever this email interval is, be sure to protect it and do what works for you. It’s all about our customers.
Time and Territory Plan • Time Management Techniques • If it takes less than 2 minutes, just do it • Getting quick and easy tasks out of the way immediately can benefit your productivity enormously. Throughout the day we have small brief to-do’s that can be handled as they come up. This helps to unlock full creativity and productivity, rather than weighing yourself down with tons of work. • Anything requiring more than 2 minutes of attention should wait until scheduled administrative blocks. It’s all about our customers.
Time and Territory Plan • Zone Your Calendar • If you are in outside sales, zoning your calendar is by far the most effective thing you can do to be more productive during the workday. • Each zone is a different geographical location you can prospect. As a sales consultant, you should only work in one zone per day. • Using the “4 day work week” method to divide your territory into 4 zones can be a great starting point. By having 4 zones, and 5 days in a work week, it allows you to hit every zone on different days each week. It’s all about our customers.
Time and Territory Plan • Zone Your Calendar • The primary reason for zoning your calendar is to minimize your time in-between each meeting and each cold call. By breaking your territory up into geographical zones, and only working in one zone per day, you should have hardly any wasted time driving long distances. Here is an example with 4 zones It’s all about our customers.
Time and Territory Plan • Zone Your Calendar • Now, for this to work properly, you must be assertive when scheduling appointments with customers. Too often, sales consultants jump at the opportunity to meet with a prospect. They tend to schedule the appointment at the most convenient time for the prospect, but don’t consider whether or not it is convenient for them. • You must learn to only schedule appointments with prospects on days that you will be in their geographical zone. Your time is valuable, and your sales success depends on using your time wisely. It’s all about our customers.
REVIEW SECTION: • When should you schedule your work week? • What are the 5 questions you must ask yourself before going to see an account? • How should you schedule your prospecting accounts? • How and when should you schedule administrative time? • When should you check and respond to emails? • What should you do with a task that is not an emergency, requires more than 2 minutes of your attention? • What should you do with a task that requires less than 2 minutes of your time? Why? • Explain what zoning your monthly calendar? • What are the benefits of zoning your calendar? • Using the zoning method, when should you schedule visits with prospects and customers. It’s all about our customers.