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Explore the origins of Buddhism, teachings of Buddha, and practices to achieve Nirvana. Learn about the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path for spiritual peace.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Buddhism

  2. Suffering Icebreaker • Answer the following: • Why do people suffer  (3 reasons)? • Based on these reasons what is the root cause of suffering?

  3. Origination of Buddhism • Complete Worksheet as a group

  4. The Story of Buddha • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEe8hI6G0GY • Watch from 6:44-10:24 • Watch from 11:26-22:47 • Complete worksheet

  5. I. Foundations of Buddhism • Siddhartha Gautama “Buddha” • 560 b. c. – 480 b. c. • Prince in Nepal (Hindu) • Young man surrounded by luxury and great wealth • Parents made sure he did not see or experienced anything negative. 3. Left palace to see outside world (29 years old) a. Shocked by old age, sickness and death

  6. 4. Gave up his kingdom, left his wife and children to search for why there was so much suffering a. Rejected his dharma! 5. Wandered for 6 years

  7. 6. While meditating under a tree, the answer came to him • He became Buddha (The Enlightened One) • He was the one with the spiritual knowledge 7. Became preaching his sermon and dedicated the rest of his life to help people overcome suffering

  8. 8. Slow to spread in India 9. Indian ruler during the 200’s b. c. changed the official religion to Buddhism (Asoka) 10. After his death, Hinduism took back over as main religion 11. Today practiced in China, Korea, Japan, and others in Southeast Asia

  9. II. Teachings of Buddhism • Four Noble Truths • Suffering is part of existence. • The origin of suffering is desire (for material goods). • You can end suffering and find spiritual peace. • You can achieve nirvana. • Nirvana is the final death. It stops the never-ending cycle of life, death, rebirth

  10. B. Rejection of rituals • Hinduism believes rituals are important, but Buddhism does not. • Sing hymns from the Vedas, light the sacred fire, make offerings) C. Buddha urged people to be good to one another. • Be kind, gentle and show mercy to one another

  11. D. To achieve nirvana, one must follow the Noble Eightfold Path • Know the truth. • Resist evil. • Say nothing to hurt others. • Do nothing to hurt others. • Get a job that hurts no one. • Free your mind of evil. • Control your thoughts and feelings. • Practice meditation.

  12. Create Eightfold Path and Four Noble Truth Worksheet

  13. Use your notes to answer the following: • Who was the founder of Buddhism? • Where is Buddhism practiced today? • What preaching by Buddha focuses on suffering? • What is Nirvana?

  14. E. Practices • No rituals F. Holy Days • Buddha’s Birthday G. Afterlife • Yes! • You can achieve nirvana where you become one with all people and the universe.

  15. H. Divisions into “sects” or groups 1. Mahayana Buddhism • Greatly influenced by Christianity • Believe that Buddha was more than a teacher

  16. He was a god • Nirvana is a paradise like heaven • Saints can help you achieve nirvana

  17. 2. Therevada or Hinayana Buddhism • Buddha was simply a teacher • Holiest life is that of a Buddhist Monk

  18. 3. Zen • Popular among Japanese samurai warriors • Statues and Temples • Statues of Buddha • Temple: Pagoda: sacred pyramid-shaped tower seen usually in China, Japan, and Korea

  19. The Middle Way- Moderation (between two extreme’s) • Example- Very Expensive Nice Clothing/Tattered Clothing

  20. Tripitaka-Collection of the teachings of Buddhism (Scripture)

  21. Did Buddha teach of the Caste System? Anyone can achieve Nirvana!

  22. Hinduism Buddhism • Caste System

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