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Explore the rich history of ancient civilizations, from the fertile lands of Mesopotamia to the Golden Ages of China and India. Discover the impact of trade routes like the Silk Road and significant developments such as feudalism and belief systems. Uncover the rise and fall of dynasties, religious schisms, and revolutions that shaped the world we know today. Delve into the principles of government, technological advancements, and cultural diffusion that defined these eras.
Fertile Crescent • Rich fertile soil (Tigris and Euphrates Rivers) • Mesopotamia
Paleolithic EraNeolithic Revolution • Paleolithic – hunters followed their food- nomads • Neolithic – settle down, farming and domesticating animals = first civilization
Bantu Migrations • Movement of people from West Africa as a result of the Sahara Desert • Spread Language ie: cultural diffusion
Mandate of Heaven • Order from god which selects leadership in China = Dynastic Cycle • Dynasties:Zhou-feudalismQin-central gov’t and Great WallHan-Golden Age: Confucianism, paper, arts and wheelbarrow
Chinese Inventions • Paper • Wheelbarrow • Ship rudder • Acupuncture • gunpowder
Feudalism • Military service exchanged for land and protection (Japan, China, Europe) • “decentralized gov’t”- no single all powerful ruler
Bushido and Chivalry • Code of conduct for a Knight • Code of conduct for a samurai
Manoralism • Middle Ages in Europe • Serfs worked on self-sufficient manors
Forms of Government • Autocracy: Single ruler with absolute power • Theocracy: Gov’t run by religious leaders/rules • Monarchy: King/Queens • Democracy: People vote for leaders • Totalitarian: one party/person controls every aspect of life (Communism, fascism) **Feudalism is also a form of government**
Hellenistic Age • Age of Alex the Great- he blended PIGE (Persian, Indian, Greek and Egyptian) cultures through his conquest. = cultural diffusion
Pax Romana (Golden Age) • 200 years of peace in Rome • Advancement in many areas • Pax= Peace= trade
Pax Mongolia • Peace in Asia created by Mongol Rule approx. 1280-1350 • Prompted exchange of goods between East and West (China, Russia, Middle East) (C.D.)
Silk Road • Trade route that linked China with the west = cultural diffusion and spread of diseases • Merchants travelled short distances and sold to next merchant= increase prices
Maurya and Gupta Dynasties • Indian Empires- Hinduism and Islam • Created Arabic numerals, decimals and Zero • 200 Years reign • Fell due to weak leadership and invasions
Golden Age of Islam • Many advancements by Muslim civilization • Art and architecture decorated cities • Recorded Qur’an • Developed algebra (solve for “x”) • Doctors had to pass exams after studying disease and medical books
Schism • A split within religion • Examples: -Protestant Reformation (95 theses) -Sunni and Shiite Islam (Iraq, Syria) -Eastern Orthodox (C.D.- Byzantine to Russia)
Crusades 1000s-1200s • A series of religious wars attempting to obtain the holy land (Islam versus Catholicism) • Resulted in an increase of trade (C.D.) and Feudal powers
Belief Systems • Established, orderly ways to look at faith, life and death • Animism/ Shinto • Hinduism • Judaism • Christianity • Islam • Buddhism • Confucianism • Taoism
Constantinople • The Rome of the eastern world • Heart of the Byzantine Empire • Trade city on Mediterranean Sea
Traditional Economy • Trade and bartering for goods • Distribution of goods based on customs, beliefs and habits *subsistence agriculture- growing just enough for your family*
Protestant Reformation • A schism in the Catholic Church that created the Protestant religion. • Martin Luther 95 Theses • Catholic Church loses power
95 Theses • List of grievances (complaints) written by Martin Luther against the sale of indulgences created the Protestant Reformation. • The Printing Press allowed copies of the 95 Theses to spread quickly
Age of Absolutism • Autocratic rules have complete authority, even in colonies- Divine Right • India- Akbar the Great • France- King Louis XIV (sun king) • Spain- Philip II • Russia- Ivan the Terrible AND Peter the Great (Westernized Russia)
Glorious Revolution • Non-violent overthrow of James II by William and Mary of Orange. • They signed the English Bill of Rights which further limited kings’ powers and created a limited monarchy.
The English Bill of Rights Magna Carta • gave rights to the people and took power away from the monarchy 1689 • A charter signed by England’s King John in 1215 • Placed limits on the King’s power
Scientific Revolution • 1500’s and 1600’s new way of thinking that challenged traditional ideas of the Catholic Church. • Based on Reason and Inquiry
Renaissance • Time period when people began to question the Church, a time of Rebirth of science, arts and literature (start in Italy) • Focus on secular (worldly/ non-religious) • Humanism= emphasis on the individual
Enlightenment • People started to question the relationship between themselves and their government. • Period in the 1700s in which people rejected traditional ideas and supported a human reason.
Social Contract • There is a unwritten contract between Gov’t and the people. • If the gov’t isn't taking care of people’s needs they can get rid of it
Geography Terms • Savannah or Steppe: Grassy plain • Peninsula: land surrounded by water on 3 sides • Archipelago: chain of islands • Climate: weather patterns over time (tropical, dry) • Region: areas of land with unifying features (Mideast-political, rainforests)
Socialism • Economic system where all goods are shared so everyone’s needs are met • Common ownership
Capitalism • Economic system based on trade and capital, money is used for investment. • Free Market • Supply and Demand
Laissez Faire • Government should keep hands off economic concerns • Supply and Demand should regulate the economy • Root of Capitalism Money and debt video ^
Age of Exploration • European demand for goods led to exploration to find shorter, safer and cheaper trade routes.
Columbian Exchange • Global exchange of people, plants, animals, ideas and technology that began in the 1400’s • Cultural Diffusion
Middle Passage • The voyage from Africa to the Americas (slave trade)
Encomienda • Racial class structure that made American natives slaves
Mercantilism • Economic policy; export more than import • Raw materials sold cheaply to mother nation; expensive manufactured goodssold to colonies
Law Codes Napoleonic Code-Equality after French Rev Justinian’s Code-Byzantine law code Laws of the Roman Twelve Tables-Basis of today's legal system Hammurabi's Code-Eye for an eye
Imperialism • When a stronger nation takes over a weaker nation’s social, economic and political life • Justified by Social Darwinism • Established colonies
Nationalism • A feeling of pride for one’s nation or group • Has led to conflictex: WWI (MAIN)Decolonization
Congress of Vienna • Led by Metternich after Napoleon's defeat • Conservative: returned monarchs to power • Re-drew the map of Europe to balance power • Surrounded France with strong countries • Created a lasting peace until WWI
Coup d’etat • A quick and sudden overthrow of a government Examples:-Iranian Revolution (Ayatollah Khomeini) -Cuban Revolution (Castro) -Egyptian Revolution (Mubarak)
Pan-SlavismPan-ArabismPan-Africanism • Nationalist movement to unite all similar people in each respective group.
Treaty of Kanagawa • The treaty that forced Japan to open its ports to trade ending isolation (Meiji Restoration) • Commodore Perry and his battleships “politely asked” Japan to trade
Meiji Restoration • Time when Japan Westernized • Modernized- led to imperialism • Ended isolation
Opium War • The British forced Indians to grow Opium, then sold it to China • China fought to have opium shipments stopped • Ended by Treaty of Nanjing
Forms of Imperial Control • Sphere of Influence: claim exclusive trading rights • Colony: expensive to run- control all aspects of life • Protectorate: minimal influence- control local leaders