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BUDDHISM. A RELIGION AND A WAY OF LIFE. Founder : Siddhartha Gautama. 563 – 483 BCE Born a prince , but gave up his possessions to look for answers as to why people suffer. Sat under a tree and found the answers within himself through meditation. Became the “ Enlightened One” the

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  2. Founder: Siddhartha Gautama 563 – 483 BCE Born a prince, but gave up his possessions to look for answers as to why people suffer. Sat under a tree and found the answers within himself through meditation. Became the “ Enlightened One” the “Buddha”

  3. Four Noble Truths-4 guiding principals of the Buddha’s teachings 1. Suffering is part of human life. 2. Suffering comes from desires for pleasure and material goods. 3. People can overcome desire and reach nirvana – a state of perfect peace. 4. People can accomplish this by following the Eightfold Path.

  4. The Eightfold Path-The Buddha believed that this path was the middle way between human desires and denying oneself any pleasure. The Buddha believed that in all life’s situations you should follow this path

  5. Basic beliefs No talk of God or gods. Everyone can reach enlightenment (a flash of understanding). Everyone has a Buddhawithin, the ability to become enlightened. Takes many lives to become enlightened. Believes in ideas of karma, reincarnation, samsara

  6. More beliefs Through meditation, a person can reach enlightenment. Then, when that person dies, samsara ends and the person attains nirvana, and is “one with everything.”

  7. Siddhartha’s disagreements with Hinduism Challenged the authority of the Hindu priests because everyone could achieve salvation on their own. It was the responsibility of each individual to work for his or her own salvation. Opposed to the caste system since everyone was considered equal. Everyone who followed the Eightfold path properly had the opportunity to achieve Nirvana. This opposition won Siddharta many supporters.

  8. Buddhist Way of Life • Meditation • Moderation not too much or too little • Compassion deep caring or love for others • Nonviolent (ahimsa) • Vegetarian

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