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My autobiography

My autobiography. By Ryan Munkley. Hope u enjoy. Contents. Schooling. Birth. My favorotie films. My favorite players. Hobbies. My favorite team. My freinds. Pets. My favorite games. My family. My dream job. Holidays. My best work. My favorite cars. p.e. Accidents.

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My autobiography

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Presentation Transcript

  1. My autobiography By Ryan Munkley Hope u enjoy

  2. Contents Schooling Birth My favorotie films. My favorite players Hobbies My favorite team My freinds Pets My favorite games My family My dream job Holidays My best work My favorite cars p.e Accidents My fovorite music The end

  3. My fovorite music These are my foavorite singers.

  4. Birth Hi my name is ryan I am 11 years old I was born on 4.6.98 in princecharles hospital I weighed 8 poundes 10 and a half the lengh of my body was 54 inches. I had blonde hair and blue eyes.

  5. My freinds My friends are jack joseph scott Morgan Kyle and Adam

  6. Evaluating My Best Performance What I am doing well Video or Picture How can I improve

  7. My Activity Profile Activities I Enjoy Football,rugby,kwik cricket,gymnastics and tennis. My Achievements

  8. Celebrating My Achievement in Physical Education Name:Ryan robert munkley Year:6c School: Edwardsville primary school

  9. Hobbies I like football rugby tennis and cricket I also like going on my ps3.

  10. My favorite teams

  11. Pets I have three dogs called daisy louie and lily I also got two hamsters called princess and elleie.

  12. My favorite films My favorite films are family guy wolverine and disater movie.

  13. My best work This is just of my best pieces of work

  14. My favorite cars My favirite cars are lamborgini bmw and bugati.

  15. My favorite games These are just three of my favourite games

  16. My favorite players My favorite players are ronney tevez and ronaldo

  17. When im older I want to be a famous pool player. My dream job

  18. My fav tv shows Wizards of waverly place. Phineas and ferb Spongebob sqaurepants

  19. Holidays I have been to pamanova on holidays and I have been to butlins and I have been to benidorm.

  20. Accidents When I was younger I got run over and when I was 9 I was diagnosed with diabetes.

  21. In school im very good in english and very good in maths also reading. Schooling

  22. My family

  23. for watching my autobiography By Ryan Munkley

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