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Unit Six The Pace of Life

Unit Six The Pace of Life. Text A Old Father Time Becomes A Terror. Text Organization. Background Information. 1. Richard Tomkins: consumer industries editor of the Financial Times, where he has been a member of the

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Unit Six The Pace of Life

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  1. Unit Six The Pace of Life Text A Old Father Time Becomes A Terror

  2. Text Organization

  3. Background Information • 1. Richard Tomkins: consumer industries editor of the Financial Times, where he has been a member of the editorial staff since 1983. He is currently based at the company's London headquarters, where he leads a team of journalists covering the consumer goods sector and writes about consumer trends.

  4. 2. Stress in the Workplace • It seems that more and more the most common complaint from the American worker is that he or she is under a large amount of work related stress. This is no surprise as surveys show that companies expect each worker to do more with less and work longer doing it!

  5. Do you feel time-pressed/time-stressed? • With our fast paced world everyone wants something done instantly. We eat fast food restaurants, we often stop at corner convenience stores, we carry beepers and cellular phones to stay in touch, we ship overnight, we all have deadlines and everyone is always in a rush… • Is stress good for a person or not ? • A certain amount of stress is good for a person and builds character, extended stress has not only causes health problems but reduced work performance in an individual.

  6. New Words Study Vocabulary: bewilder, convention, multiply, burden, fraction, minute, prosperity, abundance Phrase: set about, eat into, amount to

  7. 1. cope (prologue) • deal successfully (with sb. / sth. difficult ) 对付 cope with 有效地, 成功地对付或应付 deal with 采取行动去对付,并不考虑能否成功 • E.g. 1)Health psychologists study how people cope with stress. 2) People who attempt suicide usually suffer from extreme emotional distress and feel unable to cope with their problems.

  8. 2. set about: (prologue) • begin (a task); start (doing sth.) 开 • Phrases: set about sth/doing sth set out to do sth • E.g. 1) The school authorities must set about finding solutions to the campus security problems. 2) My mom and I set about clearing up after the guests left.

  9. 3. bewilder (line 5) • puzzle; confuse使困惑,使糊涂(这个词在强调困惑的同时也强调极端的思想上的迷惑) Collocation: find sth. bewildering 发现某事很为难 in bewilderment 迷惑地 Word family: bewilderment n. 迷惑 bewildering adj. 令人困惑的 E.g. Big city traffic bewilders me. 大城市的交通使我晕头转向。

  10. 4. eat into (line 6) • gradually reduce the amount of (sth. valuable); damage or destroy吞噬;侵蚀;毁坏 • E.g. 1) All these car expenses are eating into our savings. 2)Responsibilities at home and work eat into his time. • Phrases: eat away 侵蚀,消耗 eat out 在外面吃饭 eat up 吃完,用完,对…感兴趣 eat one’s words 承认说错了话

  11. 5. multiply (line 21) • increase in number or quantity; add a number to itself a particular number of times增加,乘 • E.g. page 207, 3 你应该记住,电冰箱不能够杀灭细菌,它只能降低细菌繁殖的速度. • 1)搭配:multiply one’s chances of success 增加个人的成功机会 multiply A by B 用B 乘A • 2)比较:increase, multiply (增加) increase 指数字、范围、规模、数量等方面逐步增长 multiply 乘,还有“大幅度增加”的意思 • 3)除: divide vt. division n. 除法 乘: multiply vt. multiplication 乘法 add, addition; subtract, subtraction

  12. 6. burden (line 24) • heavy load负担,重负 • Phrase: be burdened with 为…所累/烦 • 比较: load: 指船上或车上的负荷 burden: 指生物所负的重担 • E.g. 1)Many pupils find homework a burden. 2) Some farmers are complaining about the heavy burden of taxation.

  13. 7. fraction (line 31) • small part, bit, amount or proportion (of sth.)小部分,一点儿,少许 • E.g. Only a small fraction of the population lived in that remote area. • 搭配:a fraction of 一小部分… in a fraction of a second 眨眼间 • 【典型考题】She is careful with her money , and spends only a _______of her earnings . A. fragment B. section C. fragrant D. fraction 【解析】fraction微不足道的一部分,小部分;fragment 指说话、文章中的一部分;碎片,断片,片段;section 指整体的组成部分;fragrant香的,芬芳的 D

  14. 8. amount to (line 41) • add up to, be equal to 总计,相当于 • Phrases: amount to (doing) sth 等于, 相当于 • E.g. 1) What you say amounts to a direct accusation. 你所说的话等于直接的指责。 2) His words amount to a refusal. 他说的话等于是拒绝。 3) His debts amount to 5,000 pounds. 他的债务共达五千镑。

  15. 9. minute (line 41) • adj. very small in size or amount极小的,极少的 • Phrases: in a minute 马上,稍等片刻 the minute (that) 一…就,等于 to the minute 准时地 • E.g. 1)Only a minute amount of money is needed. 2)Studies show that water contains minute quantities of lead(铅).

  16. 10. prosperity (line 43) • state of being economically successful; state of being successful or rich繁荣;成功,富足 • 1. Collocation: live in prosperity过着富足的生活 • 2. word family: prosper v. 繁荣,昌盛,成功 prosperous adj. 繁荣的 • E.g. page 208, 5 自13世纪来,这个城镇一直生产羊毛、布匹和地毯,它今天的许多繁荣兴旺仍然建立在这些工业的基础上. • E.g. In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends. 顺境中,朋友结识了我们; 逆境中,我们认识了朋友.

  17. 11. abundance (line 46) • quantity that is more than enough; plenty 丰富,充裕 Word family: abundant adj 丰富的,富于 abundantly adv. 充分地 • Phrases: in abundance 大量,丰富 an abundance of 充裕,富足 abundant in sth. 富于… • E.g. Most milk consists of an abundance of the major nutrients needed by the body for good health. 绝大多数牛奶含大量人体所需的主要营养.

  18. Part One (Paras 1—11) • Main idea: The author thinks there are three reasons why we feel so time-pressed.

  19. Content Questions • 1. What are the reasons why people feel so time-pressed? • 2. Where can people get news, facts and opinions today?

  20. Difficult Sentences Analysis • 1. The aircraft promised new horizons, too. The trouble is, it delivered them. (L 11) • 1) What does the word “trouble” imply? • “trouble” implies the unfavorable effect of the invention of aircraft. • 2) What does the words “deliver” mean and what does “them” refer to here? • “deliver” means to provide or to bring. “ them” here refers to “horizon”. [翻译]飞机也曾有可能为我们拓展新天地。问题是,飞机提供了新天地。

  21. 2. It’s very existence created a demand for time-consuming journeys…, or the trip to a convention on the other side of the world. (L 12) • 1) very: exact 可以表示强调 e.g. This is the very book I want! • 2) “time-consuming”动宾结构(verb-object type) e.g. self-defeating(战胜自己) record-breaking(打破记录) breathtaking(惊人的) • [翻译]其存在本身产生了对耗时的长途旅行的需求,这种旅行,如越洋购物,或远道前往地球的另一半参加会议,以前我们是根本无法想象的。

  22. 3.In the home, washing machines promised to free women from having to toil over the laundry.(L17) • 1) promise to: 保证,一定 • 2) free sb from: 解除负担、义务或限制 • 3) toil over = toil on :艰苦地工作 • [翻译] 在家里,洗衣机可望使妇女摆脱繁重的洗衣劳作。

  23. 4. Meanwhile, technology has not only allowed work to spread into our leisure time…e-mails and voicemails.(L22) • 1) not only…, but…不仅…,而且… • 2) laptop-on-the-beach: 短语形容词 e.g. a face-to-face interview 面对面的面试 a novice-teacher’s mistake   一个见习老师犯的错误 a told-you-so air   一种”我不是给你说过吗”的神情 a by-now-familiar excuse   一个现在为大家所熟悉的借口 [翻译] 与此同时,技术发展不但听任工作侵入我们的闲暇时间——如海滩手提电脑综合症——而且还添加了收发传真,电子邮件和语音邮件这些新的负担。

  24. 5.Technology apart, the Internet points the way to a second reason why we feel so time-pressed: the information explosion.(L27) • 1) … apart: 除了…以外(包括在内) 同义结构: besides, in addition to, etc. * Practice of the Structure: (exercise, P213) • 2) time-pressed: 时间紧迫的 (名词+ed分词) e.g. heartbroken 悲伤的 weather-beaten饱经风霜的,风雨侵蚀的 • [翻译] 发展,因特网指出了我们为何感到时间如此紧迫的第二个原因:信息爆炸。

  25. 6. “In the whole world of scholarship, there were only a handful of scientific journals in the 18th century, …comparative zoology. (L36) • 1) a handful of: 一小部分的 类似结构:mouthful, fistful(一把), spoonful … • 2) the publication of a book: of表示动宾关系(=to publish a book) e.g. the occupation of the city (=to occupy a city) • 3) event: a significant occurrence or happening 大事 • [翻译] “在18世纪,整个国际学术界总共只有屈指可数的几家科学刊物,出版一本书是件了不起的大事,”哈佛大学比较动物学博物馆昆虫馆名誉馆长爱德华.威尔逊说。

  26. Supporting Facts(P204.2)

  27. Assignments • 1. Review the words we learnt today and try to make sentences with the key words. • 2. Preview the new words and read the rest of the text. • 3. Write the accurate meaning of the following useful expressions according to the part I of text A.

  28. Write the accurate meaning of the following useful expressions according to the part I of text A. • 1. 生活节奏 • 2. 忙忙碌碌 • 3. 着手解决 • 4. 提出建议 • 5. 休闲娱乐 • 6. 吞噬我们的光阴 • 7. 交通堵塞 • 8. 耗时的长途旅行 • 9. 个人穿着打扮 • 10. 侵入到,传播到

  29. 11. the information explosion • 12. a tiny fraction of • 13. pour in • 14. the whole world of scholarship • 15. a handful of scientific journals • 16. honorary curator • 17. the expanding frontiers of scholarship • 18. rising prosperity • 19. be driven on • 20. struggle to keep up

  30. Content Questions • Reasons: • ①Technology • ②information explosion • ③rising prosperity • Transitional sentences: Para. 5, 7, 11 • back

  31. Content Questions • Para. 9 • People now got information from 150 television channels, Internet sites, magazines, books and CD-ROM. • back

  32. Unit Six The Pace of Life Text A Old Father Time Becomes A Terror

  33. Words and Phrases to Drill bewilder expedition multiply burden syndrome fraction journal publication comparative frontier prosperity oblige confusion abundance forecast on the go amount to eat into quantities of set about doing pour in a handful of

  34. Part Two (Paras12-18) • Main Idea: Not everyone is time-stressed, and in the case of Americans they have actually gained more free time in the past decade.

  35. New Words Study forecast, perception, nurture, offspring, appliance, distribution

  36. forecast (line 56) tell in advance; predict 预报,预测 fore + n. 前… : forearm 前臂 fore + v. 预… : foretell 预言 【典型考题】I usually listen to the weather_______, though I have little faith in it. A. broadcast B. prediction C. forecast D. announcement • forecast指对未来事件的预测,这种预测建立在某中知识或判断上;broadcast广播,播音 ; prediction 预言,预示announcement 通告,包括告诉要发生的事或已发生的事

  37. perception (line 67) • n.way of seeing or understanding sth.; ability to notice and understand things看法,观念;感知,感觉 • perceive v. 察觉---perception n. 察觉力 • receive v. 接待---reception n. 接待处 [v] …ceive: deceive, receive, perceive, conceive… [n]…ception: deception, reception, perception, conception… • 1) perception of beauty and ugliness • 2) Our teachers also taught us how to increase the powers of perception.

  38. nurture ( line 76) • vt. care for and educate (a child); encourage the growth of (sth.); nourish养育;培养;滋养 • Words family: • nurse护士,保姆 --- nurture v./ n. 养育,营养 • nourish v. 养育,喂养 • nutrition n. 营养,营养学 • 1) Parents want to know the best way to nurture their child to adulthood. • 2) The local government has taken measures to nurture the state-run factories.

  39. offspring (line 76) • child or children of a particular person or couple子孙,后代(总称) E.g. The old man has ______. A. an offspring B. two offsprings C. several offspring D. the offsprings 【试题解析】offspring 子孙后代,其复数形式不变,仍为offspring,且不与 an 搭配 E.g. 1)How do parents pass genes on to their offspring? 2) The atom bomb is the offspring of the 20th century physics.

  40. appliance (line 79) • instrument or device for a specific purpose用具,器皿 • E.g. page 207, 1. • 你可以通过贷款购买基本的家用器具,比如炊具和加热器具. • apply ①应用: appliance用具,器械, applicable适用的, application应用,实施 ②申请: applicant申请人, application申请(表)

  41. distribution: (line 81) • the act of giving things to a large group of people or delivering goods to companies分布,分配 • E.g. page 208, 10. 尽管官方数据具有一定的局限性,但是它们对于收入的分布状况的大体趋势的确提供了一些暗示. [注意] contribution 贡献,奉献 attribution 归因,归属;品质,属性 distribution 分配,分发

  42. Difficult sentences analysis • 1. “It is a convenient shorthand to say we’re all time-starved, but we have to remember that it only applies to, say, half the population,” says Michael Willmott, director of the Future Foundation, a London research company. (L48) • 2. Those who gained the least—less than an hour—were working couples with pre-school children, perhaps reflecting the trend for parents to spend more time nurturing their offspring. (L74)

  43. 1. “It is a convenient shorthand to say we’re all time-starved, but we have to remember that it only applies to, say, half the population,” says Michael Willmott, director of the Future Foundation, a London research company. (L48) 1) “It” 为形式主语,真实主语为“to say we …” 2) shorthand: 简略的表达方法 3) apply to: 适用于 4) “say” 在句中为插入语 (parenthetical expression) 见 Usage(P212) • “说我们都缺少时间只是随意讲讲,我们应该记住,这种说法大约只适用于一半人,”伦敦一家研究公司的未来基金会主任迈克尔.威尔莫特说。

  44. 2. Those who gained the least—less than an hour—were working couples with pre-school children, perhaps reflecting the trend for parents to spend more time nurturing their offspring. (L74) • 1) “reflecting the trend for parents …” 是修饰说明其前面的部分,也可以理解成:“which reflects the trend for parents …” • 2) spend time (in) doing sth: 花多少时间做某事 • 得益最少的—增加了不足一个小时—是有学前子女的双职工夫妇, 这或许反映了父母在抚养孩子方面花费更多时间这一倾向。

  45. Comprehensive questions • Turn to page 203, find out the answers to questions 7 to 9 according to text A with your partner in class. • Keys

  46. P.203. Content Questions 7. Is every one time-starved today? What percentage of the population is suffering under the stresses and strains of life today? ----Not everybody is time-starved. 50% of the population is suffering… 8. What is stress envy, as conceived by Paul Edwards? ---- If you’re not stressed, you’re not succeeding. Everyone wants to have a little bit of this stress to show they’re an important person.

  47. 9. How much free time has the average American gained since the mid-1960s? How are the gains distributed between the sexes? ---They had gained five hours a week in free time. There are appalling inequalities in the distribution between the sexes.

  48. Assignments • 1. Review what we’ve learned after class. • 2. Do the left exercises of unit six on your own.

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