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Chicano Activism: WWII Legacy to Modern Immigration

Explore the enduring impact of WWII on Chicano activism and immigration, from industrial expansion and social movements to the rise of Chicanos. Discover key events like the Bracero Program and Zoot Suit Riots, and delve into post-war social activism, ethnic identity struggles, and immigration policy shifts. Uncover the art, language, and identity movements shaping the Chicano narrative, from historical murals to contemporary expressions. Examine the intricate layers of Chicano identity and the ongoing battles for justice, integration, and coalition building in a multidimensional society.

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Chicano Activism: WWII Legacy to Modern Immigration

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Presentation Transcript

  1. World War II and Social Aftereffects WWII and U.S. Economic Expansion Post-War Social Activism Rise of Chicanos

  2. I. WWII Economic Expansion a. Industrial Expansionb. Military Service

  3. c. Labor Needs and Tension 1. Bracero Program

  4. 2. Zoot Suit Riots

  5. 3. Operation Wetback

  6. II. Post-War Social Activism • LULAC and G.I. Forum • Emerging Middle Class • Assimilation vs. Ethnic Nationalism (Lemon Grove Grammar School Picture, 1928)

  7. III. Rise of Chicanos: a. Reassessing History/Rejecting Assimilation i. Atzlán Ethnic Homeland ii. Post-Colonial Perspective

  8. b. Identity • MEChA • Art, Language and Identity • Hispanic, Latino, Mexican American, Chicano/a (Image: Half Indian, Half Mexican—By James Luna)

  9. c. Mural Movement: • History of LA, Mexican Perspective (Barbara Carrasco) • Gerónimo (Victor Ochoa)

  10. East LA Chicano Art: • La Pistola y el Corazon (George Yepes) • The Arrest of the Paleteros (Frank Romero)

  11. La Malinche (Santa C. Barraza) • Las Lechugueras- (Juana Alicia)

  12. d) Xicana/o: A Contemporary View • Old School Chicanismo (Oppositional Identity) • La Nueva Onda (21st Century Transnational Identity) • Inside and Outside the “System” • Multidimensional I.D. • Variation in Class, Gender and Sexual Orientation • Justice, Alliance, and Coalition Building

  13. 3. Xicana/os and Immigration • Economic Integration: • 1950s: Maquiladoras • 1994: NAFTA

  14. 3. Xicana/os and Immigration b. Immigration Legislation: 1965: Family Reunification 1986: IRCA—Amnesty/Sanctions 1994: California—Proposition 187 2010: Arizona—SB 1070: State Immigration Enforcement 2011: Dream Act c. Involuntary Immigrants

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