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World War II

Learn about the Blitzkrieg strategy used by Germany in World War II, starting with the invasion of Poland and ending with the fall of France. Discover key events such as the Phony War, Dunkirk evacuation, and Operation Sea Lion.

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World War II

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Presentation Transcript

  1. World War II The Blitzkrieg American Neutrality

  2. Review

  3. The Invasion of Poland Sept. 1, 1939 German troops invade from the east Soviet troops invade from the west Britain and France had pledged to declare war if Hitler invaded Poland Britain, France, Australia, and New Zealand declare war on Germany Poland was forced to surrender on Oct. 6, 1939

  4. German Troops March into Warsaw

  5. The Blitzkrieg • Blitzkrieg- German word meaning “lightning warfare” • Military strategy developed by Germany • Utilized tanks (panzers), motorized vehicles, airplanes, and paratroopers to quickly mobilize troops and overwhelm enemy forces

  6. German Panzers

  7. The Phony War • Sept. 1939-May 1940 • Period of calm after the invasion of Poland • Britain and France were expecting Hitler to attack France after the fall of Poland • British moved troops to France to help defend against expected German attack • Germany would attack Denmark and Norway in April 1940 • Wanted to prevent the possibility of being blockaded by the British navy

  8. The Fall of France • May 10, 1940 • Germany launches Blitzkrieg on Belgium, Holland, and France

  9. The Fall of France • France was prepared for a German attack along their western border with Germany • French had constructed a series of forts along this border • These forts were known as the Maginot Line • Maginot Line did not cover the Ardennes Forest because it was thought that Germany could not attack through the thick forest • Germany bypassed the Maginot Line and attacked through the Ardennes Forest

  10. Dunkirk • British and French troops became trapped by German forces in the Belgian sea-side town of Dunkirk • German forces slowed their advance so they did not over stretch their supply lines • Hitler decides to turn over the destruction of the allied forces at Dunkirk to the German Luftwaffe (air force) Hitler with Luftwaffe chief Herman Goering

  11. British Evacuation from Dunkirk • The decision by Hitler to hold back his army gave the British a chance to rescue their forces from Dunkirk • Operation Dynamo • British sent out a request for all available watercraft to head to Dunkirk • 338,000 British and French troops were rescued by 800 ships

  12. France Surrenders • June 1940 Hitler makes the French sign their surrender in the same railcar that Germany signed the armistice ending the fighting in WWI

  13. France Surrenders • France is divided • Occupied France was controlled by the German military • Vichy France was controlled by a puppet government • Did what ever Germany wanted Goering and the head of the Vichy French government Henri Petain

  14. German Forces Advance Across Western Europe

  15. Review

  16. Now Britain Is All Alone!

  17. Operation Sea Lion • Hitler’s planned invasion of Britain • Germany wanted to accomplish two goals before they invaded Britain • Weaken British morale by bombing British cities • Establish control of the air by destroying the Royal Air Force • This lead to the Battle of Britain in August 1940

  18. Battle of Britain:The “Blitz”

  19. The London “Tube”:Air Raid Shelters during the Blitz

  20. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill

  21. The Battle of Britain • The British RAF was able to keep the Germans from dominating the skies • Inflicted major damage to the German Luftwaffe • Hitler cancels Operation Sea Lion • German submarines would inflict damage on Britain by sinking ships bringing supplies to that country

  22. Operation Barbarossa • German invasion of the Soviet Union • When Hitler’s plan to invade Britain failed, he turned his attention on the Soviet Union

  23. Operation Barbarossa: June 22, 1941 • 3,000,000 German soldiers. • 3,400 tanks.

  24. Operation Barbarossa:Hitler’s Biggest Mistake • Germany now was faced with a two front war • German troops invaded the Soviet Union in the Summer • They would advance to within miles of the Soviet Capital in Moscow • Winter then began and the German troops got bogged down • Were unprepared for the Russian winter • Soviets began counter-attack

  25. American Neutrality

  26. American Neutrality • The Neutrality Acts • A series of laws passed between 1935-37 which banned the sale of weapons to nations at war

  27. American Neutrality • The Lend-Lease Act • March 1941 • Allowed America to sell, lend, or lease arms or other war supplies to any nation considered vital to the defense of the United States • U.S ships began escorting British convoys that were endanger of being sunk by German submarines

  28. U. S. Lend-Lease Act,1941 Great Britain.........................$31 billionSoviet Union..........................$11 billionFrance..................................$3 billionChina..................................$1.5 billionOther European......................$500 millionSouth America.......................$400 millionThe amount totaled: $48,601,365,000

  29. Lend-Lease

  30. The Atlantic Charter • Roosevelt and Churchill sign treaty of friendship in August 1941. • Solidifies alliance. • Fashioned after Wilson’s 14 Points. • Calls for League of Nations type organization.

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