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White Holes

White Holes. The other side of Black holes By: Katie Banaszak. Information.

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White Holes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. White Holes The other side of Black holes By: Katie Banaszak

  2. Information • A white hole is the reverse side of a black hole. It is supposed that you can never see a white hole unless you go through a black hole, and going through a black hole is impossible because you would be squished by all the different pressures pushing down on you from all different directions.

  3. How it works. • What goes in a black hole goes out a white hole, white holes are constantly spewing out matter. In the middle of a black and white hole is a worm hole.

  4. Pictures White holes Black holes Worm holes

  5. Discovery • White holes were discovered by scientists wondering about how there are black holes and they suck matter up, so where does that matter go. So they figured out that there are white holes, the place where a black hole ends. No one can actually prove that white holes exist, but something to think about is what's really on the other side of a black hole and out a white hole, what is really over there.

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