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Transition of Clusters in Zimbabwe September 2013 OCHA Zimbabwe. Background. OCHA and the RCO met with the four remaining clusters to review the status of the 2013 humanitarian strategic objectives in order to determine the most appropriate coordination mechanism beyond 2013.
Transition of Clusters in Zimbabwe September 2013 OCHA Zimbabwe
Background • OCHA and the RCO met with the four remaining clusters to review the status of the 2013 humanitarian strategic objectives in order to determine the most appropriate coordination mechanism beyond 2013. • Discussions were structured around three key questions: • Are there residual humanitarian needs in your cluster? • What are the national capacities in emergency preparedness and response, including coordination of partners? • What are the linkages between the cluster with recovery and development partners?
Context and proposed coordination mechanisms • Some humanitarian needs and risks remain. • Needs are however largely chronic in nature rather than the result of an acute humanitarian crisis. • Clusters highlight that the current context in Zimbabwe no longer warrants a continuation of the clusters, a view shared by Government counterparts. • Clusters propose the creation of working groups that build on existing structures led by national authorities and supported by partners. • Discussions with key stakeholders are ongoing and Terms of Reference are being developed.
Food • Coordination by Food Assistance Working Group (FAWG) • WFP will further strengthen the joint implementation of the STA with the MoLSS under ZUNDAF JIM Outputs –”supporting food and cash for assets”. • WFP will continue supporting the FNC as overall strategic policy and coordination body for food in Zimbabwe under ZUNDAF JIM Outputs – “strengthening inter-sector linkages” and “strengthening food and nutrition security committees at national, provincial and district level”.
Health • Coordination by Inter-Agency Coordination Committee on Health (IACCH), chaired by Epidemiological Department in Ministry of Health • WHO to continue its support to the health sector in terms of surveillance and rapid response, coordination, and capacity building as part of the ZUNDAF JIM output – “Capacity for Health Partnerships, Coordination, Planning and Management Strengthened”.
WASH • Exact title and constellation of National Working Group to be determined after more consultations. • Given the continued risk for outbreaks of water-borne diseases, sufficient resources for rapid response needs to be ensured through the ZUNDAF Jim Outputs – “Preparedness and Responses for water and sanitation emergencies at all levels” and “Sector-wide co-ordination and management strengthened to effectively plan implement, manage co-ordinate WASH”. • To further contain risks and address underlying causes, currently under- and un-served areas need to be included in future WASH programs.
WASH • The WASH sector will also be looking into partnerships with the private sector for service delivery as part of ZUNDAF JIM output – Enhanced advocacy for increased public private partnerships and resource allocation. • In view of funding challenges to the EHA beyond December 2013, there is a need to ensure adequate surveillance and response to public health outbreaks through strengthening of National Health Emergency Operations Centre (NHEOC).
Protection (per thematic area) UN Agencies and NGOs will continue supporting national institutions in specific thematic areas (GBV, Child Protection, Displacement and Migration) under the relevant ZUNDAF JIM Outputs. Gender-Based Violence: • Discussions ongoing with Ministry of Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development (MWAGCD) to create national coordination platform + UN Gender Theme Group Child Protection : • Child Protection Network (CPN) as coordination, advocacy and monitoring body in support of Working Party of Officials (WPO) mandated by Cabinet
Protection Displacement and migration: • Displacement and Migration needs to be integrated in poverty reduction and social protection programs addressing root causes of displacement and providing durable solutions. Strategic advocacy and resource mobilization will be crucial in ensuring this.
Going forward • Clusters emphasized the importance of a continued role of Lead UN Agencies in supporting emerging national working groups in terms of coordination, capacity building, and funding. • Given the continued risk for sudden onset disasters and increases in needs, sufficient preparedness and rapid response capacities of the UN family should be ensured and adequate indicators should be integrated in the ZUNDAF M&E Framework.
Going forward • Although much progress has been made over the past year, national emergency preparedness and response capacities remain weak. • Due to the large number of key players active at different levels , more clarity is needed in terms of national mandates, coordination, resources, and logistical capacities. At the sub-national level, there is a need to further rationalize coordination systems to avoid overlap. • Importance of reviving the momentum for the Disaster Risk Management (Bill, Policy and Strategy), to create legal clarity on multi-sector coordination and further strengthen capacities of DCP.
Proposal for 2014 • No humanitarian appeal in 2014. • De-activate remaining clusters by end of December 2013 (flexibility in view of potential needs). • ERF extended until March 2014. • ICF/HCT meet on a needs-basis and are discontinued in June 2014. • OCHA in 2014 and Humanitarian Advisory Team (HAT) in 2015, with support from Regional Office for Southern Africa. • If needs arise, possibility of standard OCHA tools such as CERF, Flash Appeal.