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Poetry Unit. Poetry Terms. free verse. Simple poetry written to sound like regular conversation. Example: Fifty cents a piece to eat our lunch. Poetry Terms. Alliteration The repetition of a letter sound or letters that are close together. Example: Leaping Lions by Natasha Niemi
Poetry Terms • free verse Simple poetry written to sound like regular conversation. Example: Fifty cents a piece to eat our lunch
Poetry Terms • Alliteration The repetition of a letter sound or letters that are close together. • Example: Leaping Lions by Natasha Niemi “Leaping Lions leap after lengthy naps”
“Leaping Lions” by Natasha Niemi • Leaping Lions leap after lengthy naps. They sleepily stretch strong appendages To prepare properly for the precious hunt. Young, youthful lions Gallop gallantly on the grassland plains. Then they too sleep serenely after strenuous stretching.
Poetry Terms • haiku • Japanese poem of 3 lines. The first and last lines have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. The lines rarely rhyme. • Example: “I am first with five Then seven in the middle -- Five again to end.” http://www.pbs.org/parents/creativity/ideas/haiku.html
Poetry Terms • Rhyme • The repetition of accented vowel sounds and all sounds that follow. • Example: • http://dearsantaclaus.biz/grinch.htm
Does this rhyme? • They say in this town, stars stay up all nightWell, I don’t know, can’t see ‘em for the glow of the neon lightsAn' it's a long way from here to the place where the home fires burnWell it's two thousand miles and one left turnDear Mom and DadPlease send money, I’m so broke that it ain’t funnyWell, I don't need much, just enough to get me throughPlease don’t worry 'cause I'm all rightSee, I’m playin? here at the bar tonightWell, this time I’m gonna make our dreams come trueWell, I love you more than anything in the worldLove, your baby girl • Songwriters: Bieser, Troy; Bush, Kristian; Hall, Kristen; Hartley, Robert Bret; Nettles, Jennifer; Simonton, Lisa Kay; • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y75lVEv7Tqw
Poetry Terms • Rhyme Scheme • the pattern of rhymes used in a poem, usually marked by letters • Example: My Beard
Rhyme Scheme My Beard My beard grows to my toes, I never wears no clothes, I wraps my hair Around my bare, And down the road I goes. By Shel Silverstien
Internal Rhyme • Are rhymes with in the lines. • Example: Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning. Edgar Allan Poe, from “The Raven”
End Rhyme • Are rhymes at the ends of lines. • Example: “Condition” by Vikram Seth
“Condition” by Vikram Seth • I have to speak – I must - I should • I ought to speak • I’d tell you how I love you if I thought • The world would end tomorrow afternoon. • But short of that… well, it might be too soon.
Poetry Terms • Limerick • A humorous five-line verse that has a regular meter and the rhyme scheme aabba! • Example: “There was an old man of Peru Who dreamt he was eating a shoe He awoke in the night With a terrible fright And found it perfectly true!” by: Edward Lear
Limerick Example There was a lady from Niger Who smiled as she rode a tiger They came back from the ride With the lady inside, And the smile on the face of the tiger http://www.brownielocks.com Limerick Game!
Poetry Terms • Meter • The pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables. • O Captain! My Captain! By Walt Whitman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6-sBlOeeEk http://classicpoetryaloud.podomatic.com/entry/2007-10-05T00_41_00-07_00# Page 626 (8th grade book)
Rhythm • A musical quality produced by the repetition of stressed and unstressed syllables or by the repetition of certain other sound patterns. • Example: One, two,Buckle my shoe;Three, four,Shut the door.
Poetry Terms • Refrain • A repeated word, phrase, line, or group of lines in a poem or song or even in a speech. • Poem- “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Suess • Song- “Dear mom and dad I’ll send money” Sugarland • Speech- “I have a dream” MLK
Green Eggs and HamBy Dr. Suess I am SamI am SamSam I amThat Sam-I-amThat Sam-I-am!I do not likethat Sam-I-amDo you likegreen eggs and hamI do not like them,Sam-I-am.I do not likegreen eggs and ham.Would you like themHere or there?I would not like themhere or there.I would not like themanywhere.I do not likegreen eggs and ham.I do not like them,Sam-I-amWould you like themin a house?Would you like themwith a mouse?
Warm Up Sharing I’ll share your toys, I’ll share your money, I’ll share your toast, I’ll share your honey, I’ll share your milk and your cookies too- The hard part’s sharing mine with you. By Shel Silverstein • Does this poem have rhyme? • Does this poem have rhyme scheme, if so what is it? • Does this poem have refrain? • Is this poem a limerick? Explain your answer.
Poetry Terms • Narrative Poetry • Poetry that tells a story. • Example: “The Highwayman” by Alfred Noyes • Page 340 (7th grade book)
Poetry Terms • Theme • The implied message of a work, general idea, or insight. • Example: “Mother Doesn’t Want a Dog” by: Judith Viorst • Page 255 (6th grade book)
Poetry Terms • Stanza • In a poem, a group of lines that form a unit. A stanza in a poem is something like a paragraph in prose; often expresses a unit of thought.
Poetry Terms • Mood • The overall emotion created by a work of literature. Mood can be described in one or two adjectives, such as eerie, sad, dreamy, lonely, mysterious, and depressing. • Example: Since Hanna Moved Away
Since Hanna Moved Away The tires in bike are flat. The sky is grouchy gray. At least it sure feels like that Since Hanna moved away. Chocolate ice cream tastes like prunes. December’s come to stay. They’ve taken back the Mays and Junes Since Hanna moved away. Flowers smell like halibut. Velvet feels hay. Every handsome dog’s a mutt. Since Hanna moved away. Nothing’s fun to laugh about. Nothing’s fun to play. They call me, but I won’t come out Since Hanna moved away. Judith Viorst
Poetry Terms • Onomatopoeia • The use of a word whose sound imitates or suggests meaning. • Boom, bang, sniffle, rumble, hush, ding, snort, and buzz. • Boo, Bark, Fizz, Buzz, Hiss, Honk, moo. • Page 180 (6th grade book)
Poetry Terms • Figures of Speech A word or phrase that describes one thing in terms of something else and is not literally true. Also seen as figurative language!
Figurative Language • Personification • Giving an object or nonliving thing characteristics of living (usually human) things. • Examples: • My computer throws a fit every time I try to use it. • The run down house appeared depressed.
The Basketball Game • The basketball swishedAs the ball dived right throughIt was a great shot, this much is trueThe buzzer let out it’s nasally laughThe end of the quarter, the end of the halfThe game did resume when the ref’s whistle barked‘Players get ready’, their interest was sparkedIt was a tough game, the court became scuffedThe brooms cleaned and polished, and made it all buffedThe backboard was aching, as the shots kept on comingDespite its best efforts, the ball kept on drummingWe had so much fun, the basket was tiredAnd all of the players were hot and perspired • Poetry by Alan Loren
Figurative Language • Simile A comparison between to unlike things using “like” or “as”. Example: “His voice is as loud as a trumpet” And “Her eyes are like the blue sky”
What Am I? by Sophie A small pink nose as soft as a rose A pair of beady eyes as black as the night 2 tiny ears as smooth as a feather A long brown tail as twisty as a willow tree branch. An oval little body the size of an egg Fine little whiskers as shiny as a star Small scuttling feet as fast as lightning What am I? Who am I? Can you guess?
Warm Up • 1. Define imagery. • 2. Create an example of a simile. Remember to use “as” or “like”.
Figurative Language • Imagery • Language that appeals to the senses- sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. Most images are visual, meaning they create pictures in our minds. • Example: Otis Redding “Sitting on the Dock of the Bay” • Carrie Underwood • “Two Black Cadillac’s”
Figurative Language • Metaphor • A comparison between two unlike things in which one thing becomes another thing. • Example: • “He is such a bear today.” • “Her home was a prison.” • “Sam is a real pig when he eats.”
Figurative Language • Hyperbole • An obvious exaggeration, usually funny. • Example: • I was so hungry I ate my plate! • He told me a million times not to exaggerate.
Figurative Language • Symbol • A thing (could be an object, person, situation or action) which stands for something else more abstract. For example our flag is the symbol of our country
The Road Not Taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth;Then took the other, as just as fair,And having perhaps the better claimBecause it was grassy and wanted wear,Though as for that the passing thereHad worn them really about the same,And both that morning equally layIn leaves no step had trodden black.Oh, I marked the first for another day!Yet knowing how way leads on to wayI doubted if I should ever come back.I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference. by Robert Frost
Warm Up • 1. Define Refrain • 2. Give an example of a hyperbole. • 3. Define personification • 4. Define imagery. • 5. Create an example of a simile. Remember to use “as” or “like”.
Poetry Terms • Epic • A long narrative poem in elevated language celebrating the adventures and achievements of a legendary or traditional hero. • Example – Homer’s Odyssey • http://classics.mit.edu/Homer/odyssey.1.i.html
Poetry Terms • Ballad • a song or poem telling a story in a number of short regular stanzas, often with a refrain • Example: • The Ballad of Davy Crockett • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PQQ0ck5030&feature=endscreen&NR=1
Sonnet • A poem, that expresses a single complete thought, idea or sentiment. It has 14 lines and contains a rhyme scheme. • It consists of a group of eight lines, rhymed abbaabba, followed by a group of six lines with different rhymes. The distribution of these rhymes can vary, including cdcede, cdecde, cdedce, or even cdcdcd.
Sonnet Example • An example of a Sonnet poem • Scribbler! oh what a joy you can find here • Eric is the one that heads the great team • Full of poems, stories and happy cheer • Hopefully it will make our readers gleam • Bronte's Grammar is full of homework help • Guest authors revealing secrets galore • While the tricky puzzles will make you yelp • There is no way Scribbler! will make you snore • Eric will start a tale needing an end • Fancy a challenge? Puzzle Time is here • Shakespeare picks the great pictures you all send • Ev'ry issue's jam-packed, let's give a cheer • How 'bout finding Eric hidden away • Jump on the Scribbler! wagon, come and play!
Ode • An ode is a lyric poem, usually addressing a particular person or thing. Meaning to sing or chant, and belongs to the long and varied tradition of lyric poetry. • Example: Ode to the Forgotten by Mizz Midnight Fire
Ode To The Forgotten • Ode to the people who were forgottenThey were once loved and cared forOde to their livesEveryday they hurtWhile in desperation for loveand generosity.Ode to their heartThat was torn apart viciouslyWith little considerationOf their inner feelingsOde to their memoriesThat bring back happinessOr to the onesThat are very vague.Ode to those who have triedThose who haven't given upThe ones that will keep climbinFor them life hasn't been easy. • MIZZ MIDNIGHT FIRE
Lyric Poem • Lyric Poetry consists of a poem, such as a sonnet or an ode, that expresses the thoughts and feelings of the poet. The term lyric is now commonly referred to as the words to a song. Lyric poetry does not tell a story which portrays characters and actions. The lyric poet addresses the reader directly, portraying his or her own feeling, state of mind, and perceptions. • Lyric poems have a musical rhythm, and their topics often explore romantic feelings or other strong emotions. You can usually identify a lyric poem by its musicality: if you can imagine singing it, it's probably lyric
Lyric Poem Example • Edgar Allen Poe: The Bells http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/medny/venturi-poebells.html • http://pbskids.org/arthur/games/poetry/lyric.html
Poetry Terms • Plot • A series of related events that make up a story • What happens in a story, novel, or narrative poem.
Poetry Terms • Setting • The time and place of a story or poem. Where it takes place; the season, location, year. • It was a dark and dreary night
Poetry Terms • Characterization • Way a writer shows the personality of a character • Example: • physical description — telling us what the character looks like • dialogue — what the character says • physical actions — what the character does (particularly in relation to what he or she says or thinks.) • thoughts, or metal actions — the character's inner life, what the character thinks • judgment by others — what other characters say and think about this fictional person
Poetry Terms • Diamonte/Diamond • A poem in the shape of a diamond. Each line uses specific type of words like adjectives and –ing words. It does not have to rhyme. • Example: