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The Civil War

The Civil War. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0d/DeadUnionsoldiercivilwar.jpg. http://www.usronline.org/staff/cavallini/specialPrograms/eUllrich/ow/images/civil%20war%20soldiers.jpg. By: Liam Vogelsong. http://www.zunal.com/myaccount/uploads/gettysburg_charge.jpg.

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The Civil War

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  1. The Civil War

    http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0d/DeadUnionsoldiercivilwar.jpg http://www.usronline.org/staff/cavallini/specialPrograms/eUllrich/ow/images/civil%20war%20soldiers.jpg By: Liam Vogelsong http://www.zunal.com/myaccount/uploads/gettysburg_charge.jpg
  2. When did the Civil War occur? The Civil War began with the battle of Fort Sumter on April 12th 1861 in South Carolina The south had recently seceded due to numerous disagreements on laws, politics, and rules Two of the main causes were Slavery and States Rights They were also unhappy with the presidential election of Abraham Lincoln
  3. Who was involved in the Civil War? The two main sides in the Civil War were the Confederacy (South) and the Union (north) There were also neutral sides such as Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia,…. The Union was expected to crush the south due to sheer numbers of soldiers and land and also their supplies and industrial advantages No one knew how long and violent the war would last
  4. Union States Union States Pennsylvania New Jersey Maine New Hampshire Vermont New York Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Ohio Michigan Illinois Indiana Kansas Iowa Minnesota Wisconsin Oregon California http://www.ottssutlery.com/images/reg_flag_union_civil_war.jpg
  5. Confederate States Confederates (In order of secession) South Carolina Mississippi Florida) Alabama Georgia Louisiana Texas Virginia Arkansas North Carolina Tennessee http://www.russmasterson.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/388870confederate-flag-flying-on-a-pole-posters.jpg
  6. Border States These states did not secede but were not completely loyal to the union These States were….. Delaware Kentucky Missouri Maryland
  7. Alliances The alliances in the civil war were the Confederacy and the Union These two fought over control of America and disagreements http://kish.in/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/wpid-civil-war-uniforms.jpg http://techcenter.davidson.k12.nc.us/spring0210/civilwar.jpg
  8. Abraham Lincoln February 12th, 1809- April 14th, 1869 South was not happy with his election Died of assassination by John Wilks Booth shortly after the end of the war Rid the country of slavery and held together a divided nation Was a very persuasive speaker and very intelligent
  9. Jefferson Davis June 3rd, 1808- December 6th, 1889 Fought in the Mexican War when he was younger Left due to bad health and went into politics Served as senator and was elected president by popular vote when the states seceded Didn’t want to go to war and had a hard time managing the country during the time Was captured and held prisoner for a year until he was bailed out Then he went on a number of unsuccessful business attempts until his death
  10. Fort Sumter http://www.charlestonbatterytour.com/fort-sumter-fire.jpg Recently after succeeding when tensions were very high between the Union and Confederacy South Carolina demanded that the Union withdraw from Charleston’s Harbor The confederates had control of everything except Fort Sumter On April 12th 1861 Brigadier General Beauregard ordered the attack on Fort Sumter The battle then lasted for two days before the Union surrendered on April 14th with no casualties at all This was the beginning of the civil war Surprisingly there were no casualties The North was led by Major Anderson and the South was led by Brigadier General Beauregard http://www.travelhostofcharleston.com/images/fort_sumter__001_rev.jpg
  11. First Battle of Bull Run July 21st, 1861 Took place near the Occoquan River The Union was hoping to take control of Richmond Virginia The Confederates were led by General Beauregard and Colonel Jackson and the Union was commanded by General McDowell The Confederates held their ground under command of Colonel Jackson and allowed troops to gather reinforcements They then counterattacked and forced Union to retreat Both sides recognized how long and bloody this war would be Union Casualties: 2,900 Confederate: 2,000 The Union had 28,00 men and the Confederates had 33,000 http://www.xtimeline.com/__UserPic_Large/9015/ELT200805021238340110817.JPG
  12. Battle Of Gettysburg http://college.cengage.com/history/us/resources/shared/primary/source/images/gettysburg1.jpg Took place on July 1st-3rd, 1863 In Gettysburg, Pennsylvania The Union had 93,921 troops and the Confederate had 71,699 The Confederates were led by General Robert E. Lee and the Union had Major General George Meade Casualties: Total: 46,286 Union: 23,055 Confederate: 23,231 One of the biggest battles in American History The biggest battle of the Civil War
  13. http://www.hanscomfamily.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Battle-Of-Gettysburg-1863-Printed-By-L.-Prang-And-Co.-1887.jpg http://www.hanscomfamily.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Battle-Of-Gettysburg-1863-Printed-By-L.-Prang-And-Co.-1887.jpg Battle of Gettysburg Before: General Robert E. Lee was moving towards Philadelphia fighting any Union troops along the way. Day 1: Confederate troops and Union troops fought, Union had to retreat and dug in Day2 : Despite brutal fighting and heavy attacks from ground and artillery forces the Union held their line Day 3: 12,500 Union troops held Picket’s charge and charged the line at Cemetery Ridge. Union troops held them off with tremendous rifle and artillery fire, ending the battle and causing the south to retreat http://www.old-picture.com/civil-war/pictures/Gettysburg-Battle-Dead.jpg
  14. 2nd Battle of Fort Fisher Lasted 3 days, January 13th-15th 1865 Fort Fisher, North Carolina The Union was commanded by Major General Alfred Terry and Rear Admiral David D. Porter The Confederacy was commanded by Major General W.H.C. Whiting and General Robert F. Hoke Casualties for the Union were 1,388 and the Confederates had 583 This battle closed off one of the last ports for the south and led the Union to Wilmington
  15. Battle of Appomattox The south had recently abandoned its capital of Richmond, Virginia The battle began on April, 9th, 1865 The Union was commanded by General Grant while the Confederacy was led by General Robert E. Lee The Union had 164 casualties and the South had 500 along with 27,800 troops surrendering This battle marked the end of the war as the south was being pushed back and they were running low on supplies http://www.reflectionsgallerytn.com/images/troiani/Degress%27-Battery--Battle-of-Atlanta-600-x-370.jpg http://www.1stconfederatebattalion.org/appomattox-ch.jpg
  16. Weapons of The Civil War Cannons and Artillery Split into either a smoothbore or rifled cannon Classified by the weight of their shot, 12lb, 32 lb, 24 lb, etc. But could also be classified by caliber, or size of bore Most common was the Napoleon a smoothbore 12 pounder They were usually horse drawn and were operated by crews. They had many different types of shots such as solid shot, grape , canister, shell, and chain. There range could be anywhere from 250 to 2,000 yards depending on the type of shot, weight, and type of cannon The target had to be seen to be able to fire at it The North had a much higher advantage of cannons with a wider variety and more being produced due to its industrial strength http://www.old-picture.com/civil-war/pictures/Artillery-Civil-War-001.jpg http://img.groundspeak.com/waymarking/display/2999dd3d-78ac-4cb8-930e-b13dcf6e711f.jpg http://archive.liveauctioneers.com/archive4/affiliatedcoins/15156/77131_3_lg.jpg
  17. Fire Arms Smooth bore, muzzle loading muskets were common These weapons did not fire much longer than 100 yards and took much time to reload There was also a rifled musket with much greater accuracy of over half a mile Most rifles were used when the soldiers would charge the enemy line and fired in mass volleys of bullets They mainly fired round minnie balls much of that to a cannon but much smaller They were classified by caliber Pistols were carried by every soldier Thousands of different pistols were used among the war by both soldiers There was a high debate on whether to use muzzle (front loading) or breech (back loading) The most common were the Colt 1851 Navy which was used by the south and the Colt Army 1860 was used by the Union Both were single action 6 shots http://www.kidport.com/reflib/usahistory/civilwar/Images/Rifles.jpg http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31D798KH1PL._SL500_AA300_.jpg
  18. Edged Weapons Many officers or cavalry men carried swords They stated rank and power of a soldier Bayonets: Bayonets were small knifes fitted on the end of weapons They were used in close range fighting and charges http://www.tbhabitat.com/images/Civil_War_Accoutrements1.jpg http://www.old-picture.com/civil-war/pictures/Union-Soldier.jpg
  19. Vehicles Vehicles as we know today were nothing like they were back then Soldiers and Calvary walked or rode horses to their destinations often talking weeks or months There were trains for shipping supplies and transporting some soldiers. There were also ships to transport soldiers or supplies or used to fight. They played a huge role in the war One of our very own ships was the C.S.S. North Carolina The ships were mainly wood with cannons but some armored ships with turrets were developed later on http://www.cartoonstock.com/lowres/csl1508l.jpg http://www.civilwaracademy.com/images/Steam-Frigate.jpg
  20. How it affected our future The civil war will leave a ever lasting impression in our countries history Hundreds of thousands of men lost their lives and even innocent civilians were killed It also changed relationships between black and whites Our president was killed due to its outcome and it certainly was a tragedy It it also set a reminder that we cant just get our own way and leave cause we don’t like things the way they are Even today we see disputes over flags and people of the north and south even though it ended over 100 years ago there is still a lasting dispute of it
  21. The end The civil war lasted almost 4 grueling years. It ended on April 9th 1865 at 11:50 a.m. after General Lee signed a letter of surrender. Grant could have had many soldiers imprisoned for treason but didn’t to repair a shattered nation and make the best of things\ The war ended shortly after the battle of the Appotomax when Lee and his army were low on supplies and morale. Their economy was down and the confederates had abandoned their capital 175,000 Confederate troops remained in the field afterwards and there were a few battles after the war for the soldiers had not yet heard of the end The final surrender occurred June 23, 1865 The war was to be foreverhttp://karenswhimsy.com/public-domain-images/civil-war-battlefields/images/civil-war-battlefields-6.jpg remembered http://karenswhimsy.com/public-domain-images/civil-war-battlefields/images/civil-war-battlefields-6.jpg
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