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Vietnam. Cold War: Vietnam. Vietnamese: mainly farmers who fought against colonization from China and France. - Ironically originated as an imperialist Chinese tribe. First Indochina War (1946). Colonized by the French before WWII Taken over by the Japanese during WWII
Cold War: Vietnam • Vietnamese: mainly farmers who fought against colonization from China and France. - Ironically originated as an imperialist Chinese tribe.
First Indochina War (1946) • Colonized by the French before WWII • Taken over by the Japanese during WWII • Thought they would be freed after WWII, but French tried to maintain control • very angry with French presence; always fighting, revolting. • Ho Chi Minh led the Vietminh (communist anti-French liberation group) • French lost war due to poor military tactics (Dienbienphu)
Geneva Accords, 1954 • France pulled out; technical defeat • North (communist) and South temporarily divided until they hold a unification vote • Eisenhower angry with French “loss” in war (falling dominoes) • US felt they could do a better job than France, also very anti-communist • US did not feel it was tied to Geneva Accords and could still act independently. (Allen Dulles - CIA)
Why the Vietnam War? • Cold War influence: U.S. view: stop a communist threat Vietnamese view: gain independence • Culture Clash: U.S. view: Vietnam was a backwards society Vietnamese view: self-sufficient agrarian community. • Type of War: U.S. view: another event of the Cold War Vietnamese view: Civil War • Perception of U.S. presence: U.S. view: protect ‘Nam from communism Vietnamese view: U.S. are Imperialists.
U.S. Commitment to Vietnam • Kennedy -JFK made initial commitment to Vietnam. -Vietcong gaining strength, JFK could not ignore Vietnam like Eisenhower. -by 1963, 16,000 troops in ‘Nam.
JFK’s reasons: • save 3rd world from Communism. • Make up for Bay of Pigs. • Show USSR willingness and ability. • re-election. *before his death, JFK showed signs of wanting to leave Vietnam.
Lyndon Johnson - Gulf of Tonkin Incident - Tonkin Gulf Resolution - Pentagon Papers - Tet offensive - My Lai Massacre - protests - 1st televised war
LBJ wrongly accused of all ‘Nam responsibility. 1. already committed. (JFK) 2. advisors urged LBJ to escalate in ‘Nam. 3. Republican pressure.
Nixon tries a different approach: LBJ’s view: stop spread of communism result- escalation Nixon’s view: Communism not as dangerous, establish détente. result- ping pong diplomacy
Nixon Doctrine • won’t help all free nations in need, only one’s where it will make a difference and there is national interest. • “The legacy of Vietnam does not mean that we will not send our sons anywhere, it does mean that we will not send our sons everywhere.”
Vietnamization: • slow removal of troops, attempt to negotiate peace with Vietnam • U.S. faced a foreign policy identity crisis • Turn over responsibility to ARVN forces