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Verbals. Definition.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Verbals

  2. Definition • A verbal is not a verb; it is a former verb doing a different job. Gerunds, participles, and infinitives are the three kinds of verbals. Gerunds are nouns made of verbs; participles are adjectives made of verbs; and infinitives are nouns or modifiers made of verbs. In other words, when we change a verb into a different part of speech, we call it a verbal. Verbals are nouns, adjectives, or adverbs made out of verbs.

  3. A verbal can be a single word, or it can join other words to become a verbal phrase. Example: Take was thinking, saw off the helping verb was and now we can use the verb thinking as a noun. Thinking is my favorite activity. In that sentence, thinking is a gerund. It is not yet a verbal phrase, but we can add words to it to make it one. Rapidly thinking thoughts is my favorite activity.

  4. Brushing his face was bigfoot’s hobby. Do we have a verbal phrase? What is the subject of the sentence?

  5. Which sentence is correct? Meeting you and me was his purpose. Meeting you and I was his purpose. REMEMBER: A subject is a subject and an object is an object.

  6. Remember • A phrase acts as a single part of speech; this means that it can also be a single part of sentence. • The phrase could be the subject. It might be the direct object. We have to think of phrases as a group of words acting as one word.

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